There are 5 main wizard lines that still exist in the Riverdans. Generally such wizard characters are good and independent – its the way of the free folk of the Riverdans, and the wizards are immersed in that culture. They would automatically be allied with House Malor and maintain dual membership (House Malor a Minor Presence). The wizard lines are referred to as “Spires” – each, regardless of specific type of wizard line, is traditionally housed in a pointed tip tower – a Spire.
The is a master/apprentice tradition, not a collective.
The is a master/apprentice tradition, not a collective.
The is a collective, not a master/apprentice tradition.
The is a collective, not a master/apprentice tradition.
The is a master/apprentice tradition, not a collective.
These are vanished – the last practitioners died out and their contents sold or distributed.
The was a master/apprentice tradition, not a collective.
The was a collective, not a master/apprentice tradition.