Skraeling Singers

Steel Realms
Skraelings have the tradition of song at the root of the abundance with the land that these folk generate. These master gardeners and husbandists are known as Skraeling Singers.

Loamling Seeds: A garden originally planted by the first generation of Skraeling Singers or first generation of Haelf Singers mixes. These tend to produce a super bountiful crop, and add or mix flavors from other plants, fruits, nuts, and vegetables – like Limes and lemons that are used in mixers; they have a sugary taste to them in addition to their normal tastes.

Sea Singers

Singers that sing sea life into abundance.

Seed Singers

Singers that sing land plant fertility into abundance.

Egg singers

Singers that sing land animal fertility into abundance.

Root Singing

Root singing is the militant side of the Skraelinig songsters. Root singing takes whole community. The ancient Skraeling powers animate the roots using Laey magic, sending them out to crack stone, tear earth, break rivers and streams, drive animals and insects, and stir swarms.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic