The great Southern Vastness represents everything south of the Coshesus Abyssal. Sometimes called the “Sundered South” for that reference. Nakria and beyond, to the Impli Peninsula and jungles and steppe are vast distances that have no traffic with or look to the core of the Steel Realms for anything. Many enclaves of different specifies exist, looking to the north and west and avoiding making their presence known ad seeking to leave in peace without the threat of such things as Dragons, Lich Lords, or the creatures of the Darklands. For them, the Nakrian empire is the buffer zone that safeguards their lives and security.
Stone Tree of the South
The symbol of the Southern Vastness is the “Stone Tree”. Once alive, now brought to ruin, petrified and it growth stopped. IT is a symbol both of life in the face of death, and many subtle ideas the represent the southern Steel Realms.