Volcanism on Helca

Steel Realms
Volcanism on Helca causes many settlements nearby to its sources to be over-engineered and significantly more enduring than most. Though the most prominent range, the Tolkisson Mountain Range contributes little to volcanism.

Occasionally, minor tremors and earthquakes in the Aragratep Chain that goes through Scar Flow will create freak waves, watery sinkholes, and thermal vents produce nasty gasses mixed with the water from Dwindor.

Valley of Sighs in the Steel Realms, Ash Plume Peak, Stormfront Mountain Range = 3 volcanoes
Mt Helena, Mt Dureth-Olechna, Mt Ghost Spire (hidden low peak in a area of high ones)

Black MountainIt is considered part of active Volcanism on Helca, though some magic sends the quakes outside of the Curtain of Night, turning it into a weapon.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic