Secret History of the Celestials of Helca

Steel Realms
Hidden Knowledge > Who is Anu-besse? Was once, in a place far lost to memory, a powerful being originally called Anu. This being had self ascended, taking on a higher and higher order of existence. Over hundreds of thousands of years, the entity became virtually god-like, and their very Essence elevated to Celestial from Material. In that time, it had delved the secrets of long life and then immortality. On it’s journey through astral realms, it encountered the Dream-Sphinx, a mighty piece of one of the Firsters. It drew it back over thousands of years along the tether to the home world of ancient earth. There, it gathered a host of allies and together they captured it, and learned from it, and drank its blood and shared a consciousness a Firster. Anu-besse was reborn, and others it walked with choose to leave behind the world and civilization they worked to create, and travel to a new sun to continue their journey. They came to Helca and lost their way for some reason.

Their original purpose seemed forgotten. They began to fight among themselves, using the world’s inhabitants in proxy wars for thousands of years. Their inevitable killing of each other was broken by the coming of The Blood of Saemon. Since then, the few remaining have fallen into two camps: Those seeking to resume their journey of enlightenment (the Illuminated Awakening), and those seeking the base feelings of power they had fallen prey to. The former have tried to bring their own enlightenment to a few, to rebuild their ranks. Opposing them, their fellows have found allies among the more evil and sinister of the divine principles now manifesting on Helca. To the Nakrians, one side seeks to elevate and empower to rid themselves of their guilt. The other side wields those in Nakria as before, with even more promises of raw, naked power.

It was in a dark room that Anubis learned of the five who would become the Lich Lords of the Winter Host. As they laid their plans, disposing of everyone who aided them to erase any trace of their origins, those disposed of brought their knowledge to Anubis. They whispered their plans as they moved through the halls. In his wisdom, and using the power of The Void (Soul Splintering) Djerduth was born into the world of Helca… a great spirit from the knavel of the world. The memories of the identities of the Lich Lords was transferred to the new god of death – so that nothing could be traced to Anubis. Empowered by the Essence of Anubis himself, the great spirit of death took its place among the divinities when the Lightbringers were called. Anubis saw to it that memories of Helca were altered and confused using the void power of the Lake of the Empty Sky. Anubis was then seen as a lesser partner or even servitor of Djerduth. When the time came, and the Lich Lords made their move, it was not the earth mother Gaia who was attacked – her death would have turned Helca into a dead planet being amplified by the Equitas crystals. Instead Djerduth was chained and his power siphoned. The Weave was impossible for them to see, but they could not kill Djerduth as long as Anubis was alive. Anubis went into seclusion for thousands of years, spending most of his time in the House of the Dead. He endured the pain of torture and near death Djerduth did – but he held on in order to maintain the deception and keep Helca safe. He now spends almost all his time in the House of the Dead, free from any pain, and only moves on Helca when he must.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic