Malorian Prohibitions

Steel Realms

The famous Malorian Prohibitions govern the use of the mystical arts within the boundaries of the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand. They are instituted, regulated, and enforced by House Malor of Dunstrand.

Malorian Tabulation

All magic practicing entities that travel within the boundaries of the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand are expected to submit themselves to “Tabulation”. Their identity is noted, as well as any ‘notes’ by House Malor, are given a piece of chain. It is theirs to keep for life. It is re-imprinted by House Malor when they travel through or conditions on their operation change. If it is more than 20m away from them for 10 minutes, a ‘distress’ message is sent to The Panopticon of the order.

Tabulata Malorum” – Chain pieces given to those marked safe by House Malor. Other of House Malor will get encoded data from it with their Institution Charm (the ‘weak link’ that hangs loose from their chain of office). Any flags or warnings will be encoded as well.

– State your identity (records the voice of the entity for ID by House Malor members), your purpose for travel, enter and expected leave dates, and stated need for the use of mystical powers.

Malorian Censure

Partial Hindrance

Alerts are made in violating the practice of mystic arts. They are sent to local centers of Malorian presence as well as The Panopticon.

Full Censure

Until the censored target leaves the formal borders of The grand Duchy of Dunstrand, they have a chance of spell failure, and every attempt is marked as a ‘Partial Hindrance’. House Malor knows of all attempts and records them in The Panopticon of the order.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic