The Amarata is the Way of Hospitality. Umbakians pride themselves on their refined tastes, cleanliness, order, and strength. They express this by following the precepts of the Priestess Amarata of Aerna – from thousands of years ago. The way dictates that the hospitality of the hearth is the path to goodness, purity, and discipline. All must have a hearth wherever they go, to remind them of family and home. It is very orthodox and traditional – an art and way that is dying out. The Amarata was originally written down in CY 1190. The original stone tablets they were recorded on are cracked and worn, they are documented on silvered sheets, in the way of the Ducateon copper scrollwork. Each year a new set of three tablets is made, an exact duplicate in the original High Dundaran. In ceremonies, the matriarchs wear ‘The Hearth Tenders’ Dress’ made with a golden hem.
Although the Amarata is not official outside of Umbak, many of its principles and teachings find their way into the shared litany of The Church of Light through The Houthas.
The “way” is comprised of sayings, call-and-response greetings, a way of organizing certain things (Feng Shui) , colors, date and time observances and prayers, etc. It is the heart of the concepts of “duty”, “honor”, “loyalty”, and “family” for Umbak.
The origins of The Houthas are sourced in Amarata.
The toast for the Drink of the Hearth was originally made from pears and apples in the Saison Fields of the Falcon Reach area of Umbak. It counts as a major Dietary boost for healing and provides better rest. Drink and Stew of the Hearth together count as Extraordinary dietary boost to healing.
The hearth pot for hearth stew. “Made by her daughters with wood chopped by her sons”. On the battlefield, the maidens of Aerna make hearth stew to refill both ‘The well of faith’ and ‘The well of the body’. It’s a lot of plain vegetables and goat. Simply prepared in the histories, but as part of the ceremony, prepared with an exquisite degree of herbs and seasonings. There is one secret element that goes in it to make it sweeter, some of this is ginger and the other is the rare herb Amarant. This comes from the Falcon Reach region. The stew can significantly help maintain Health. It counts as a major Dietary boost for healing and dispels Exhaustion for 1 Short Rest cycle. Drink and Stew of the Hearth together count as Extraordinary dietary boost to healing.
> Amaratan: Clay discs baked in ceremony to seal and preserve the sacred meal inside for transport.
There is a specific clay they make discs out of that preserve the meal. Clay from the region of The southern Salish It’s specifically deposited by the river, so there’s a little bit on the southern side of it that is still being dug, but there’s vast deposits of it on the north side untouched. It can be heated up on the road.
The Hearth Celebrants: Three gardeners, more hearth tenders roles. Say the rituals, tend the seeds and soil.
Adoption: There is an adoption tradition. Once it is performed, the target is considered Umbakian. It is only done in the case of those who have done great service and are seeking to live their life in accordance with the traditions wherever they go.