History and Tales of the fief of Cabella

Steel Realms

The area of what is now known as Cabella was often fought over between the Dreadlords of Bronze and the Sea-King empire. The Verbuir clan destroy the Dreadlords utterly, devastating the region and causing the weakened Verbuir to be wiped out by rival political factions. The first of the free cities – Karolak – that would become the merchant cities of the north are founded along the north side of the renamed Beyne River. The magics used in the great battles of old ruined the land for thousands of years. The Amberswell area was re-settled in 6054, long after The Sundering in 5000 had freed it from any Sea-King control and opened Grent’s Inlet – about 50 years after the first traders discovered the area held Amber. It was discovered to be the source of Amber for almost the entire north. The coast, where the tribes folk who lived in the foothills of the Skaret Hills gathered it, was dangerous. The sharp rocks and tide pools filled with poisonous urchins and angry giant gulls held too many perils for the local traders – they continued to let the tribes folk collect the Amber from the sea. The city’s name comes from the amber source and the ‘swells’ – waves – which would cast the amber on the rocky shore. Once pronounced amber-swell, it is now know as Ambers-well. Over the course of the next several decades, some mines were dug to search for Amber. ‘Mine’ is not the right word, for really they were just tunnels into the soft earth, searching for the stone which seems to appear at times in Ghora Basin. The basin was for Capt. James Ghora, who would brave the perilous seas to sometimes bring trade to the Morsayne coast – through typical Umbakian privateers. The basin faced the sea – sloping about 100m below the mainland level and leveling at 5m above the sea. A few finds were made and mined, but the soft earth caused many mines to collapse and many to lose their lives. An attempt was made to take the tribes folk’s dangerous jobs, but few could survive the conditions on the coast – the basin would often turn into a dangerous marsh after heavy storms. During this time, the population of giant gulls was exterminated. A mining town named Walfirk was established for a short time when silver was found near mt. Corporphis. This caused Umbak to try and forcefully settle the region (causing the Merchant Cities to also take notice of the region) – but the vein and town busted in 7001 when the silver ran out.

Chronicle of Cabella

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

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Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Clashes and Truce with the Elves

It was about CY 7000 that the area had its first clashes with the Chauvelah elves (due to aggressive Umbakian influence) – and after a truce was worked that allowed logging and a balance between human consumption and elvish necessity. The region’s first encompassing truce between settlers of Amberswell, elves and tribes was made at Dragon Rock.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

In 8640, two wizards took to feuding, one of House Malor and one from Lord Saerical north in Merchant City lands. It drove Karolak into a war with Dunstrand. The city was attacked and its walls pulled down. The Duke responded with an overwhelming force, and drove out the Merchant Prinz folk after a bitter full year campaign, charging the baron Veff of West River Run to nominally defend the area as the militia army had been wiped out. This is when the Hollingsworth family was given their land and titles after the previous lord’s family was wiped out.

Recent Events

In CY 9126, during the War of Sister’s Ascention, Baron Steven Rotchester, one time henchmen of Sir Alois Durgrimm (knight of Ikribu/Protector of Ados, Slayer of Orks; married to Bejerrie of Ados) declared Amberswell for the side of Bejerrie Durgrimm. With him stood the Rector and patriarch of Balthazaar’s church in Amberswell.

Reisers Cross was the scene of a battle between Cabellan native forces and those of West River Run who supported D’avlin claims to the throne. The native’s lost and thus began the recent decline of the region – and abandonment by the Lightbringer (along with an influx of Wyld faith and Elancil worship) clergy. A new “Baron of Amberswell” was placed by West River Run, and troops garrisoned throughout the region. The strange thing about the campaign was that towards the end, before the battle, Sir Steven was said to give a speech and warned that if Cabella did not win this territory for House Durgrimm, thrice would it be cursed. After the battle, during the violent occupation by West River Run forces that followed, three events took place which many consider to be the thrice cursed results. The first was a plague of rats which started on the south coast. They brought disease and tourism was reduced to a minimum. The second was 2 years of fire and blade raids by Orrish – and sudden cessation. Two entire villages were butchered and burnt to the ground, many others attacked repeatedly. Lastly, about 5 years ago, three of the amber mines collapsed, killing dozens. After this, the region never recovered. The “Grimmers” is what the supporters of the curse theory were called. They spread dissent constantly. All were hunted down after the battle of Mingers Marsh, especially after rumors persisted that the remainder were trying to plunder the Blighted places to finance the ‘rebellion’.

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

Vorben Highmoor Event – Silver Found: In 8823 A war band led by Jermiah Temilsan of West River Run, a knight making his name trying to drive the Orrish out of the Vorben Highmoor and claim some small dominion. He and his men were caught in an ambush. The Orrish pinned them in a ravine and were raining slings down mercilessly. He perished in the night, a blow to the head. However, one of the sling stones dropped a soldier trying to climb out, which caused a small landslide and exposed silver. The Orrish left by sunrise, leaving most dead.

Vorben Highmoor Event – The Blight Gas: Not long after a mining town grew up on the site – named after the fallen knight. Not soon after gold was discovered, along with iron. Long thought to be devoid of resources, the area became a veritable boom area overnight. The magus of Speljan erected a tower in 8888 and the area had really begun to settle – despite the miserable weather, Orrish, and tough terrain. Then, it all came crashing down. Most of the specific details are lost due to the circumstances. Most claim it was the company of Darsiver and Sons with a claim on a new found deep vein of gold. Some pockets of trapped gas were expelled into the mines. The Blight Gas, as it came to be known, soon strangled in a manner most horrible and caused those killed to rise again and stalk the living. The mines of Korgoth were abandoned. However that was not the end. In two days, the town of Temilsan was overcome. The countryside was a hell on earth, the living – Orrish and Lightdwellers alike were hunted. The magus of Speljan was able to contain the infection at Temilsan, but somehow brought the gas’s effects back to his manor, village and tower. It is said the mage of Speljan perished in his tower, though some say he watches over the still ruins of his manse and the town from the tower of his home.


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