Numinous Mundi (world/place spirits)

Steel Realms

Core to the powerful Animist spirits of the Wyld Faith, the Numinous Mundi are the spirits that are an extension of Awakened Helca. As an extension of it’s awareness, they can often call upon the same powers, such as those of the Numinous Fauna, only limited in scope to the locale they manifest at.

This is ancient, founding-of-the-world magic that only the elves have old enough memories and records to understand well – though there are few records as most of the spirits were imperceptibly weak and only gained power as the spirit of living Helca itself awakened. These spirits manifest in various forms, including naiads/dryads/fauns, pacts with certain secretive ‘witchly’ entities, and the Laey energy within the land itself – as such these places are not only venerated by those of the faith, but often by all manner of creatures and secretive orders that are powered by it, and defend it in turn.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic