Grand Barony of Fandelok in the Steel Realms

Steel Realms
Located on Ustermaya .

The Grand Barony of Fandelok (it is part of the High King’s extended lands, not the territorial Kingdom of Gladnorr) is located in the north/west of the central heartlands of the larger Kingdom of Gladnor. Also referred to as The Slumbering Barony, or Slumbering Fandelok, nearly nothing ever happens here. North is Dunstrand, West is Umbak, forest, mountain, inland sea… it is protected and allied with everyone around it and serves asa neutral place for negotiations between them all.

The Sunbelt Merchants dominate trade operations in the barony. Businesses and representatives of the Bank of the Silver Stacks are allowed in some places here.

Bylua Sea

Commerce, Economy, and Travel

Culture and Social Perspectives

Death Observances: Common Death and Cultural Observances of the Heartlands.

More Materials

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic