Cutglib (warriors’ speech of Mizras)

Steel Realms
Maximum Level of Learning is below ‘Fluent‘.

Pronounced “cut-glyb” – One of the languages of the Steel Realms.

A guttural chanting and series of body movements meant to imitate the sound and action of fighting in order to communicate in secret. This is practiced by the warrior brotherhoods and priesthoods, mostly of Mizras. It has no written from, and can only communicate up to a level just below conversational conceptually. It follows no known language rules, only a base level up to 2. It is considered a dead language – fallen out of use by the Mercenary Guilds of the heartlands for some reason. It is not spoken by anyone now, though the priesthood maintains a phonetic translation/reference in Gladnorean as part of their ancient records.

It is also called “Stalkers Sign” and still practiced by some of the World Watcher rangers.

Cutglib correlates to the universal ideas of Body Speak.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic