The Aelfpaths of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms

The Aelfpaths of the Steel Realms are a set of slip passages that wrap around the planet of Helca, from tops of mountains to deep beneath the earth. They conform to standard ancient The Aelfpaths, made by the Aelf that once inhabited Helca before all others. Each connection point or destination is anchored by a large deposit of /Augmentum. Aelfpaths of Helca wove through several forests, anchoring and amplifying the power of the Laey, and helping to give rise to the Navels in several forests radiating outward from Ynth. In the Aelpath,s time has no meaning as to what happens on them – the echoes and memories of those who traveled on them can be accessed by those who know how to. It is thought that this is part of the functioning of the Soul Trees. The Aelfpaths appears to be immune to and/or a refuge to any sort of Change Storm/Chaos Storm.

Moon Spider Threat: The Spiders of Go-Zen are also called “Moon spiders”. In the Time of the Cold Moon, they travel on beams of moonlight and can access to Aelfpaths of the Steel Realms to attack the enclaves and Wealds of their hated faerie foes of Helca.