Amerou (Celestine of Helca)
Steel Realm Celestines
Amerou – Celestine of Helca
Amerou‘s intended fate of an
Unmade Celestine Presence was not be her
eventual fate. She would not release the power of the
Cloak of Stars. She could not be destroyed because of that. She was imprisoned before the Bronzefolk left their homelands in the Ceflu temple and the great curse befell them – she is immune to the after affects and the power of the
Vale of the Black Sun and the blacked elves laying in wait there.
CHRONICLE > Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).
She is currently trapped in her role as The Witch of Dwindor Swamp. Imprisoned there by Geraldine Aelishan of The Gallants around CY 9160.