The artificers and/or priests of the Automata Brigade of Virtue and Reason in the kingdom of Umbak often rely on the foundational ‘Hearth Magik‘ to summon and control elemental powers to provide a fuel for their constructs, contraptions, and machines. The Elemental Hearth Magik of Umbak is the class of mystical powers that is used as a power source for their items – such as Florent’s Array.
Although there is little Occult perception among the practitioners in Umbak, they draw upon the elemental Sparks, harnessing them as a power source through ritual bargains. In return, the elementals are often allowed to consume sacrificial materials of sources they can imbibe. The outward trappings are an exchange of materials to ’empower’ something, but really it is a consumption of the elementals of material that pleases their palettes. The materials are mostly items made by the Automata Brigade with materials enjoyed by the elementals. The joy in consuming and deconstructing ‘made’ items back into elemental constituents also pleases the them.