The Thought Tenders (bardic order)

Steel Realms

These are bards who believe in the mission and are either averse or unable to practice magic. They are rigorously trained to high mental standards and are formidable in their own way. They are a sub-sect of The Winding Wind collegia in the Heroes Hall, and have a special room of study in the Library of Gaoliath. Members of the order uses script – magical or otherwise – in a cypher known only to their members and those senior bards of the Heroes Hall.

Bardic Mysticism

These bards are nominally without true and powerful magical powers – they are all devout followers of the Divine Principle of Phelaedea, Meri and/or Delleth as a source of their mysticism. They can ritualize certain things, can draw upon their internal vitality to fuel into anima to effect Echoing Message and their captivating inspirations. Their clarity of mind and divine communion provides them with expert Meditation and the ability to accurately tell time, asses direction, and recall recent information with high precision.

Bardic Learning

Communication: The Thought Tender bard character is literate in all their starting languages, and any language they learn.

Lore Bonus: +2 High Kings Law, Elvish History, Human History, Orrish History, Monsters; +4 Guilds and Orders of the Steel Realms and Heraldry of the Steel Realms.

Incarna d20™ The Thought Tenders Details

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

Bardic Mysticism

The bard is given a cyphered Spellbook, and can cast as a Ritual: Echoing Message (see hereafter), Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, and Illusory Script. All last 3x the normal amount of time. Their clarity of mind and communion has given them the Keen Mind feat.

Echoing Message: It cannot be cast as a cantrip as normal, though it can be Ritualized; the bard of the order can speak for 5 minutes (like the Incarna bardic ability, it is still only a single direction sending, though it does not require the whisperer to point).

Inspiring Actions: They get double (x2) the number of Bardic Inspiration uses.

Inspiring Rest: In addition to regaining HP, a level of Exhaustion is dispelled as well.

iCore The Thought Tenders Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic