Armor & Defenses of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms
Armor of the Steel Realms are defensive Armaments of the Steel Realms. They use the general mechanics of Armor and Item properties using crafting, technology, or mystic operations. Mystical items in the Steel Realms typically are unique & Singularly Bound, though many use Standard Augmentation. Because war is ever-present, there are official policies about the sale of armaments during times of war and peace that is part of the culture around armaments in the Steel Realms. Regardless of policy, most places have some form of Basement Armaments for armor. Very little armor is made of Beryllium due to its expense. Aside from items in the Heroes Hall – Reliquary of the High King, like the armor for the Black Gorgons of the High King, there any many individual Notable armors with long histories.

i20™ Armor Details

Armor Unique to the Setting
Armor Value Requirements Properties Cost
Sigaeks Breath AC 11 Mage Armor
[Cast grants RE +1]
Order or Group reward 0
Bark Strip AC 13
RE +0
Pine Tribes Only Damage Absorption 1 0
Hardkit Armor AC 12
RE +2
Ducateon/Dwarf Only
Dunstrandian Doublet AC 11
RE + 1
bannerman only
11 lbs; 50
Fandelkrayne AC 13
RE +2
Tailored by design 10 lbs; Barrier: [2] Fire 1200
Ice Lizard AC 14
RE +2
Match Fitted 16 lbs; Barrier [2] Cold 3200 silvers
(Cuir Bouilli)
AC 11 100
Padded AC 11 Bulky 20
Studded Leather AC 12
RE +1
Trunkwind (rope) AC 11
RE +2
Riverfolk only cannot Dash 400
Fiend Skin AC 13
RE +1
Damage Absorption 2, Barrier [8 (total)] Acid/Fire 1800
Trunkwind (rope) AC 11
RE +2
Riverfolk only cannot Dash 400
Medium ARMOR
Breastplate AC 14
RE +1
STR 12 Used alone (light padded hauberk)
or layered with [Match Fitted] Flexible
Chain Shirt
(Half Chain)
AC 13
RE +1
Flexible 400
Dwarven Clater
Mtn. Armor
AC 13
RE +1
STR 10 +2 Climb; Adv. on checks to stop falling
+5′ Climb Movement if under max.
-5′ normal Movement
Half Plate AC 15
RE +2
Hawser Buttress (rope) AC 13
RE +1
Gwinnish only Damage Absorption 1 400
Hide AC 12 Bulky 100
Pine Splint AC 15
RE +0
Pine Tribes Only Damage Absorption 1, Barrier [2 (total)] Acid/Fire 0
Scale Mail AC 14
RE +1
Scaled Hauberk
AC 15
RE +1
Reinforced 2500
Ring Mail AC 14
RE +2
Chain Coat
AC 16
RE +3
Damage Absorption 1, Durable, Flexible 12000
Chain Mail AC 16
RE +2
Flexible 4500
Splint AC 17
RE +2
Reinforced cost 50% 6000
Plate AC 18
RE +3
Umbakian War Plate AC 19
RE +4
STR 15 Reinforced, Tailored,
Barrier [3 (total)] Acid/Cold/Fire
Bracer 12
Buckler – Light D3 Weaponized 25
Buckler – Heavy RE +1 D4 Weaponized 60
Large – Light +3 AC
RE +1
D4 Weaponized 150
Large – Heavy +3 AC
RE +3
14 STR D6 Weaponized 250
Medium – Light +2 AC
RE +1
D4 Weaponized 100
Medium – Heavy +2 AC
RE +2
12 STR D6 Weaponized 175
Small – Light +1 AC D4 Weaponized 30
Small – Heavy +1 AC
RE +1
D4 Weaponized 70
Weaponized: Character must be proficient with the item; D3 as an Improvised Item

Battle Square Treated Properties

The armor treatment of the smiths of the war god Mizras have a standard application. The common effect is to provide Barrier: [2 (total)] Fire/Acid, and a special and secret practice that doubles Reinforced (x2 total points absorbed). This treatment is only given to chain, plate and scale armor.

Sigaeks Breath Properties

  • Disguise Aura: If Disguise Self is used it suppresses the items magical aura if so desired.
  • Spell Trinkets: When new, it has 2+D6 spell trinkets, sewn onto the item like a Robe of Useful items; these can be used in place of an Arcane Focus if one is not present or broken. Each rank with the order they will place another 3 on the item.
  • Pockets of Useful Items: In addition, it has pockets which operate as a Robe of Useful items: hand mirror, knife, quill, ink pot, 10 sheaf’s fine paper (all of these replaced at each rank or by payment).
  • Sigilry: The magus must trace their sigil in gold ink (real; 1 Cost Portion) to enable the spell Mage Armor causing the item gains +1 Resilience when cast for its duration. If it is used, the vestment requires a Mending cantrip to keep it from falling apart at the end of the Mage Armor duration.
  • Warding: If the cantrip Blade Ward is cast on the wearer by the wearer, it lasts for 2 turns.

[Umbakian] (Heavy) Upholstering Properties

Umbakian Upholstered (heavy) armor has the following impact: Cannot support Underpad; -1 Initiative; Increases the minimum Strength requirement by 1 (or adds a minimum of 11); Reduces the maximum Dexterity bonus by 1; As long as the armor has Resilience (other than Base Resilience), it gains +1 AC.

iCore iCore™ Armor Details

Armor Descriptions

Dunstrandian Doublet: Made for all weather, it is a signature padded armor used in Dunstrand for levies and military alike. The use of the materials ensures a lesser degree of wound infections, and the double stitch makes it more sturdy than most gambesons. It is a doublet, with quilted [horse hair] stitching w/each compartment layered in silk scraps and horse hair; built in leather hood and oiled serape for winter. Its enhanced cost is offset by the higher survivability in levies and bulk supplies in the large horse herds in the southeast of Dunstrand.

Dwarven Clater: Dwarves have prfected the art of fighting in the rugged mountains. Whereas Ducateon prefer underground tight quarters, or open field units, Dwarves tend to fight as single and small groups. The Clater armor is essentially leather scales with metal wedges, and hobnail boots. It makes plenty of noise, but there is none better for fighting in mountainous terrain.

Fandelkrayne: Made using the oils from the Narvo plant in the Duchy of Fandelok, and the horse hide from the mares of T’yendi hills and breed with the males of eastern Fandelok it creates a strong, supple leather non magical in nature, but with the superior qualities of magical leather – even more. The armor can be used to interpose and reduce non magical fire – but it cannot be repaired. The armor is highly sought after and expensive.

Fiend Skin: In the south, it was common after the fall of the southern empire to skin the carcasses of the fallen fiends (demons) and make enchanted leather armor. It was light, stretched to fit from small to large or even larger, and lasted forever. Damage to them was expensive to repair it requires magic or exposure to a holy nimbus and over the years they have gotten ruined, though many “suits” still exist. Those wearing it will detect as a fiend.

Hawser Buttress: Gwinnish [Marine] [thick] rope armor

Ice Lizard: The massive lizards that used to prowl the north now only are found in the mountain ranges, underground and in the lands beyond the Blue Wall. They are prized in the north by all for their light weight and protection. The armor is Immune to Cold damage. If ever it is taken to warmer climes (out of the Hinterlands generally), it becomes Hide Armor – with all those statistics.

Pine splint: Made and treated in a special ceremony by the shamans of the Pine Tribes.

Sigaek’s Breath: This is the general name of the Ceremonial magic of the Occult Orders of the Steel Realms that creates a magical vestment tied to their order’s oaths and members. There is a minor version of this defensive apparel that nearly all orders provide as part of their normal initiation and services to members, and a major version which augments and protects the occultist even more. It is woven of thread “doused in The Pattern and spun by breath’s of occultists in their waking dreams”. It is a robe or long cape with hood (capable of covering the wearer if needed). Each order also has a unique minor affect their members can evoke by virtue of their oaths and the sigil inscribed. The most famous of these, and most powerful in the realms is Mexin’s Gold Ward.

Trunkwind: This is a traditional armor made by the Rivermen society in the North Merchant Cities. It is a hemp rope that is treated with an oil and rolled in a particular clay. It cannot be taken off without destroying it, it is used only in times of turmoil and war. It does not impede in rigging or on a pitching deck, but the wearer loses some movement if they attempt to run. The specific secret of making this armor is guarded by the Riverfolk.

[Umbakian] Upholstered (heavy)

Heavy upholstered worn armor is made by Umbak to reflect the general size and strength of their populace. It is an extra leather layer, and heavy stitching, laces, and linking. The expense of the materials in both application and fixing it means it really only done in preparation for war. It is, essentially, a custom fitted form of Underpad and prevents additional Underpad armors from being used. The thread used in this process is spun from the champion war mares hair and the cut hair of Aerna’s preistesses, woven and blessed. Weight in increased by only 10%, it is bulkier than normal. Anyone found in possession of this without the approval of the church or armorers of the Lightbringers will likely face their wrath.

COST = 15% of the armor it is being applied to as a treatment.

Umbakian War Plate: Umbakian made armors for Umbakian knights only. Its a death sentence for anyone else caught with it by an Umbakian. This style/make of armor is also common to the fallen eastern lands and several armor smiths in Oerdney.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic