Loamwold Protectorate of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms
Located on Ustermaya .

Before it became a protectorate of the High Kings’, Loamwold was known as The Loamwold Enclave – smaller than the territory it is now. It is also known as Sainaen’s Greatwood in Umbak, named for a queen from its elder days that fell in love with the woodlands and hills – when Umbak claimed sovereignty over it. When dealing over long distances and with other fiefs, organzations, and large institutions, the rulers look to Silver Lining Lenders; This organization is also present for all manner of individual and small business services. They are most famous for the Hoolip Berry found in Maldoolin and the gin they make and export all over the nearby heartlands. The citizens of the protectorate will not interface with or have any dealings using the Sunbelt Merchants.

Rulership: Loamwold does not have any formal “fiefs” and does not use peerage titles. When they have to meet with others, they pick form a council of elders and decide amongst themselves who will speak. This makes diplomatic relations difficult at best, and thankfully their good nature offsets the confusion and disorganization.

Military: They have no formal military. Almost all are trained stalkers, foragers and hunters. Leading them in battle against formal foes are the renowned Freewardens.

Culture and Social Perspectives

Death Observance: The death observance custom is to be buried back into the earth; Bodies are buried with ceremonial and symbolic items for their journey through the House of the Dead to wherever their faith takes them. Items of wealth or value to their community are shared with the living.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic