Low reach Pass

Steel Realms
Low reach Pass is the primary route for trade through the hills between Nettlemist in Dunstrand and Bevmordain in the Grand Barony of Fandelok. Each hundred years, its sister-town switch in the role of protector of the pass. Technically the land is governed by Dunstrandian law, but rather than fight over its prime position, it is shared. The hills make it ideal country for enemies to hide in wait and for the Orrish to raid from the cover of darkness. Both towns constantly have merchant traffic through them, each caravan has accompanying mercenaries and guards making the proposition of a strike far more dangerous as well. There’s always a few adventurous types loitering about for hire on either side.

It is currently Bevmordain’s responsibility to keep the pass clear of such things. No news of either bandits or Orrish have come out of the region for at least a decade…. until now?

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic