Aproshol the Black, Dragon of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms
Aproshol the Black was one of the last of the great dragons to prowl the realms. It was said that he came to sleep in the The Black Fens for a thousand years, where he picked up his coloration (no one knows if this is true or what his actual coloration may be if so). A few black dragon dreams were spawned from his presence, but the last of them was killed a thousand years ago, leading to the idea that he was always black in coloring. The recordings of this dragon seem to clonflict with each other marking him at once young (in dragon terms) and ancient – before the coming of The Blood of Saemon. The reality is murky and unclear, and debated. What is not debated is his death – there is no record of it. Perhaps he earned his name for the sleep he sleeps to this day in the Black Fens – safe from the dwellers of dark and light due to the volatile nature of the place and its affect on The Curtain of Night.

7825 = last of the anger, the last of the blood paroxysm

There was an angry battle between a child of Aproshol the Black of the N’dir clan and Na’grindl the Green of the Belw’n clan. This was in the early days of The Heedful Call (the third awakening/Third Age of Dragons), it was only the young ones which were fighting each other. The black dragon was hunting the green, and the two began stirring up the worst creatures of Dwindor Swamp and mountains of Scar Flow to fight for them.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic