Heroes Hall – Reliquary of the High King

Steel Realms

The Heroes Hall is a place of celebration, triumph and history. Many a tale has come down from a thousand generations regarding some of the most powerful people, weapons and items of the realms – all tales are recorded here. Most are fanciful tales, but all hint at the terrible power some of the items hold. Most of these weapons are Dedicated, or Holy Weapons in some way. Artifact or Relic weapons whose powers are known can be simple or complex in nature, but have developed a reputation usually based on their wielder. A Weapon’s purpose may be lost in time, but rarely are such investitures of magic and effort made without an express purpose. Aside from the items catalogued, most believe there are liable to be more in the hands of religions, families, guilds and private owners. Through the ages, many weapons have been lost, destroyed or simply faded from memory. Some are even now worth nothing, should they ever be found.

Legendary Weapon Repository: Many a tale has come down from a thousand generation regarding some of the most powerful weapons of the realms. Most are fanciful tales, but all hint at the terrible power some of these weapons hold. Due to the slight presence of magic in the realms, most of these weapons are Dedicated, or Holy Weapons in some way. Artifact or Relic weapons whose powers are known can be simple or complex in nature, but have developed
a reputation usually based on their wielder. A Weapon’s purpose may be lost in time, but rarely are such investitures of magic and effort made without an express purpose. Aside from the weapons listed, there are liable to be more in the hands of religions, families, guilds and private owners. Through the ages, many weapons have been lost, destroyed or simply faded from memory. Some are even now worth nothing, should they ever be found.

It is also the legendary home of the Bardic Schools of Solarity and the The Winding Wind; these are overseen by The Sisterhood. It is a place where all World Watchers make a pilgrimage to. The bards of the schools in The Heroes Hall are often purveyors of new Fashion of the realms and basically advertising for the “fashion houses” of Oerdney.

Gorgon Gear

The Black Gorgons all do have some of the same gear. At any given time, there are three dozen to 40 Black Gorgon agents. They took from Heroes Hall for weapons, often using things like the 12 Tone Swords.

  1. Black Scale Mail +1 to +2 and shield +1
  2. Black Gorgon helm of Darkvision
  3. Black Gorgon torc of Shielding – when all else taken further than 100’ from torque then rust to dust.
  4. Black Gorgon ring of Identity (also casts Detect Magic)

Chambers of the Heroes Hall

Library of Gaoliath

From the Alcove of Echoes (located within) comes the Echoing Messages (special magic used by World Watchers to send messages across the world to the ‘alcove’), and all information collected by the World Watchers goes into this carved out, multi story, multi-chambered cave system. It is a massive archive of knowledge. The Library of Gaoliath is guarded without fail, and without end by the most accomplished and valorous bards of the order.

Sending Chamber

A large chamber, flat for smooth rides on horse or cart, and with pillars the delineate a road. This is close to the entrance so beasts of burden do not have to go far, but it is a magical place where agents are transported magically from to the many hidden refuge’s of the Black Gorgons and their allies.

Items in the Heroes Hall

Arrows of Kelorn Coilin Esp Iron Grimjarl Heart’s Brand Cyber, The Mind Sword Nike, Word of Victory Laurmakil and Silmakil (the twins) Stone Cutter

Dunstrand Rising Living World CHRONICLE > Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic