Anwin is Retiring! (Gallants)

Dunstrand Rising Living World Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline.

As chronicled by Jacquelyn…

Herald’s Quarterly 9167, 3rd Quarter

Summary: The wizard Anwin has officially announced his retirement. After years of working for the Council of Cerran’s Grant – and most believe the twin river powers to the north – the wizard Anwin has announced he will retire to private life. The lavish remnant of the guardhouse above the dry river bed that he occupies will go up for sale. Over the years its been the scene of a few conflicts, but in the last decade or so, it has become increasingly busy as the council has relied on it as a base of operations to consolidate its power in the area. Anwin has said he takes no side personally in the ongoing struggles of the Riverdan folk, and wishes everyone prosperity. He has repeatedly sided against traditional concerns in his tenure as the “consultant” of the council and used his power to lend weight to the council’s decisions. Anwin’s departure in 3 months will leave the council with a distinct lack of effective power and presence. It is said that the council is seeking to employ one or more lesser wizards to fill in his stead. Anwin has not said where he will retire to, but likely a more warmer clime – the Vale Evander it is speculated.

{Thom Vynt} [Letter] Sustreynous – books – I hope this finds you well. As you may have heard, our old enemy Anwin is retiring. Slipping through our fingers at the end. He has been responsible for so many of our group’s deaths. I would ask that you stand with your old brothers and sisters – we will not let him escape justice.

{Thom Vynt to Geri and Books}
What has been the policy of the items we find and the deaths of Gallants. I remember Truevein was buried with Cage Northfort when we laid him to rest again. What about say the items Taqwill was konwn to have?

{Geri} normally, we have buried all items of power with the fallen in respect for them. The acheivements of others were theirs – it was not deems appropriate at the time to usurp the items they had worked so hard for. Cage was special though – Truevein changed over time, and it was not the same weapon had had wielded. Eventually
the taint was wiped from it… and so it was appropriate it get buried with him as a family blade. Taqwill was a beloved mentor and steered our affairs through some terrible times. I was a problem child for him, and i felt i did not deserve to gain any of his items.

{Thom} Ok, I guessed they were either stolen by Amelia or buried with him, but I thought I would check anyway, since we need everything we got…

{Geri} Well, except the books – all of those type materials go to the Companions Library. Its our habit to bury with the fallen… you can change that by decree. Silvas has hinted all his stuff go on the future gallants.
You can also decree that all Gallants be dug up.

You have both read the accursed Tome Midnight in Cavaris…if need be would either of you be willing to delve deeper into the dark secrets of power that may be held within that most evil of texts? Or if not that, maybe something from the secret library of the Gallants that Geri protects, though I don’t know what sort of knowledge, lore and/or power that might hold. I have posed the same question to Fazeel…And would there be a benefit to us to expose Mendollin to the dark powers of Midnight in Cavaris, or maybe some of the lesser dark magicks in the secret library? Or would this all be beyond him, or he could not handle the dark truths that lie within those most evil of things we own?

And in regards to the Helm of Nicologus…would either one of you contemplate the use of this mystical Helm for unleashing it’s powers for the use of the Gallants, or would this either be beyond you or you have no interest based on what you know of it? I have also posed this question to Fazeel. Or is Mendollin the only one among us that could use that mysterious mystical helmet – I must say that Fazeel with the Evil Eye of Dimov combined with they mystical power of the Helm of Nicologus, would be in my estimation a great powerful asset for us against Anwin, but I have no real understanding of mages and the occult and things of that nature, so I might be talking here without true understanding of anything. I am not sure if Mendollin would be able to comprehend the use of something that was not directly martial in use..he still seems to be a warrior at heart, though he channels the power of the Occult…

And do either of you know the depths of a bond between twins, and how deep that goes – I would like to tap my bond with Fazeel as deep as I can, to see if I could share in his knowledge of dark power or what his Eye sees or the power that it conveys…I don’t know to what extent this can be tapped, but if I could sacrifice part of my soul to use the bond between me and Fazeel to be as strong a weapon against all the darkness and power that Anwin will bring upon us, I would do that to increase that chances of a Gallant victory…though still not sure if I will use the Fist of Hephaetus or return that to the Red Sisters for favor and help..though I am starting to side with returning this long lost artifact to them since there really is none among the Gallants that could use this to full effect, as much as I would love to bring the Holy Fire of Merkaine down upon Anwin and burn him down to ash…but I am also not sure if channeling any powers of Fazeel through our bond would conflict with a holy relic of Merkaine if I did in fact try to do both….

[I assume Thom rides to the Companion Library to consult Geraldine]
> Books is on his way from Loamwold, having retired there and got the summons that all were to assemble. Remember that Books lost his memories and has only vague senses of his times with the Gallants – but knows that he owes his life and honor to them. He will fight, and his blade is very powerful, but that is likely to be the extent of his contribution – his mana will go to fuel his wicked blade.

[Geri] The question is always time and what happens on failure? My own skills have rarely been tested in regards to the knowledge i gained. I alone with my command of language and the arts have a full grasp of what can be done with the knowledge. I am certainly willing to use some of the less savory elements in pursuit of Anwin, but Books can do little. Neither Fazeel or Jaq possess much in the way of mana to make effective occult use of the knowledge. I might be able to teach Jaq the rudiments to understand the encoded messages with her natural linguist skill, and assuming she would recover in time for the battle, she could use one of the more dangerous effects once or twice. Fazeel will have access to less of the material in a short time. Mendollin is hyper aggressive and i would recommend against it – he might harm us with such knowledge rather than benefit us.

One much of the libraries forbidden knowledge, there is a time element to read and assimilate. The only way to bypass such things is to summon fiend powers which can unlock the dark and dangerous blood magics. The hidden library is less hidden in regards to the forbidden nature than in regards to the fact that we just dont want to advertise that we have so much cool stuff.

Regarding the Helm, only I or Mendollin can make best use of it. Anyone with some occult aptitude can make some use of it, but its a 1 way trip – its with you till you die or find some way to remove its powerful bond. If it were to go to anyone, i would say Mendollin – for i am vain and do not wish to live my life with such a skull cap! However, it does not fit in with Mendollin’s aggressive powers. Its not for combat. Perhaps there is naught it can do for us now.

The Eye of Dimov we know has enhanced powers when combined with a few or the other remaining effects of Dimov. Fazeel has been to Port Towne libraries to uncover what he could. There is no other effects that we know of – but a fiend of knowledge could confirm or expose the truth. And i would also worry about about Fazeel’s control with the helm and eye both – it may overwhelm him. Plus, the helm makes someone more recognizable. The helm and eye might ruin Fazeel as a field agent.

The twin bond might be able to be leveraged – this is an interesting option. At the very least, we may be able to make it so you can see using the powers of the eye – the flows of mana and aura’s. This might help you make more effective decisions based on what Anwin and his minions are doing. But the eye is an angry and powerful thing – i just hope you can survive what would amount to a spiritual grafting. We would need to summon fiends of knowledge to make this possible. It also might make you proof against some of its powers – to be able to ignore their effects as Fazeel casts them down upon the area you are in.

The Fist i would leave to the Holy Sisters. Without the divine aptitude to control it, it could do us more harm.

In short, what you ask for is best accomplished by summoning fiends from far dimensions and consulting them – the time to research otherwise is too much. I have a few resources here at the Companion Library i can start with, but i need to summon powerful entities in a short time. There will be a cost and i will pay it. here is what i suggest.

1) Summon a fiend to consult on the spiritual graft of the eye

2) Summon a fiend to consult on the helm – if it has power Mendollin could use then we will gift it to him.

3) Summon a fiend to consult on unlocking the memories of Books (or one that can conjure a blood spirit to re-acquire his occult powers rapidly)

4) summon a fiend to consult on unlocking mana for Jaq, Books and Fazeel

5) Track down and summon the New Breed back to Braddon Bog

6) Summon a fiend to consult on Jaq’s wound – we need her in the field with better armor (a virtue would work better here, but my knowledge there is limited)

7) track down all i can in the way of elemental or fiend spark summoning for the battle against Anwin.

8) Summon a fiend who can conjure a blood spirit to accelerate Jaq’s meager occult aptitude with spell powers (at least casting minor protective spells might make her a better fighting asset)

This will use up all my materials i can harvest from Dwindor Swamp. I will call upon my servants deep in the swamp too – some of them will aid us against Anwin, but few can make a journey so far from home. The giant bats of Dwindor will be able to aid us at least.

Plague – I want it written into the annals that whatever is left of the Gallants, if i am dead, will take to Dwindor Swamp and get my child back. I will not let her grow up as my mother did, and as i began to. The world can do without swamp witches – she will grow up as a young girl, under the sun and clean air, pampered with dolls and silk sheets. The Gallants must take upon themselves the charge of our “witch lineage”. I will detail this and do what i must for this and a ring will be forged to symbolize this mission. I can speak no more of this, but you must promise me this.

{Thom Vynt} Geraldine, I will first start off to say that you have my most solemn vow and oath as the current leader of The Gallants, and as such will write this personally in the annals, that the remaining Gallants shall quest to get your child back from Dwindor Swamp after this encounter with Anwin whether you are dead or remain alive. I deeply hope you remain alive. Furthermore, The Gallants will take upon themselves as part of the new Gallantine Legacy, the charge of the House Aelishan Witch Lineage of Dwindor Swamp, freeing you and your family directly of such a charge, as well as forever tying together and bonding the Aelishan family heritage and The Gallantine, solidifying the relationship that has existed between House Aelishan and the previous generations of mercenaries and bannermen which has built upon each other to become our current and future incarnation, honorable in the service to the Lands and the Just Lords of Bar-Innis and Dunstrand, The Gallantine.

As to the need to summon entities from far dimensions, I would that all of those needed could be Virtues, but for the dark work ahead to counter that of Anwin, fiends and blood spirits seem appropriate in this case. Please carry on with your plan on summoning all dark agents and elemental powers to help us in our endeavor – your plan is a solid one (OOC: and if we need info on any of the other items we uncover in the cemetery maybe we could get a fiend or two to help with those?). And I will pay whatever cost to strengthen my twin bond and spiritually graft to my being the Evil Eye of my Bonded Twin, Fazeel – while we may be of much different character, in both of us shine the strength and heart of Gallants true, and I would have us bonded closer than brothers for this action against our most hated and despised enemy.

I will track down and summon the “New Breed” as soon as possible – Before they “disappeared”, I believe they were in the Saelish in the lands of my Elon people, searching for that rumored “Golden Child” who Umbak was invading Dunstrand to capture. I am also sick of Umbakian incursions and meddling in Dunstrand lands and affairs, and that will be another score to settle in due time. I am thinking that I myself should ride to locate The New Breed Gallants, and while I am in the Saelish, try to gather some of my Elon brothers and sisters for support in this fight against Anwin, and maybe even gain some of the Bronzemen who live in harmony with the Elon to join our cause.

And in regards to the Flying Elves and the Giants – I can’t rightly remember where our relationship with each left off – at one time each side wanted to kill us, than we helped each of them, especially the Elves in regaining their flying castle. The Giants are big and powerful, but hard to hide, and the Flying Elves are quick and agile in the air and have command of electricity, and the matriarch of the Flying Elves also has that Demon control ring that Spin had…is help from one of these groups mutually exclusive of the other, or maybe we could use them in different areas where they would not have to work with each other? With all that has gone on since encountering them (The Celestial, Tarly Castle, Renegade House Malor, The Gallantine Academy, and becoming a knight and lord), my memory of our relationship to them is a bit fuzzy.

And while we go up there to gain the help of the Flying Elves and/or The Giants, we could at the same time, enlist the help of the animal people/hybrid horde in the Richfield area (don’t they have their own land now, granted to them) – They should remember me as one of who killed their crazy leader and their shaman was a cool “dude”, and that I would hope would mean we could gain some support from them as well.

In regards to the Fist, I will ask the Sisters of the Blood (Sister Myra?) to come to Braddon Bog and in ceremony I will return the Fist to them, and will ask them in return to aid us however they can in our cause against Anwin. I would also ask them to build a shrine to Merkaine in Braddon Bog, preferably on or near our library/cemetery grounds, so that the people of down trodden Braddon Bog will always have the Flame of Hope shining among them, and to also symbolically bond The Gallants and Merkaine and her followers and the Red Sisters (and the Green Church/Wyld Faith?), solidifying the informal bond that Merkaine has had with generations of Gallantine past (as I see it after reading the annals). While this shrine may not be appropriate for the new Gallantine Academy, a shrine to Merkaine seems appropriate in Braddon Bog, the long time home of Gallant generations past. And just maybe having a shrine and land consecrated to Merkaine in Braddon Bog near the library/cemetery will help keep at bay and may even counter some of the Evil effects on the land by the Malek temple deep under the earth (and maybe even help keep the Fallen Celestial Power at bay as well, and keep further Lightbringer incursions into Braddon Bog at bay as well). Geri, if I am overstepping my bounds in this, please let me know, but as I am marked myself by the Goddess of Fire, this is a sign to me that there is a bond between Her and The Gallantine Legacy, past. present and future, as there is a Fire, like the Holy Fire of Merkaine, that burns and shines brightly in each and every heart of everyone who has and who will take the Oath of the Gallants. (not saying that we all will have faith or conviction to her, but this is just a symbol).

[Geri] I thank you for your words. And faith amongst the Gallantine will be so varied that as long as you dont force it on anyone, no one will care much. Certainly the Goddess of fire can help with healing – maybe not the way in which the White Sisters can, but its better than bleeding out. A small donation routinely can cement their economic base and assistance with healing. Enlisting a few of the hybrid horde is a good idea. They are excellent scouts and our forces these days are more field soldiers than the adventuring band we used to be – we could use them. The rest sounds perfectly logical and well thought out. Anwin will not be alone. We will likely not surprise him too much – it will be a matter of how much force the both of us can muster. As a private citizen, he wont have the Twin River allies with him – but he is powerful and fabulously rich – i would expect a dozen or more professionals and occult aid as well. I doubt the giants will aid us, but the elves might. We could enlist them to nullify any air elementals he might have. Perhaps we can make a deal with them to not directly endanger them for a share of the treasure. Anwin is not known to use fire, to specialize in earth, but to employ elemental air as secondary power and water last.


{Geri} We have Fred now – Fred, the necromancer from PanGeDiam – he is forbidden by Jaq to animate dead or use his necromancer skills – butr i did say he could use his power to counter others of his kind. And he said he can ensure that the dead Gallants never walk again – like Cage did. In doing that, we can consolidate tiems.

{Thom} Desperate times call for desperate measures. Yes, with this new found ability among the Gallants in Fred the Necromancer from PanGeDiam, that sounds like a plan.
The Gallatine Acadamy was a new start for the Gallants, and what better way to start a possible new Dunstrand we would be shaping by taking on Anwin than by consolidating the entire Gallantine Legacy, as far back as that goes…we are not taking from our fallen brethren, we are ensuring that their legacy continues, so that the Gallants have the strength and resources to serve for generations to come serving the interests, fighting on behalf of, and defending the land from enemies for a strong, united, and prosperous Dunstrand.
As Plague, I will decree that from now on, while a Gallant may use a item, lore, weapon, etc of power or of note gained while adventuring or received from the Gallantine Inventory for the length of their life, all property will revert back to the Gallantine Legacy. All Gallants will be buried in a standardized Gallantine decorated leather armor and shield (or mages and religious types in appropriate clothing) and with the banners of The Gallants, Baron Wheglin, the Earl of Bar-Innis and the Duke of Dunstrand.
As policy, though certain items of power will continue to remain secret to only certain members of the senior leadership, and as such will be controlled by and access granted to only by the authority of the senior leaders (such as the secret library, illegal magics, weapons such as Truevein and the Suffering Shard..the knowledge of the Celestial, which should NOT be common knowledge, etc). There will be a hierarchy of items granted and knowledge and lores allowed, and new recruits must prove themselves before any of this is granted access to them. But once recruits have been proven, then the resources of the Library and Legacy will be available to them, based on the judgements of the senior leadership.
How does this sound?

{Geri} I think its actually brilliant.

{Thom} And Gallants will be buried with a plaque/scroll, listing their service and rank and accomplishments, and will be buried with any individual honors, awards, accommodations etc, they gained while in service to The Gallantine.
And along with that a short personal story of their life before and how they joined The Gallants if they wish that to be known – and each grave will be marked (headstones) with names, dates of service, rank, and quick pithy summary of their life or phrase they would want.

{Geri} I will begin to have these headstones and plaques worked up.

{Thom} but I will send our the decree with the understanding that the reburying of the fallen Gallants with honor and protecting them from rising again and the taking of inventory of the new Gallantine Legacy (tracking our lineage back to the Band of Crows, or before that?) will happen after we are back.

{Geri} Its brilliant. You might want to come up with a story of death for Jak – some of the recruits from his time might expect to see him again in this effort against the “old enemy” of Anwin. It may be good to blame Anwin for his death, like Bandage’s. I think after last weekend’s adventure Arabus ran for a small group of us, my character does not care any more about being a man or woman, so i wont be seeking to change that. My “brother” can die, and i and other Gallants will be after revenge. You can probably get at least 20 of the Gallants currently in training or non-combat duty to fight against Anwin.

[Geri] There’s a debt owed to someone who has put so much into killing our brothers and sisters. Tool though he may ultimately be, he is the tool which has kept change from happening in Dusntrand for over 2 and a half decades. His death would send a message to the twin river powers that their time is numbered. Whoever contemplates stepping into that position he vacated would think twice. It shows that our homeland and way of life means more to The Gallants than our lives, and that we are not a force to be trifled with. It buys us political and social clout like we never had before. It opens new opportunities for the west, and central Dunstrand. The death of some veterans gives room for the junior members of the Gallants to move up. It sends a message to the enemies of Dunstrand itself that she is unifying, and deals best be made now before her full force is brought to bare.

Of course it opens the door for civil war too – but a civil war against the twin river powers that is a long time overdue and if left ignored will only make it easier for them to secede. And the fulcrum is an upstart band of quasi adventurers turned loyal servants of the Duke- the Duke can be seen not to quite have a direct hand in this yet. I dont wish to die, but if my time is up, so be it. We have debated and gone through many scenarios – there is but one on the table, and it boils down to a simple go/no-go. I say go.

[Jaq] – reminder, she would be under an evil influence now
I know it was he who exiled us to PanGeDiam – i heard it whispered when we were there. Crush him, grind him under foot, use his blood as mortar and his bones in bricks as we build a new tower in Dogwood Flats. So goes all our enemies.

[Books] I stand with whatever my brothers decide. I am their humble servant.

Naked says thumbs down for letting Anwin get away with all he’s done and retire without so much as a peep from the Gallants… sends a clear message that we’re cowards, and have found our place… under his boot…

Mary has read the Annals and knows the bad blood between the Gallants and Anwin. She, believes it worth the risk to be rid of his particular type of evil once and for all.

OK:, here is the vote count so far:
Mary: Yes (Iziah had been very specific on Mary’s strong desire to kill Anwin)
Naked: Yes
Geri: Yes
Books: Yes
Jaq: Yes
Fazeel: Yes (Arabus also has indicated Fazeel’s strong desire to kill Anwin, or at least to steal his stuff)

As Mendollin, I say fuck that old bastard! He can’t have much left in him. Some to be sure, alliances with creepy crawly things, demons, undead are all likely, even expected…but, once dead, it doesn’t amount to shit and he will be all alone in a shallow unmarked grave. He’s no warrior, he is magus and we have only so much reserve then we’re cooked. We make big boom boom in the beginning and pray the offender leaves before they realize we are weak as kittens without teeth or claw. He needs to die for so many reasons my brothers! Death to Anwin!!!

As Tiny: kill him, don’t kill him…? He deals with demons…kill him! Moon lady no like demons anyhow. Death to enemies of the Gallants is almost too good for him. Kill him and keep the peace of Dunstrand the moon lady says…
Um…can I chew his face off? He old and ugly anyhow, might make me feel better for him hurting my brothers so often…? Fuck evil mages! He against the type of people we try to protect…yep, kill him dead in the face!

Rictor: Sure go for it

Mary gives a hoarse cheer with fist in air. ~SO SAY THE GALLANTS ALL!~ Her voice weak and strained but her eyes burn with fierce determination. ~No worries lads I will stitch you proper after he’s felled. I’d better to see to my field kits~ throat sore from trying to yell, she coughs then turns to leave. Her self-prescribed task awaits. There is a clear bounce in her step. Another mission and one so critical! Mary can taste the excitement!

Geri: Just so everyone understands, our alliance will also be with creepy crawly things, demons, and undead. We cannot claim to be any better than him because of this. There is no moral high ground here on a personal level, just our motivations as a group.
and really, is there any other type of mage, except an evil one!? 🙂

Mary would not say that we are better than him in that respect. But, I would say that we do not know if he will strike at us or future incarnations of the Gallants. If he can teleport members of our band to different dimensions and murder members without repercussions, what’s to stop him from meddling in our affairs again from a distance? He may have already been meddling with us without our knowledge. His death would mean one less powerful shadow hanging over our future endeavors. I/Mary believes it is worth the taint we will incur. Let the curses fall upon the old guard, so that the children will come out unscathed. At least not as scarred or until they acquire their own powerful enemies.

Yes, The Gallants have taken another path, returning to the darkness and evil and consorting with evil creatures – we do this now so that future generations don’t need to do this.
Or maybe if we win, this turn into the darkness will be overlooked and/or forgiven by the Duke and High King? And other Divine powers that be will rush to our side as allies?
Or will The Gallants be driven out of Dunstrand and/or Gladnor because of amassing this dark and evil power and associating with dark and evil creatures, even though it was for the good of Dunstrand? Or at least in our minds it is.
Whatever power we have at our means, no matter how dark and evil, we will use it against Anwin – The Gallants have Spoken.

The Senior Gallants have spoken…I have listened.I have prayed for guidance.

The Gallants MUST KILL ANWIN, or at least die trying!

After all the darkness and dissension in our ranks that happened today, I secluded myself and have meditated, spending some time in thought and prayer, first directed towards Merkaine, my Goddess of Fire who has a special place in my heart… but as my dark thoughts traveled to the dark things we have to do to prepare for our fight against Anwin, my thoughts and prayers then turned to Mizras, the God of War, who I see now was always in my heart and soul from my birth, a more appropriate deity for me to follow now and in the future.

My moral compass was never as upright and true as the righteousness of the Goddess of Fire…but it is still my goal to have the Red Sisters and the Goddess herself allies of the Gallants for our future struggles, if She and Her followers would still have us after this.

Just as I had bonded myself to the Fallen Celestial, Anemro Alu, to gain the power we needed to defeat Anwin, we now must embark on the dark road of what must be done to defeat and kill him, our most hated enemy for several incarnations of our Brotherhood over decades of time.

During my meditation, I remembered prayers and rites to Mizras I had learned during my time with the Brotherhood of Mizras for my failed Sword Dancing training. I gave what offerings to Him I could in these short hours. I felt the drum beat of the God of War in my soul as I thought of Anwin and what he has cost the Gallants over decades and what evil he has done to the people of Dunstrand.

May Mizras bless us, strengthen us, defend us and grant us a victory over our most hated enemy, and may he guide and support me and the Gallants during these new troubled times ahead of us. In truth, throughout my life, the drum beat of the God of War has always beat in my heart…and now He fills my head and my soul with directed purpose…My Elon blood is boiling with the hot blazing fire of a warrior ready to take on our most hated enemy!


I see no easy victory for the Gallants for this action against Anwin. I see the possible loss of all that we have fought for and achieved in these 3 years since the end of the Civil War in Bar-Innis, including the establishment of Dogwood Flats and the Gallantine Academy, if we fail in this. And if we the old guard and new breed of Gallants are wiped out, Anwin gains even more respect and satisfaction in wiping out a long term enemy. We would then leave Dogwood Flats, the Gallantine Academy, Cy Aelishan unprotected in our beloved Bar-Innis, and the Duchy of Dunstrand left to the fate of the political winds….the current green recruits in training at the Academy will be the only ones left to pick up the pieces and pay the price of our actions if we fail.

But in a Gallant victory over Anwin, we would be showered with praise, respect and fear from all corners of Dunstrand…it would help us in our cause for a strengthened and unified Dunstrand, and would most certainly solidify us as one of the main power brokers and forces in Dunstrand outside of House Malor and the Duke, as well as in Bar-Innis, becoming the Regents of Cy and ensuring the Aelishan family rule of Bar-Innis for generations to come. We would become the right hand of the Duke in the new world we would have created. We would also gain prestige, reputation, fear, glory and enemies in the lands throughout Dunstrand and Gladnor…

Geri has the right of it, and at this moment, I feel the same sentiments that Jaq has just shared, as I myself was victim of Anwin exiling us to a different dimension, in his hope of crushing and totally eradicating us. In destroying and eliminating Anwin, we will be victorious in crushing our long hated enemy – A battle of such that will ring loudly in our annuals, growing and solidifying the strength and power of our Brotherhood, a tale to be told throughout Dunstrand and Gladnor for centuries to come!

The path ahead is full of darkness and the death of many of our fellow Gallant brothers and sisters. Our plan against Anwin hinges on me and Jaq persuading the Lich Aruna, a former Gallant who had betrayed the Gallants and her oaths in generations past, to join us on our cause, leveraging those oaths that she had cast away before, as well as Naked’s idea of tantalizing her with the promise of the power of the Aelishan Dwindor Swamp Witch Legacy…if we are not able to persuade Aruna to join us on this endeavor, and she wishes then and there to have vengeance on the Gallants, than me and Jaq will possibly have to fight her there, in her lair with her myriad of Orrish and undead at her call…A losing prospect at best.. but she is our only hope in this endeavor. Once a Gallant, always a Gallant.

If Aruna agrees to a mage duel with Anwin, we still have to plan how to take on at least one demon bound to him, as well as his many different sparks and elementals, his familiars, his darks spells of power, and his possible henchmen, lackeys, as well as any items of power he may personally hold.

And let’s not forget that Anwin once owned the fragment of Midnight in Cavaris that we have, as we stole it from him, and I am certain he has read that and utilized that lore to the full extent possible, and I am also certain he has read other lores of similar power and disposition to be used against us.

But we can persevere if we are prepared.

In a conversation Geri and I had when we heard the announcement of Anwin’s retirement, Geri listed things that must be done to prepare ourselves – Geri, let me know if more needs to be done or if given the short time frame certain things cannot be done or current circumstances have changed things. From Geri:

1) Summon a fiend to consult on the spiritual graft of the Eye of Dimov to Thom Vynt leveraging the Twin Bond with Fazeel and to reveal any hidden powers of the Eye.
2) Summon a fiend to consult on the Helm of Nicologos- if it has power Mendollin could use then we will gift it to him.
3) Summon a fiend to consult on unlocking the memories of Books (or one that can conjure a blood spirit to re-acquire his occult powers rapidly)
4) summon a fiend to consult on unlocking mana for Jaq, Books and Fazeel
5) Summon a fiend to consult on Jaq’s wound – we need her in the field with better armor (a virtue would work better here, but my knowledge there is limited)
6) track down all I can in the way of elemental or fiend spark summoning for the battle against Anwin.
7) Summon a fiend who can conjure a blood spirit to accelerate Jaq’s meager occult aptitude with spell powers (at least casting minor protective spells might make her a better fighting asset)

On my part for preparation for this battle, a battle on a scale that Dunstrand has never seen, as Captain of our Brotherhood, I will make sure that we have the best armor and weapons, as many arrows and bolts and healing agents (natural and mystical), and as many allies that I can muster to be available for this action against Anwin!

With the help of Fred the Necromancer, I will also go through the inventory of items (the new Gallantine Legacy) that we can find among our buried and fallen brethren to be used against our hated enemy. Items of power and of note from Gallants long past fallen will be again wielded by Gallants, the long dead spirits of Fallen Gallants will now be part of our forces on this most epic of Gallant fights!

All of the old guard must do what they can to prepare for this fight!

We are Gallants, Now and Forever! Once a Gallant, Always a Gallant!

We crush our enemies! We will crush Anwin!

We stand and act to protect, defend, strengthen, unite, and fight on behalf of our beloved homes and lands of Bar-Innis and Dunstrand!

Anwin will die! The Gallants will be Victorious!

So Says Sir Thom Vynt, Plague of the Steel Realms, Captain of the Gallants

So Say The Gallants All!!!

Nils Returns After Disposing of Silvas

Geri says you can never ever be in a room with house malor agents alone again. Do not let them read your thought, or you might have to leave dunstrand. If worse comes to it, flee to cabella with he gallants. She actually gives you the ducateon copper scroll, guard with your life.
You should obviously stop wearing the gift of the earth and shave your beard. You have the one thing Tanner was able to give. It is papers which a writ. In the dukes name it will get you passage north to the borders of his lands.

[Nils] been off attending urgent business…
will update when I know more for sure concerning what has transpired…

as for dealing with Anwin…
there is no need for the Gallants to turn ‘evil’ over this…
that is your own choice in the matter…
I am certainly against it…
certain things need to be done…
not only for the greater good of the Gallants but for Dunstrand it’self.

to allow Anwin and his power structure to survive would be a greater evil
as would be it to allow certain powers in the Dwindor swamp
to fall into enemy hands.

we should also no forget our promise to find a more suitable replacement
as the guardian of the swamp…
the child continues to be raised in those conditions for how many years?
all the while, we go about our business as if no Oath was made…
I wonder where you are going to find a more suitable volunteer?
and a Gallant as well….

if we where stronger, we could maybe deal with Anwin ourselves,
but we are left with fewer allies than we expected,
and the power that be seem unwilling or unable to act against
the Twin River encroachment (let along barely able to muster against Umbackian invasions).
but seem fine to act and plot against us….

For the Gallants and Dunstrand we must go forth
and put this menace to rest….

we do not do this out of desperation or weakness but out of strength…
to further the long term stability of the realm.

we as Gallants are known for doing what no one else is willing to do,
should we falter now…?
let us go forward and meet this challenge head on and be done with it…

yes, to defeat Anwin we are doing evil – we the Gallants – fighting along side of a Lich is Evil, Midnight in Cavaris and the Lore within is Evil, summoning all sorts of dark things to gain power so we are not slaughtered is Evil – associating with creatures of undeath and darkness and demons is evil – yes, we as a group have taken the dark path, each one of us, as there was no other way for us to defeat Anwin – yes, we will be using the lore from Midnight in Cavaris and the powers of the Eye of Dimov in this – let us not fool ourselves – we take evil and darkness upon ourselves to defeat Anwin, who is otherwise way beyond our means to defeat – we the Gallants together, and Naked was the first to chime in behind Geri, Jaq and Books, so yes, we are all a part of this. Taelin may have to foreswear his Ranger Code of Conduct for this action, and so may Naked. Let us be honest here.
And I am assuming there is more darkness and evil that we will be associating ourselves with by working with Aruna, including her Orrish and undead minions…
And Let us not forget: Laws of the High King – Consorting with Darkspawn: High Order Crime
High Order Crimes: High order crimes are punishable by up to death, but usually result in confiscation of goods and land, loss of titles, imprisonment and torture or public flogging. A brand may be imposed.

[Thom] Jaq – do you have any ideas for this?

[Jaq] I have no time to get the blade lawfully belonging to me – Boneshaker. I am planning a coordinated sneak attack on him and/or his entourage. I asks for permission to operate on horseback to shout commands and direct where all can see me.
I will be on horseback, but the majority Gallants will be on foot. Jaq is working up three tactical ‘plays’ which will be signaled using colored smoke from concotions Fazeel is making.
The big unknown is the tactics and poers Aruna will use in the duel. Her goal is to kill him and she will be tuning her powers to his responses each turn. Geri justs says that the best approach is to not count her in organized tactics but treat her as a wilcard diversion. Jaq agrees, AND he thinks it best not to involve her in the ‘play’ development as he fears that as a lich, even siding with us, her secondary desire is still to see to the death of as many of the living as she can unconciously.
Frankly. Fazeel will try and be the eyes on the big picture, signaling ‘plays’ when circumstances dictate. Mendollin will be a sort of watch on geris back as she enters the field an concentrates on overwhelmin anwin. Mendollin will fend off any attackers directly on geri while she drops all she has. Seconds, Plague, Books, etc. Will work as a wall/team to take out creatures and mundane guards while aruna and geri pour on the firepower to take down anwin.
This is the basics.

Mary does come to you and tell you she is concerned about Jaq. She seems bent on not surviving and has a quasi-suicidal outlook involving the assured scrifice of herself. Whatever Geri did to deprogram her from her white sister vows has made her a bitter, hard hearted, angry woman. There is no love left. But she also says that she is still the mother of the gallants and will take care of even this wayward child. You are not sure what that means, but you have learned that if there is one person to trust to love and want to keep the Gallants alive it is Mary…

[Thom] Surely that is best – your direction is something we all rely on in a battle like this. What about wielding Truevein?
I think when we last left Rictor, he gave up Truevein (and it was reburied) and he decided that with his sword dancing a broadsword was a better choice.
If there was no time to get Bone Shaker from the White Sisters of Umbak (which would have been a great asset in this fight) I thought we had discussed you taking up Truevein as a replacement blade to Bone Shaker (though it’s not quite the same), especially since we didn’t know if we were going to have to fight Aruna in her lair or not with her Orrish Minions.
And of course Jaq would have the necessary heavy armor that wielding a 2-handed sword requires.
I give you all authority to organize us. I fully expects Anwin to cheat (dude, he wants to live and happily retire!) and doesn’t really plan on us fighting a fair duel type fight either.

[Jaq] Possibly – but i cannot wield Truevein from saddle-back. Rictor would probably be our best bet for a threat using that blade.

[Thom] then I guess the next question would be who will wield the Suffering Shard? And I really don’t see a role for the Chaos Blade in any of this.
Taquill had… maybe that Staff of Abeyance that was Taqwill’s can go to Fazeel?

[Jaq] The chaos blade is a hold-out effect if all else fails. And i would keep the Suffering Shard off the battlefield since it could cause rotting of armor and other stuff at inopportune times.
The staff is for the library care-taker only; i intend to be using theise items and trying to stop the demon we know Anwin to have with it – its a slim hope at best but the only one we have… good memory.

[Tiny] I not evil, brutal killing machine? Yes! I stand with Gallants, I fight for Gallants, I kill any opposed to the will of my commanding officers. I am a dog warrior of the north. It’s not my place to judge my banded brothers on the dark path they seek for victory over Anwin. If must be for our actions, my body can be punished, but only the moon lady may judge me. Careful to my brothers and sisters, darkness has many ways of finding cracks in your armor if you let it consume or guide your actions…once fight is done, any evil left on the field of battle will also parish. Be that it stays on that field never to be spoken of again. I will dance and drink to moon lady that it not be any of you, and that you have the strength of arm and spirit to let go of any ties with evil doing so that we may one day forgive what we must do on that day. For moon lady’s sake, let’s not clusterfuck ourselves by remembering to not make Helca even worse once the days battle is done, and moon yet rises again. I fight, kill, and guard the way for the Gallants, as a fellow Gallant, unto death and beyond…your fate is my own that day. I seek only to obey the commands handed down to us soldiers, to crush many enemy skulls, and too bite off their faces before shitting and pissing in their ocular-cavities! Always gives moon lady a good laugh. Haha!

[Nils] If you choose to give yourself over to another power… and that power is dark… then yes it is darkness…
if you chose to graft something dark to yourself… that is your choice… don’t expect the rest to follow, and may end up being replaced…
but in the end, whomever is in charge of the Gallants has the final say. and must be backed. A vote was asked for, I gave my vote, and my reasons.
but will do whatever is asked, be it let Anwin go. or not. we may need to still need to deal with Aruna and our promise to replace Geri’s daughter.
Just make a decision and we’ll do it, don’t ask for a vote or option if you don’t want one. I Apologize for my briskness, I don’t want to loose friends and comrades any more than the rest of you.
too much strife within our ranks as it is… I was only thinking it may allow a way for Aruna to redeem herself and cease to be a threat…
(I believe the reason she was kicked down the hole was because she had linked herself to the Celestial and was making of overtures to sacrifice a child to her)
no reason for us to ’embrace’ the dark side… and you are right, she cannot be trusted. if you feel that we can’t compromise on that level, then so be it…
we should not make any ‘Dark’ pacts… maybe I can retire after all, and leave all this strife behind… go back to training more Gallants in the ranger ways.

[Tiny] Second that brother Naked!

[Sir Thom Vynt] Nils, brother, you are a Gallant through and through – you who just slayed one of our own for braking his oath to our Brotherhood. I also had to meditate and pray on this after hearing all of the support for taking this dark road of Revenge against Anwin.
It is easy to say we will have revenge on such a powerful evil wizard (occ: at minimum his PLU in sorcery is a 10, but his ALU/ELU is probably more than that) bound to demons and dark minions with items of power and all sorts of dark lore and spells and elementals and fiends at his command. It is another thing entirely to actually take the action needed to oppose this kind of evil power.
I believe that only me and Geri and possibly Fazeel truly know and understand what power that Anwin will bring to bear against us – we the Gallants ourselves have no such means to oppose this, especially if we don’t tap into the dark power and lore that we possess – we will all be slaughtered if we confront Anwin without this – I thought this was understood when we took our vote.

Outside of the allying ourselves with power of Aruna or that of the Fallen Celestial, it would take an army to take and be successful against the power and forces that Anwin will have defending himself and what he will throw at us.
Need I remind you, Nils, brother, that it was you who came up with the plan to give the Evil Immortal Undead Lich Aruna the power of the Witch of Dwindor Swamp in addition to her own evil occult and undead powers and whatever power she may derive from her bond the the Fallen Celestial?

This along with her renewed Gallant Oath, forever will the Gallants be bound to the Immortal Evil Undead Lich, and now Dwindor Swamp Witch, Aruna. Your plan would also give her the power of the Dwindor Swamp Witch Legacy, a power that itself is tainted with darkness. She will have all of the evil, darkness and Orrish of the Dwindor Swamp at her control and whim for her nefarious plans all across Dunstrand..and the Gallants will be forever tied to this – an abomination to the Laws of the High King and to all personal upstanding moral and ethical codes.

But right now, it is the only plan we have to fight against the power that Anwin will bring to bear against us. Revenge is a dark thing… Everything we do now to fight Anwin (for each one of us who has sworn the Oath of the Gallants), is an abomination under the Laws of the High King, and an abomination and affront to any sort of personal upstanding moral and ethical codes. Revenge is a dark thing.
No one stands separate from the group in this, as Law or Divine Power will not see any distinction from any who has a part of this. But if we are victorious, then we may be pardoned or forgiven for our trespasses…if we fail…there will be a price to pay (well, maybe there will be a price to pay even if we are successful).

If the Senior Gallants had chosen not to have revenge on Anwin, I would not have chosen this path. The path of revenge is a dark one. But all of the Senior Gallants all have agreed to this, and now it would seem a violation of Gallant Oaths for the old guard not to follow through, unless the whole of the Senior Gallants chose not to take this path, after hard consideration…
But right now, allying ourselves with Aruna and using what lore and power we have at our disposal, no matter how dark, is the only plan we have to fight and be victorious against the power that Anwin will bring to bear against us. Revenge is a dark thing…

[Mendollin] Anwin is a pussy dude…a fuckin’ coward who hides behind old pacts with demons, smoke and mirrors. He’s fucking smoke and mirrors dude. He’s used up most of his essence and is running on fumes. He’s hoping we won’t do shit, but we’re a bitter lot of bastards who won’t let shit go. He’s worse, the beating he took at Relb’s hand, the charge on the battle field by Aribus that almost took him. Really, what does he got on us? We’re fucking Gallants! We’re fucking just crazy enough to attempt this thing and might win because everyone else would just let him go…fuck’em! Anwin can suck my big hairy nut sack! Cage and any of the old crew wouldn’t hesitate to give him a beat down! Did that make us evil? No! We’re just pissed off and we showed our displeasure by sticking it to the man, and right now that man is Anwin. An old fuckin’ husk and fossil of a man that oppressed and used people for his own political gains by throwing out a big show once in a while…fuck him and most mages! They come on strong but their bluff always comes to an end sometime, and when he stumbles, the Gallants will be there to plunge a blade deep in his black soul once and for all! He’s owed that and so much more, but I’ll take a silent blade through the ribs or a public display of the grotesque in order to fucking kill this fucking shit heel! There’s no way for him to survive with all of us after him! I don’t care what powers he brings to the table? It won’t be enough to stop us from releasing his miserable fucking life from it’s mortal coil. Politics aside, this fucker is finally going down by one of the Gallants hands!
It’s long over due and he’s had his day…that day is past, and he will die!

[Geri] that man has spent too much time amongst the ranks – he gives magi a bad name.

[Thom Vynt] Seriously, it would seem that when we arrive at Cerran’s Grant, we must be set up in a way that blocks the road out, otherwise we would
have to chase him down, which would seem to give him an advantage. I am not certain of the geography of the area, and not sure exactly as
of yet how each one of us is arriving (horse, foot, or Fiend?), so it is hard for me to say right now how we do this.
In the face of the people that live in Cerran’s Grant, and after Anwin does not agree to Aruna’s challenge of a mage duel, I may have
to confront him and say something to the effect that in the Dukes name and for the people of the Riverdans, Cabella, and of Dunstrand, and
for all of the Gallants you have killed over the years, we are here to make you pay for your crimes – though I think that could be a suicidal
gesture by me, and I would rather go out fighting than talking.
And if we just attack him without reason, especially after he refused a formal duel, that may not be seen by the crowd as the most noble of
actions. If we don’t do this right, even if we are successful, the Duke and House Malor and the Maulsmen may hunt the remainder of the
Gallants down as threats to the Realms and either jail or execute them. That is still a worry of mine. And there may be other factors to
consider that are escaping my mind at the moment. I still have not yet discussed with Aruna on how she will offer her challenge to Anwin, How she does this may impact how we react to him
rejecting the formal duel and then moving on his way South to a happy retirement.

[Geri] Aruna will handle the duel part – its personal. If Anwin tries to walk away, we have to kill a few locals and frame him for it. Or at least hurt a bunch.

[Jaq] It does not matter the reason, if we win, no one will care.

[Mary] My concern is us being viewed as supporting the undead to the civilians. We need the faith of the people even after we kill Anwin. Can we Help Aruna kill Anwin and then chase her from the town or at least act as if we’re trying to kill her too. If no

[Geri] Aruna is one of us, we have to support her. We can’t be seen to turn on our own, but perhaps if we told people (let it leak out by “accident”) that we had a way to restore her humanity – that she was fighting for us in exchange for that.

[Mary] You could even share your story. Maybe Anwin MADE her a Lich. A lie that could save civilian lives is a lie worth telling.

[Thom Vynt] That is good, spread story that we will be saving the lich’s soul and humanity, that she desperately wants back what Anwin had stolen from her…including all the pain and death and poverty that Anwin has caused, he also steals the humanity from women creating undead for his own power and ends..and his death is part of the cure…

But do we block his way, and talk to him more, or do we have Aruna just start blasting him right there?

And again, I would not rather kill innocents to get at Anwin – especially if some in the crowd actually sees us doing the actual hurting or killing, our arguments won’t hold – and I disagree, Jaq, but even if we win, it will matter, and people will care…even with Anwin gone that doesn’t necessarily make us the good guys, either..

And I hear that Anwin is an excellent horse rider, and he will use this skill to the best of his ability to either elude us or get to the ground of his own choosing..

[Mary] The story can be planted as part of the duel request. We just have to Aruna from slaughtering innocent people in the process of getting to and fighting Anwin.

[Thom Vynt] Again, I am not sure what Aruna is going to say to challenge Anwin, but would she be up for adding this story of Anwin stealing her humanity to her list of other things she will throw at him, if she is going list a litany of charges against him in the challenge?

[Kanis] ambush him… on the road. hopefully from behind with surprise. best to attempt sandwitch manover.
may want to do it close by his keep in case he tries to head off in a diff direction.
take and hold his stuff if he’s making a run for it.

[Thom Vynt] The problem of the ambush scenario is that we actually
don’t know what his response to us will be. Will he accept or reject
Aruna’s challenge. Is Aruna going to meet Anwin alone face to face to
challenge him while we hide further down the road, just in case he
wanders that way? And while we are away waiting, he destroys Aruna
since we left her alone…

It would seem best if our whole group was there, mainly because we
really don’t know what his response is going to be. If we plan for
Ambush, that would take us out of the picture if he did in fact accept
to duel Aruna.

Also, I don’t think anyone in our group really knows that area well
enough to have a location selected for an ambush. Anwin has lived in
Cerran’s Grant for 30 years and knows all the nooks and crannies of
the place – I am also doubtful that we are going to be able to fully
surprise Anwin, given all the protections and minions he has around

While catching him by surprise would be great, and would be the best
situation for us, but against such a powerful wizard who really just
wants to get out of Dunstrand without problems, he will probably have
his protections and minions on the lookout just to make sure that will
be the case – he knows that Dunstrand knows that he will be leaving
his complex at about this time…so if there were going to be people
coming out of the woodwork to go at him, this would be the time, and I
am thinking he knows that.

And his minions will include at least one demon (for sure) and
probable flesh golems and earth elemental, and his familiar which
powers and maybe even a underling mage or two, in addition to any
mundane human cronies he has..I think it will be hard to hide our
presence amongst earth elementals

I am not much for The Gallants to be hiding in the shadows and
skulking around with this – We are making as statement, we are having
our revenge, and we are furthering the interests of a stronger and
unified Dunstrand! We The Gallantine Order, The Gallants, are taking
direct action against Anwin, and all of Dunstrand and Gladnor will
know about it!

[Silvas] If you are overly concerned about the tie to Aruna and its public appearance. Perhaps we should fob it off on Anwin then. Drop rumors and have her blatantly blame him for her present condition. Make HIM the lich creator who has to die for her to return to normal. It may even cause him to be more likely to accept the duel if shes slandering him that horridly. Hes done bad things, but the idea of turning a woman into a lich would make ANYONE look bad. Given that I think even if he did refuse we could still look like the ‘good guys’ by pretending to mitigate the situation and then being completely suprised when she attacks him as he runs away. (if he runs away.) The idea of him picking the ground seem VERY bad for us.

[Mendollin] Don’t forget the many tunnels leading out of his place. He could send out a simuclorian (a fake, a ruse) and escape without combating at all. Geri knows this, she’s been there before. Yes he does have good riding skills. He may also possess some kind of griffin? He had statue he stole back from us at much expense. His familiar is some invisible flying cat that pisses me off frankly! How’re we supposed to detect something like that?
No, we must make it impossible for him to walk away. Name calling will only get you so far… we must challenge his ego, his life long quest to be the one and only hammering force of the Twin Rivers when the locals get out of line and rebel. He wants to be feared more than anything so he can go play with his magic toys, and be left alone to fuck his goats, and all the things evil wizards do when they retire. He wants witnesses, there is no sneak attacking him in his fortress. It has to be a straight up fight to the death, his amassed power over the decades or all the magical might of a lich to further his point to the people…he just wants to go out in style, against incredible odds, powerful foes, enemies for generations…a feud. He will bare all he has against us if we attack his legacy. What will he be remembered for? No, I don’t think he’ll run, meet on a battlefield? Yes…he would do that, he would.

[Thom Vynt] Yes, I am liking the idea that Aruna blames her Lich condition (and
many other things) on Anwin and that the Gallants have brought her
back for both her vengeance and the vengeance of those in Dunstrand he
has harmed, and that his death can save her…

I did not know about those tunnels – Geri, are those either a
possibility of him escaping or way for more of his cronnies to come at
us? Yes, I had not known exactly what his familiar was, but I know it
can cast spells, so it will definitely be a danger to us. An
invisible flying cat? Crap!

And while I do not think it the most like of scenarios, we should be
ready in case either Anwin just wants to leave and happily retire and
ignores us in his glee of causing us so much pain over the years, or
he scorns us by rejecting the mage duel, thinking we are just
bothersome flies…but yes, I don’t think we can let him get too far
if he bolts (though I really don’t see him doing that). I tend to
think like Mendollin, that he will puff himself up and would want to
take care of the Gallant riff-raff that dares to threaten him..

But whatever the case, if he bolts, the formal mage duel is off and it
becomes a melee and occult free-for-all

[Tiny] He’s a pussy…call him out like one. Seriously…I like the rumors idea. There’s some truth in it right? Who cares if it don’t…point is if you call him out like a school boy bitch, he won’t miss the opportunity to publicly humiliate us where he has the upper hand. He has to know we’re all in and can wipe us out at once or he won’t show at all. But make it some neutral place. A banner of peace and judgement for the atrocity of making a woman an ever-living lich! People will lose their shit to know a fraction of the hideous shit this fuckers has done. We ain’t no princes, dukes, and the like so we put it out all on the table as the people’s champions. Sometimes it means going to an incredible depths of ones soul to muster enough courage to stand up and fight our fight, that of the people and both our personal reputations for past transgressions on both sides. Only the one left alive at the end gets to shape how history views our actions that day. But I like dragging his name through the filth, with gritted teeth, and weapons clinched! Make a fair or festival for the people to come watch two titanic forces square off, and bring the spirit of the gladiators to rise to witness the fight to the bitter end. One side wins, winner take all. That or challenge the pussy to a game of Rouquet so the heads of state are appeased for our valor in not wanting to level several miles of all life to fight this shit bag! Just kill him on the field like good players…leaving the commoners out of most of harms way. Lots of betting at those games??? Most be enough to set up the Gallitine Academy for a long time if we do this right in the eyes of the Duke. A formal challenge to set the the and place. Give him a list of rules to be followed. Maybe house Malor could back is on that so we can keep down any collateral damage down. Duke may even appreciate the civil route instead of our usual kill’em all attitude? Just point me at the shit indeed to kill to win.

[Silvas] Yeah….. the tie between aruna and anwin is a blatant lie. Her own lichdom is entirely her own doing.

[Mendollin] yeah…but it was Farrold who broke her neck and kicked her down a big black hole in the ground as a Gallant. I mean Farrold did have the 1/2 Ghoul son. It’s not like stuff is related because Farrold did what he did, that was for something else, and Aruna is there because we put her there. Although she did make her own bed, and was planning some evil shit in trade for power. She sold her soul for where she is now, understood. She has her own plans to be sure if she does get involved. I’d be better off looking over my back the whole time then to trust her to help us fight Anwin. I’d be stupid not to think that, what happens if the two of the most powerful magus get together to battle each other, but what would happen if they both turn on us??? Are we sure it’s a solid plan to have these two go at each other? Do they hate each other that much that they want to battle it out against themselves and leave us out of their range of fire? You see my point right?

[Thom] Scenario 2 – Anwin tries to slink away without answer, not acknowledging us

It seems to me that this might put us in a slightly better
position than the first scenario, since he doesn’t even have the balls
to address us, and seems to put him in a weaker position. Though it
still puts us in the same position as the first that we might have to
prepare to take him on without Aruna’s diversion of the mage duel, and
we still have to have the roads blocked. But in the eyes of the
crowd, I think there would be less dishonor in pursuing action against
him than if he had fully declined the mage duel – I am not sure – what
are your thoughts on this?

[Mary] I think that we should continue with the ambush plan, using the main road considering that he will be moving the entirety of his holdings. At least until He excepts Aruna’s Duel offer. Can Aruna pass for human? Should we be seen with her otherwise? Cant we cure her of Lichness?

[Geri] Anyone taking a close look will know what she is – we cannot let her been seen up close. We should all have mounts we can access if we want to give chase – but i have the feeling Anwin will set the time and place for us to catch up. Again, an alternative is to have a incident which frames him for hurting people and forces him to accept the duel.

[Jaq] No one will care what reason we stopped or attacked, as long as we win.

[Mary] My concern is us being viewed as supporting the undead to the civilians. We need the faith of the people even after we kill Anwin. Can we Help Aruna kill Anwin and then chase her from the town or at least act as if we’re trying to kill her too?

[Geri] we cannot turn on our own. We cannot be seen to ‘start’ anything – she must.

[Thom Vynt] Geri is right, Aruna has sworn our oaths, and she is as much a Gallant as each and everyone of us. I think the best we can do in regards to Aruna’s condition is to make sure the crowd doesn’t get too close to to see what she really is..

Jaq and Geri, again these are people of the Riverdans and I would not want to hurt them…unless they REALLY turned against us….is there a way we could blockade Anwin from galloping away – would he run from his baggage train and leave it unprotected – if we can’t blockade, maybe have some of our group hit his baggage train while others try to cut Anwin off before he gets to a place he feels more comfortable to command his creatures of rock and stone…

Given the fact that we will all be rushing in, I am not sure if we could ambush unless we all had the time to get there and scout the area…does anyone know the geography and the layout of the land in the area? Fazeel, haven’t you been spying on Anwin at his compound?

[Mary] Understood, Aruna is one of us. I will honor our oaths. If Anwin leaves his Baggage Train he will seal his fate. There has to be evidence that we can present to the powers that be, showing his evil actions. Possibly gaining the help of House Malor in hunting him down, but I do not like the idea of hunting him as he will have the upper hand. Allowing him to pick the place of confrontation.

[Thom Vynt} Within his baggage train should be all of his journals covering the 30 years as the enforcer of the Twin River Confederacy in
Cerran’s Grant, detailing every shady back room arrangement ever made in the area, which if the Duke would ever gain access to these, it
could forever alter the political landscape as the Duke and House Malor would come crashing down on Count Badericus of West River Run
and Count Griswold of East River Run – among all the other items in his store of weapons and occult power, Anwin’s journals would be the
most damning for them and the best evidence for us that our actions against Anwin were in the service of Dunstrand

[Mary] Thats my understanding also.

[Kanis] as before, ambush, persue, etc. –
if he has company (hostage, escourt, protection, guards, etc.) if is possible for Aruna or Geri to do something to make it look like his minnions or spell caused an attack on them or damage them? (misdirection).
That or after initial ambush attack. anounce that the ‘company’ may leave, we only want Anwin & they may live?

[Thom] Again, I would say that among Anwin’s company his minions will include
at least one demon (for sure and for real) and probable flesh golems
and earth elementals maybe even a stone golem and his familiar which
powers and maybe even a underling mage or two, and who knows maybe
even some other types of animations and other creatures in addition to
any mundane human cronies he has. I don’t think we are going to be
able to threaten a demon or many of those creatures in that manner, or
Anwin himself -again, I am not sure we can actually orchestrate an
Ambush scenario – and again, We are The Gallants are taking direct
open action against Anwin.

[Kanis] was talking about normals… if there are none then not problem…

[Fazeel] In this situation I think it would be hilarious to confiscate the wagon hes personally leaving with and let him go. I can tell you that he is sending a few wagons ahead of him in different directions and leaving with the last personally.
I am working on a few distracting tricks my self, though having an issue with out my own shop. I have colored founts of smoke that will serve as signals to be used when i see a situation arises. These will be lit by our officers command or when i see that our officers are no longer able to command. I will send you all the dolor code and hopefully the characters can memorize it.

[Thom] I am not sure if we have the resources to chase down those other
wagons (do we?) – and I am not sure about letting Anwin go. That
would seem to allow him to choose when and where he would attack us
next, and gives him an advantage. I am pretty certain he would not let
slide us gaining his wagon full of power and secrets.

Though if he refuses the fight or ignores us and tryies to get away
from us, we should have a group ready to chase him down, and then
confront him once we get him (before he could use a fiend of travel or
any such thing) and another group ready to attack his cronnies
protecting his baggage train that he left behind in doing so – if
Aruna in her challenge states all we need in her challenge, then our
actions after become that much less complicated

But yes, those signals and plays that Fazeel is cooking up will
definitely be a great help for us in the fight!

[Kanis] another option i thought if today was to just hit and run. if there is no duel. have him chase us.
let everyone think there was a big battle. so that way when we get back to home not all chewed up and weglens attack on us while we are weak will be for naught.

Vynt Family Blade Discussion

Thom Vynt pulls Jaq, Geri, and Mary aside to talk about something personal:

{Thom Vynt} If I fall, I would like my sword, the Vynt Family Blade,
the blade of my father, to be added to the new Gallantine Legacy, to
be used by any future Gallants who meet the requirements to use it for
their service in our Order. My uncle and his family are horsemen and
traders, and my twin sister will more than likely marry into a family
of traders, so it seems fitting that my blade stay with my family of
warriors here with the Gallants if I fall in this battle against

[Mary] Dualy noted If you die and we are still successful i will make certain to retrieve your family blade.

Mary’s Promotion

[Geri] If Jaq lives, and I do not, you must open a sealed scroll and giver her the papers inside – it is her future revealed. And Mary, you are promoted to second lt. Plague and I agree Mary is second in command now.

[Mary] Mary is surprised. But, she accepts the scroll. – “I will preform my duty’s to the best of my abilities. I get the feeling you do not expect to live.”

LATER (slips note under door of Geri and Thom’s quarters – “My voices is tired and I need what little ability I have to command for the time it is needed. It would seem that a great deal of our Band feels we will not survive or at least that as individuals they will not survive. Are there plans in motion to this effect? I do not need to know the detail. I would know if my leaders are planning a suicide mission for themselves or is this an issue of the Coven? I understand the strength of Anwin. Do not count me simple. I sense a lack of hope and I would have it infect our young charges. We are Gallants and we will prevail, damnit! I will not see us march into combat defeated by our own lack of conviction, before the first blow made.”

[Thom] FIND MARY LATER – Mary, it is just this reason I have selected you for
command of our Order – you will make sure we follow the right path,
but making sure along the way that rashness and folly are not part of
our plans. In this way, you will balance out Jaq, who even before her
mind was broken by both the White Sisters and then the reading of
Midnight in Cavaris, she was rash and impulsive. Granted, her methods
seemed to have worked many times for The Gallants under her command,
but I would say much of that was luck and not without much forethought
to the cost, though she has a skilled mind for combat and military
matters, better than mine has been. And me on the other hand, I tend
to ponder and think too much, and therefore we missed some
opportunities or sometimes we did things in a rush because we
discussed too much and no resolution came to pass…you balance both
Jaq and me out in this.

Thus with you directing the course, I am certain that the Gallantine
Order will continue on to grow stronger and closer to the Duke and
more central to the Dukes plans and to the defense of the Heartlands
of Gladnor.

And be certain that I don’t have a death wish for myself in the up
coming battle, but we must be prepared for what may come to pass. This
battle, a battle to kill Anwin, the enemy that has done so much evil
to us and to Dunstrand, the enemy that recklessly drove me to bond
closer with the unknown Fallen Celestial of Braddon Bog for the power
to kill him not so long ago, is definelty a battle that my soul would
be at peace with if I should not make it through till the end. A
battle to be remembered for generations to come, I am certain!

I am the Captain and the Commander of The Gallants. I will march
against our most hated enemy and with the most formidable melee
fighting skills we have amoung us, I will deal out death to Anwin and
the strongest of things which he throws at us, hoping in doing so I
can protect the lives of the less skilled among us, especially the
newer recruits. And Geri, while I would hope she would live on to
grow old with her daughter and her niece, Cy, the next Earless of
Bar-Innis, be certain that she does not have a rash death wish in this
endeavor either. The truth is that Geri is the strongest in the Occult
we have (outside of Aruna) and she must manage all eventualities that
may occur in this mage fight, or the battle that happens if Anwin
refuses the duel but still we take arms and occult powers against him.

Jaq on the other hand, may have a suicidal death wish on herself to go
out in a rash blaze of glory…Reading the horrors in that evil book
after experiencing the peacefull bliss of Aerna is probably more than
most minds could take…Mary you must watch her and make sure that she
does not make a suicidal move in this fight. And help her to mend, to
become herself again.

Even if I live through this, I plan to retire and resign from the
Captaincy of the Gallants, either marrying Geri (if she should live
and would want me) to become together the Regents of Bar-Inis and to
raise her daughter and Cy together as sisters. If that is not a
possiblity, I will then cast the lot and fate of my future with
Tanner, who out of all the powers in Dunstrand was mine and The
Gallants true and only realy ally and friend.

But as of this moment you are my second in command. I will need your
help in getting ready for this battle against Anwin. If I survive, I
will help sort through the aftermath of fighting Anwin, but once you
have helped Jaq’s mind to a point that she can do so, I will give the
command and the Captaincy to Jaq. If Jaq does not make it through
this battle, then you, Mary, will be Captain after me, and lead the
Gallants on the path to a glorious future.

And Mary, if he makes it through this battle, maybe you can be of help and a mentor to our Half-Elf recruit Taelin – he has so much anger in him, and maybe there is a way you can help him through that as well – he has a true and noble heart, maybe more noble than the most of us could ever attempt to follow in the paths we have chosen for our lives, But he is following in your footsteps as the healer for this new band of recruits. When and if the time comes, I would appreciate it if you could teach him the advanced ways of healing and medicine that you have.

Jaq’s Big Strategy

the Gallants gather to hear an idea Jaq has for taking on the powerful wizard. This is an all-out attack, one of the classic “Jaq Specials”.
Chotla overhears many of the Gallants talking like they may not come back. Not the kind of people you want to be around as you fully intend on living. His hawk is growing way faster than normal, and is already trying to fly – not really a chick any more.
He asks Jaq can Chotla help lead innocent people away from the battlefield? He is useful as a scout. Not sure if he is going to be useful on the battlefield with magic.
He recommends he hold a line of retreat if his friends get beat down. Do we have a reserve line for the battle? Jaq says Anwin has several men at arms guards – non magical.

[Jaq] We have no reserve line yet… a rally point would be good thing to have. You could have several small arms to distribute to those around you to create a armed rally point around if the battle spills into the crowd… and it will almost certainly.
You might also be able to hire a couple thugs to back you in the crowd with some thrown weapons like hatchets.

[Chotla] Spears and clubs would be my first choice. The thugs worry me. I don’t have a lot of local knowledge. I would run extra personnel ideas by those in command. If I was the enemy this would be perfect opportunity for a spy to be placed.

[Jaq] Good thinking. You could hire a couple of mercenaries on your way to the battle – not from the local area. spears and clubs are easily hidden on a draft horse – you could get a dozen of each under blankets and such without chancing attracting notice.
You can pull rank and grab a pair of cannon fodder gallants before tuo leave dogwoods flats too. We want Gallant penons on the spears to easily mark who we are.

Its assumed that Anwin will use every creature, etc at his disposal – and the Gallants will appear as Aruna’s summoned and ally creatures. Thats the best Jaq can figure to keep it within near “legal” bounds as described to her by Geri.

  • Aruna goes head-to-head. We let them slog it out, we wont count Aruna as part of any tactical or strategic vision since she will simply be reacting to Anwin and we dont know enough of magic to plan that part.
  • Hammer and anvil basic – a pocket on foot as a wall will slowly move to engage peripheral foes and try and sweep Anwin – the “anvil”.
    Rictor is given Truvien again. Kanis will be with seconds, Rictor, etc. Seconds will be in charge of this group as a backup.
  • Near the “anvil” group will be Thom – armed with Farold’s Wall and full armor, picking out the baddest bad buy he can.
  • On the opposite side, a pair of cavalry horses – bought on credit – lead by Jaq as the “hammer”.
  • Geri was thinking of starting off surounded by heavy cloaked brethren on Anwins end of the field among the “anvil”, casting pumice shield on each as the duel begins. Then when things get out of hand, all in the group will have magical protection in addition to good hard leather or ringmail.
  • Interspersed through the edges of the field Taelin and maybe another archer. He will keep moving, firing every other round from a new vantage point with (hopefully) surprise – an annoying gnat to keep Anwin occupied but not much of a target.
  • Chotla has a good idea to have a pack horse on the edge of the field with spears and clubs. He will create a rally point if things collapse at all, or the crowd needs protect – using spears and clubs he can help escort wounded off the field.
    Mary will work with him, brining anyone wounded (crowd or Gallant) to the safety of a rally point. Chotla will have about 5 axe’s to throw and harry Anwin with if needed.

Jaq to Nils {in provate} Leave your bow and work the docks along the river in Cerrans Grant. You must devest yourself of your signature goods and look. When you hear word of the results of the duel take a smugglers boat directly to
Prencross Inn and on to Dogwwod Flats to inform the Gallantine academy. If we fail, lead them – the remainder of the Gallants – to the mountains in richfield under protection of the hybrid horde and their shaman.
If we win, arm up the Gallants at the Dogwood Flats academy and prepare for an attack. Against who I will not say.

– Nils get the feeling its Baron Wheglin who may try and take us out before we can recover. “ok, to the letter my sister.”

[Thom] We have only 3 suits of 12pt armor among the whole lot of us, including the Old Guard. Even after establishing Dogwood Flats and the Gallantine Academy and Thom Vynt being a knight and a Sir and all that.

[Geri] With Tanner leaving, already resources are slim. The smithys and tanners are busy arming up the nobles. Only reason anything is available is because we have our own smith- though low level.
Ok, so in essence, Dunstrand is really struggling…unlike the well armored armies of Umbak…

Mary Paching for Cerran’s Grant

Mary contemplates the immensity of what they are about to do. Does Mary have any agenda of her own or will she follow orders? She follows orders. She doesn’t have a personal beef with Anwin. She’d be more worried about keeping her patients safe as she can. She would break ranks to save someone.
She feels good about her role.

Jaq comes to see her; Jaq asks her for basically pcp. She says she beleves she won’t live the day through the battle but wants a kick to boost her iron will. She wants to die in the saddle.

[Mary] “I’ve been working on such a concoction! You see, the venom from of the northern purple bellied rattler has a property that heightens the senses of its victim to the point of overwhelming the consciousness of said victim. Usually when the snake bites something as big as a human it over reacts and pumps too much venom. BUT, with the right ratio of venom to body weight we might actually be able to use it. I haven’t done human trials yet but my pigs seem to enjoy it quite a bit. I don’t know what kind of effect pain would cause either as my pigs can’t report such things. But I can make the stuff your talking about too. It won’t be as fun, but I can do it… Maybe both would soot you? Eh!” Mary is surprisingly excited by this prospect and looks at Jaq expectantly.

[Jaq] I just want to kill as many of the fuckers as I can before I go down. What about my horse? We got no war horse and I want to ride a dynamo that won’t be afraid.
I cannot be on the ground effectively with my torn up ankle. I need something that I can snort myself, and give my horse rectally… ineed it to work fast and furious. I just want you to remember me wearing the colors, having no fear,and laying waste to our enemies. Do this for your sister in arms- don’t tell the others though.

Mary remembers Jaq has some animal handling and there are no glass syriges which a horse would not likely break in a hurry. Jaq is asking for basically a suicide speed ball to reduce pain and increase adrenaline. Her vitality is good, but even she may not live, and definitely won’t once she gets a bad wound. Its whispered that Geri did something to jaq… she is not the same happy, nice person she was. But she is the same in her total pursuit of victory.
“You let me worry about it – i have just the thing, tastes like shot though.” Mary would try to to concoct something that would match Jaqs description initially but still livable – they would cause her to collapse at the end and take her out instead of allowing her to commit suicide by Iron Will.
Thom uses Mary’s trip to the swamps seeking herbs as a chance to meet with an orrish hunter, which is a messenger between the Orrish of Dwindor and the Gallants. He has once told her of a contest between rival goblin chief claimants where a concotion like this was used.
She gets the feeling Jaq does not care about her life and begins to resent Geri – perhaps she is saving Jaq’s life. What could have been so terrible?

Dwindor Swamp is filled with some rare plants. Time to make one quick trip to see what can be found in a day before packing up and moving out for Cerrans Grant with the “sick cart”.
Mary asked permission to create different poisons and their antidotes before she retired at the academy. Ingredients are easily found now over the years of discovering them in the swamp by her own searching or Fazeel.
It is too bad Fazeel betrayed The Gallants and left. So much of what is out there won’t keep for too long, but she knows she could probably look for a few though, and keep them hidden.
You are veeeeery busy and share an apothecary with two assistants. You had Jingle, but she took off months ago – you heard rumors for something Geri needed. Maybe a trade of some healing for one of the Orrish poisons…

Mary does go to Thom and tell him she is concerned about Jaq. She seems bent on not surviving and has a quasi-suicidal outlook involving the assured scrifice of herself. Whatever Geri did to deprogram her from her white sister vows has made her a bitter, hard hearted, angry woman. There is no love left.
But she also says that she is still the mother of the gallants and will take care of even this wayward child. Thom is not sure what that means, but you have learned that if there is one person to trust to love and want to keep the Gallants alive it is Mary… but from what Mary can tell, the overall plan is not suicidal – its just Jaq that does not expect to survive.

Geri, Jaq, and Prep for Aruna

[Thom] Did Aruna actually have a bond/pact with the Celestial before she died, and that is why she had the ability to become a lich, granted by the Celestial, or was it when she died she made the pact/bond?

[Geri]: No one knows about a formal pact, but something kept her alive.

[Thom] But once she became a lich, she was able to draw power from the Celestial?

[Geri]: No one knows for sure.

[Thom] Did the party discuss having Aruna killed, or did Farold just push Aruna off the ledge and kill her without consulting others in the party?

[Geri]: The later

[Thom] And now that we have strengthened the Celestial after our trip to the House of the Dead (though she is in eternal torment now), would it in our estimation mean that Aruna is able to draw even more power from the Celestial, since She has more to give?

[Geri]: Unknown – I surmises that that is the case – she has more power.

[Thom] Did Anwin play a factor in the Brave Companions, and would Aruna know Anwin, and were we all enemies of Anwin when Aruna was alive with the Brave Companions? Sop as a lich she would remember him as an enemy when she was alive?

[Geri]: No, he was just starting up himself. Aruna would likely know Anwin because she lives not too far away from him. The Confessor is the closest peril Aruna might be able to relate to.
Keep in mind she is a Grath-Malor. She is from a cavalier branch of the rulers of House Malor – she has her duty to Dunstrand you can draw on as well.

[Thom] And just so I have this correct, the Confessor was a Gwinnish priest of Elancil that terrorized Dunstrand at the time before the Brave Companions? Reading the logs of this is great for a player who was there, but there is never really a true description of what the Confessor is. Was he known for oppression and evil deeds in Dunstrand until the Band of Crows killed him?

[Geri] Yes – he terrorized the northlands as well during the Gwinnish invasion, and was the primary opponent in the holy war Hareen began.

[Jaq] The confessor yet lives and waits for his time again – “That is not dead which can eternal lie And with strange aeons even death may die”. He is one of the Drowned Ones of Elancil – the whispers on the sea have told me this, perhaps one of the greatest evils
of the modern age. Even the Emperor of Gwinn fears him, and it is whispered that the emperor’s son is instructed directly by his servitors.

[Geri] *slaps Jaq* What the hell! Where do you come up with this?! Its not possible for you to know this – how can that… thing, still be alive!? How!?

[Jaq] The whispers, I heard them say so.


[Thom] Ok – Well, I was going to add to what I would say to Aruna that Anwin was like the Confessor of our time, but now that we know that The Confessor is alive, and he does seem to be a bit badder than Anwin (or at least different),
I can’t make that argument… Or I could say that Anwin is like our Confessor, but we that Gallant’s also know that the Confessor is not dead, and once Anwin is dead, we will also have to save Dunstrand from the rise of the Confessor? To Aruna, please join us and help us for this? Gives her a purpose?
All i know is that he was a priest and that he died several times until Hareen killed him a bit more finally. Now this is not true? You cannot believe everything you read, i guess.

Geri tells Thom that Jaq will take her place as caretaker of the companions library, and that all her gear is hers to do with as she sees fit. But she also says that there is another if Jaq should fall as well – and she appears worried.

[Thom] All I can say is that is good news, that we will always have the library and all of it’s secrets covered. But that also seems to take Geri and Jaq out of the top leadership choice for Thom Vynt if he falls…

Geri says she’s not suited to represent the common fighting man, and they wont identify with her. Jaq certainly, but not a mage. Her place is among the tomes. Jaq can serve as both.

The “Pitch” to Aruna:
We are the among the current leadership of The Gallantine Order. Our Order is the living legacy of Orders of Heroes serving Dunstrand for decades: The Band of Crows, The Brave Companions and Gides Gallants. I am the current Captain and leader of The Gallants, Sir Thom Vynt, this is Geraldine Aelishan, daughter of Sandoval Aelishan of The Brave Companions and the Witch of Dwindor Swamp, and this is Jacquelyn Falkrik, who has served as leader of one of our most recent band of recruits serving the Duke as bannermen for a stronger and unified Dunstrand.
Aruna Grath-Malor, you who were a Brave Companion in life, who had said the Brave Companions words of Loyalty and Duty: “Loyalty to each other, – First, Last and Always. Work for the betterment of the land, people, and it’s rulers”, we come to you as part of your legacy to ask you to join us in a fight and battle to save the future of Dunstrand. We also ask this through the duty to and service for the greater good of Dunstrand of your family, House Malor. Dunstrand needs your help and your service and your power!
We have come to ask you now as undead to fulfill old oaths and words of duty and loyalty, and to swear anew to the Order of your legacy to join us in a fight against the long time enemy of our Order and of the lands and peoples of Dunstrand!
We ask you to challenge the Wizard Anwin of Cerran’s Grant to a mage’s duel so that we the Gallantine Order can destroy our hated enemy and to protect the lands of Dunstrand from future Twin River Powers oppression, keeping our lands divided and our peoples impoverished.
We have none powerful enough in the Occult to take Anwin one on one in a mage duel, and our own Order has not the power and strength among all of us alive combined to defeat Anwin and all that he commands. Even House Malor, your own powerful family, while detesting his power and influence which has grown greater than the Duke’s, has been fearful to make a move against Anwin, though he violates everything your family stands for. Even the Duke himself has not moved politically or economically against Anwin in fear of his power, and in not acting he has allowed the rulers of East and River run amass political and economic power to the detriment to the rest of the peoples and lands of Dunstrand, keeping the land and peoples impoverished and divided. So we have come to you to ask you to join us in killing Anwin and freeing the lands and peoples of Dunstrand from the oppression of the Twin River Powers.
There is also a special blood debt to be paid Anwin by all who have a part of our legacy since he has for years has marked us one of the threats to his power and the plans of his benefactors, the lords of the Twin River Powers. He has personally tried to destroy members of our Order over decades of time, sending members of our order to other realms and dimensions in the hopes that we would never return. And he has killed many of our brothers and sisters both directly and indirectly though his occult and demon gained powers in our lands of Dunstrand and in other worlds and realms.
We ask you to challenge Anwin to a mage duel and while he is dueling with you we will take the fight and take on the rest of his minions, demons, and elementals. It is through your help and the help of all the power and creatures you control and who follow you, we can rid the world of the future actions of Anwin against our Order and our future brethren,. And we will destroy the political and economic power of the Twin River Powers keeping the land subjugated and the land divided, keeping Dunstrand weak against all external threats facing us!
But Anwin is not the only and worst evil and threat to Dunstrand we must face! We have also learned that The Confessor of Gwinn and Elancil, one of the Drowned Ones of Elancil, is still alive, and is only biding his time to return! While I would liken Anwin to The Confessor of our time, The Confessor is actually a greater threat that The Gallants and Dunstrand must be prepared for, and Anwin and The Twin River Power are keeping us helpless and divided against this looming threat!
It is only through a stronger and more unified Dunstrand we can face this threat of Gwinn and The Confessor of Elancil over Dunstrand…we hear that the even the Emperor of Gwinn himself fears The Confessor, though the Emperor’s own son is taking counsel and instruction from The Confessors servants and minions. The Confessor bides his time till the fractured state of Dunstrand will allow him to cut into the Heartlands and destroy our beloved Dunstrand, and maybe Gladnor itself, subjugating the peoples under the High Kingdom under the will of Gwinn and Elancil!
Once Anwin is killed and the economic and political power of the Twin River Powers is destroyed, the peoples and lands of Dunstrand will unite, then we can work with the leaders and peoples of Dunstrand to prepare for this existential threat to our lands!
Aruna, for your help and swearing the Gallant Oaths today, joining the Order of your legacy, once again and fighting for the lands of Dunstrand in your time of undeath as you did in life, we offer to you the Power of the Witch of Dwindor Swamp, solidifying your renewed bond to The Gallantine and to the Lands of Bar-Innis and Dunstrand! Geraldine Aelishan has agreed to this transfer of powers, and it seems appropriate for a Gallant even in undeath who has sworn our words and oaths to protect the lands and peoples of Dunstrand, to be the protector, overseer and master of the creatures and power of The Dwindor Swamp!
Death to Anwin! For a stronger and unified Dunstrand!
– So say I, Sir Thom Vynt, Captain of the Gallantine.

A Letter to Anwin from Wheglin

After 2 days of not hearing back from Silvas, Baron Wheglin drafts a letter to Sira Anwin Dalascor of Cerran’s Grant. In it, he says that he is sure The Gallants will pursue him. He centers
much of his focus on Geraldine as the center of a gang of “would-be usurpers” in Bar-Innis who plan to use his death as political clout, and that they will stop at nothing for their revenge upon
him. He must prepare for the worst on his journey south. He signs it an anonymous friend. He is going to have Bull Swanson deliver the letter, and instructs Bull to see if the duel Silvas talked about happens, to stand on the edge of the field, and to assassinate Geri if he has a chance. Bull is a loyal soldier and will do his duty – he is not questioning his order, and his Baron has told him it is for the good of Dunstrand.
That said, Bull has an extreme dislike for politics. While not “smart”, his years in service have made him wary of deceit – and he wonders if the Baron is now become the thing in his old age he fought against just a few years ago.
The Gallants ensured the Baron kept his title and land, and saw him gain in power if anything. They saved Bar-Innis and now it seems its succumbing to political struggles again. He vows not to throw his life away needlessly for politics.

The Gallants Ride for Cerrans Grant

The rest of the Gallants make their way to Cerran’s Grant and the confrontation with Anwin, Geri must complete her work and will catch up.
The group seemed to agree at the time that Thom Vynt as the current captain should go to be the one asking Aruna to join the Gallants [again]. But of course, he says, if there is someone better suited to what needs to happen with Aruna, then we could send them instead, but I am not sure who that would be.

[Geri] We are an order, The Gallantine. Gallants first, last, and always. With everything else going on, I wont have time to travel conventionally. Thom will have to be willing to use a Fiend [of Travel]. If you cannot persuade Aruna, then we call the whole thing off. I am bringing Farold’s bones – just in case. We will need to get a little blood from Aruna – the promised blood for the Dwindor Bond. Once the deal is made, Thom must continue on foot (its only a couple days away), I must return to the swamp to enact the Rite of Promised Blood
(Aruna will know we have upheld the pledge for the Witch of Dwindor‘s power) and then travel to Cerran’s Grant for the duel.

Geri and Jaq’s Final Talk?

[Jaq]: I am off to Cerran’s Grant, but you must know this. Even before you did what you did Baron Wheglin’s blood and your own betrothed husband, Baron Wheglin has ordered your death. The day has come, you must decide ultimately which path you walk on.

[Geri]: How do you know this?

[Jaq]: The whispers have carried it to me, in fragments. I knew now what i heard at first, but it makes sense now that this deed is done. I felt it when it happened, from across the gulfs of the strange world of PanGeDiam.

[Geri]: [Stares at Jaq hard, wondering if she needs to kill her] I don’t understand how you know this, but Gallants have ever been privy to things they should not know. I don’t sense any deception in you. I have prepared for this moment… perhaps Silvas was right, see the ends to which my scheming has brought us.

[Jaq]: Were it not for that, we may not have the good will and intelligence we have know – nor the options. I trust you will do what needs to be done.

[Geri]: Plans within plans my dear, as always, this day and this moment was an eventuality that i foresaw. Have no fear pretty lady, Gallants first.

[Jaq]: I will hold you to that, if i have to come back from the grave, i swear it.

[Geri]: [She takes Jaqs hands and kisses her] I will count on seeing you beyond the grave, but i need you to live. The Gallants will need someone hard to lead them, someone who can make difficult decisions. I have given you this gift, and more. I trust that you will see to your own duty while i execute my own.

[Jaq]: Duty is all i have, you have robbed me of the light that shone inside.

[Geri]: I have hardened you my dear, not robbed you. I have given you my very essence to ensure The Gallants carry on. This honor, this boon of duty in the face of all, is what i leave you with.

[Jaq]: I curse you for it. But it is part of me now, and i will follow it where it leads.

[Geri]: [*sigh*] It is time for you to leave – the horses and the others await.

Yop’s Sacrifice

Geraldine sends for Yop, still in Richfield and mostly forgotten about by the rest of the Gallants… he will not be missed. Yop comes as fast as he can, riding hard with the messenger. By the time he gets to Braddon Bog, Geraldine has finished with her summons and everything is set in motion. She realizes Yop has the taint of undeath and will not work for the sacrifice. She has Yop round up Trunks, who is set to guard the Companions Library – time is running out. Trunks too has taint in fact – it has been many years since Geri examined them closely. She must choose one for sacrifice and hope the taint will not cause it to fail.
Trunks is sent on to Richfield – Geri says he is to watch the borders of West River Run and Baron Veff – she wants it known the reaction when Anwin dies.

Yop, who spent years rehabilitating his brother Books, is tricked into standing guard for Geraldine in the catecombs under the Companion Library, follows her into darkness.
She finally stands before the heavy door and has Yop open it, a foul stench of dry bones wafts from inside. Yop steps in front of her, always a gentleman in his simple way, and with a knife across the throat from behind he is sacrificed to the fallen Celestial as his body sprawls across the threshold spraying fresh blood. Geraldine bargains with vengeful spirit, who is ready to kill her.

Geri’s Bargain with a Fallen Celestial

Geraldine accepts death at the hands of the fallen Celestial as her final revenge, with the promise that the celestial take on the Dwindor Bond. Promised blood is all Geri needs to set the process in motion –
and the promise of her own blood child will be replaced. The new Witch of Dwindor will dwell within it, may travel freely, and her presence will be hidden there (effect of the bond – the celestial needs
to hide from her enemies as she is not nearly the power she use to be and the celestial Set despises her as Geri has come to find out – something to hold over her head in the bargain). Any curses
upon the Gallants will be lifted after the battle and the mantle of Dwindor assumed. The fallen celestial hesitates, though she wishes to destroy her hated enemy, she sees a way to be free. She
demands that the taking be public – so that the name and image of Geraldine is humiliated, and all know that final vengeance was hers. Geraldine demands that once across the threshold, made flesh
again, that the bond between her and Aruna be cut and any power that is fueling her lichdom should dissipate. The celestial agrees – not flinching at the accusation buried in the demand that the
lich has always been some sort of puppet of the celestial. Geri knows the truth now – that the celestial’s hatred is fueling Aruna’s hatred and life beyond the grave. With the deal so done,
Geri steps across the threshold, and takes the chance of death. The celestial threatens, but having her fun, relents and agrees to seal the deal. Geraldine takes her knife and cuts the celestial,
she forces the blade through the paradoxical effect of twisting away and draws the slightest of blood. She gasps – not having felt physical pain in eons. Geri collects a few drops of blood. Geraldine tells her where, in the well, she can find the Suffering Shard – it is the perfect weapon for her, a weapon of death.
When the seal to her tomb is finally broken, she should take it when she retreats to Dwindor. Its powers will be easily hidden by the decay in the swamp.

Geri and Thom see Aruna

[Thom] Try this Just off of my head now, I was thinking of something to the effect of: “We the current leadership of The Gallants, and I personally as the current Captain of our Order, ask you to to join us in a fight against our long time common enemy, the Wizard Anwin, who deserves many painful deaths for the evil and pain and the loss he has cost many over the years. But there is a special blood debt to be paid him by all who have sworn the Gallantine Oath, no matter how long ago the oaths were said and regardless if the sworn brother or sister are alive, dead or undead. We The Gallantine are the current incarnation and the culmination of generations of orders in Dunstrand, and all of those oaths sworn to the orders of our legacy hold true and solid to The Gallantine today. As Captain of the Gallantine, to you Aruna who were a Gallant in life, I ask you now as undead to join us in this fight as a fellow resworn member of the Gallantine, to enter a wizard duel with him, while we take on all the rest of his creatures protecting him. We have none powerful enough to take him one on one, so we have come to you to join us in this. We have come to ask you to become allies in this battle to slay, kill and destroy Anwin, to eradicate him once and for all of eternity. And in return, we offer to you the Power of the Witch of Dwindor Swamp as payment for your help and solidifying your renewed bond to The Gallants. Death to Anwin! So say I, Sir Thom Vynt, Captain of the Gallantine. ”

[Geraldine] She never sword an oath per se; only those words spoken by the Brave Companions: “Loyalty to each other – First, Last, and Always. Work for the betterment of the land, people and its rulers.” She will need to swear the formal oath. Not sure how that will affect things, but I am the blood of Sandovhal, and you are the leader of what the Brave companions became.

[Thom] Thank you, Geri. I have read the annals, but could not exactly remember her connection to us. This has helped.

Geri and Thom have no problem following the tracks of Farold in the past – he wrote the pathway with great description. A gaping wound in the earth that the local shun is easily found. Despite the cold feeling in their gut and all the natural warnings that sound in their head, they enter. Its a kilometer of rough path and the light is finally lost.
They are attacked by goblins first – and a half dozen are easily dispatched before the attack is broken off. They fight their way into a cavern complex, killing anothe half dozen more before meeting the first Orc.
The battle does not last long – with the 2 of them working together, Thom finally guts the creatures and it dies in a pool of blood. Finally a voice echoes across the cavern – “Why have you come”!?

[Thom] We are the among the current leadership of The Gallantine Order. Our Order is the living legacy of Orders of Heroes serving Dunstrand for decades: The Band of Crows, The Brave Companions and Gides Gallants.
I am the current Captain and leader of The Gallants, Sir Thom Vynt, this is Geraldine Aelishan, daughter of Sandoval Aelishan of The Brave Companions and the Witch of Dwindor Swamp we serve the Duke as bannermen for a stronger and unified Dunstrand.

[Thom] Aruna Grath-Malor, you who were a Brave Companion in life, who had said the Brave Companions words of Loyalty and Duty: “Loyalty to each other, – First, Last and Always. Work for the betterment of the land, people, and it’s rulers”, we come to you as part of your legacy to ask you to join us in a fight and battle to save the future of Dunstrand.
We also ask this through the duty to and service for the greater good of Dunstrand of your family, House Malor. Dunstrand needs your help and your service and your power!

[Aruna] You have no power here! You have come for a fools errand and i WILL destroy you!

[Thom] We have come to ask you now as undead to fulfill old oaths and words of duty and loyalty, and to swear anew to the Order of your legacy to join us in a fight against the long time enemy of our Order and of the lands and peoples of Dunstrand!
We ask you to challenge the Wizard Anwin of Cerran’s Grant to a mage’s duel so that we the Gallantine Order can destroy our hated enemy and to protect the lands of Dunstrand from future Twin River Powers oppression, keeping our lands divided and our peoples impoverished.

[Aruna] You presume to call upon oath and loyalty!? I, who was murdered? What do i care of oaths and loyalty – for what would you call on these broken bonds?

[Thom] We have none powerful enough in the Occult to take Anwin one on one in a mage duel, and our own Order has not the power and strength among all of us alive combined to defeat Anwin and all that he commands. Even House Malor, your own powerful family, while detesting his power and influence which has grown greater than the Duke’s,
has been fearful to make a move against Anwin, though he violates everything your family stands for. Even the Duke himself has not moved politically or economically against Anwin in fear of his power, and in not acting he has allowed the rulers of East and River run amass political and economic power to the
detriment to the rest of the peoples and lands of Dunstrand, keeping the land and peoples impoverished and divided. So we have come to you to ask you to join us in killing Anwin and freeing the lands and peoples of Dunstrand from the oppression of the Twin River Powers.

[Aruna] So it is a noble cause? This is the enticement you leave me with?

[Thom] There is also a special blood debt to be paid Anwin by all who have a part of our legacy since he has for years has marked us one of the threats to his power and the plans of his benefactors, the lords of the Twin River Powers. He has personally tried to destroy members of our
Order over decades of time, sending members of our order to other realms and dimensions in the hopes that we would never return. And he has killed many of our brothers and sisters both directly and indirectly though his occult and demon gained powers in our lands of Dunstrand and in other worlds and realms.

[Aruna] Ahhhh… now i see. Not my brothers and sisters! What would you have me do exactly to see my oaths fulfilled!?

[Thom] We ask you to challenge Anwin to a mage duel and while he is dueling with you we will take the fight and take on the rest of his minions, demons, and elementals. It is through your help and the help of all the power and creatures you control and who follow you, we can rid the world of the future actions of Anwin against our Order and our future brethren,. And we will destroy the political and economic power of the Twin River Powers keeping the land subjugated and the land divided, keeping Dunstrand weak against all external threats facing us!

[Aruna] to kill him – this is what you wish? And then what?

[Thom] But Anwin is not the only and worst evil and threat to Dunstrand we must face! We have also learned that The Confessor of Gwinn and Elancil, one of the Drowned Ones of Elancil, is still alive, and is only biding his time to return! While I would liken Anwin to The Confessor of our time, The Confessor is actually a greater threat that The Gallants and Dunstrand must be prepared for, and Anwin and The Twin River Power are keeping us helpless and divided against this looming threat!

[Aruna] You are not making sense – that evil was put to rest. My father only let me go into the world once that beast was taken care of…. how can this be?

[Geri] It is true – though what he intends, no one knows. Only strong forces, combined such as ours, can uncover this possible menace. You must know that one such as yourself cannot be abided by the Storm Queen, the mistress of the sea, where all life begins.

[Thom] It is only through a stronger and more unified Dunstrand we can face this threat of Gwinn and The Confessor of Elancil over Dunstrand…we hear that the even the Emperor of Gwinn himself fears The Confessor, though the Emperor’s own son is taking counsel and instruction from The Confessors servants and minions. The Confessor bides his time till the fractured state of Dunstrand will allow him to cut into the Heartlands and destroy our beloved Dunstrand, and maybe Gladnor itself, subjugating the peoples under the High Kingdom under the will of Gwinn and Elancil!

[Aruna] So what is it that you see? What will you see happen in these lands.

[Thom] Once Anwin is killed and the economic and political power of the Twin River Powers is destroyed, the peoples and lands of Dunstrand will unite, then we can work with the leaders and peoples of Dunstrand to prepare for this existential threat to our lands!

[Aruna] And what will my role be in this glorious future of yours – you would go against Light and Darkness for allying yourself to one such as I!

[Thom] Aruna, for your help and swearing the Gallant Oaths today, joining the Order of your legacy, once again and fighting for the lands of Dunstrand in your time of undeath as you did in life, we offer to you the Power of the Witch of Dwindor Swamp, solidifying your renewed bond to The Gallantine and to the Lands of Bar-Innis and Dunstrand! Geraldine Aelishan has agreed to this transfer of powers, and it seems appropriate for a Gallant even in undeath who has sworn our words and oaths to protect the lands and peoples of Dunstrand, to be the protector, overseer and master of the creatures and power of The Dwindor Swamp!

[Geri] You will be hidden in Dwindor – you know of its power even here, so far away. You can hide there, away from prying eyes.

[Thom] Death to Anwin! For a stronger and unified Dunstrand! So say I, Sir Thom Vynt, Captain of the Gallantine.

[Aruna] [- there is a looong pause -] I… I am, i was one of you. It is true, i had a family once, and I… contemplated betrayal of that family. Long have i sought revenge from my killer, and i still must do so, for honor compels me.
But i wish to redeem my name, and i now see a path forward. Always i have feared that revenge may bring an end to my extended life, but you have offered me a way forward. I will take this hand out and rejoin the side of those i should have always been at.

[Geri] I have brought you the bones of the man that killed you Aruna – so that you may have the revenge your honor demands.

[Aruna] Give me the bones! This is not all – where is the skull!?

[Geri] There is no skull to give, lich. You have enough to do what you must. I must needs your blood – as dry as it is, to create the bond with Dwindor swamp that has been promised.

[Aruna] Take what you must, but blood i have not – unless i take life essence from you! You have no choice daughter of Sandovhal. You must give, before you can take. Wait, whilst i exact my toprment upon the spirit attached to the remains. When I feel the power that you have promised me, i will be able to issue forth and send the challenge to the man known as Anwin, but not until.
And i do not want and double-cross, woman, When you have taken the blood and pledged with it, you must return and cast aside all your fiends for me to believe there is no other recourse to you. Yes… come closer…

Aruna places her hands on Geri’s head and aura leaps around Geraldine, flickering for a moment, diminishing, and Aruna is flushed – almost appearing living gain. Aruna releases Geri and Geri grabs her hand, quickly slicing her wrist before the blood can dry in her veins. She collects a few oozing drops before the wound closes, the blood dries.

For 4 hours Aruna beckons the spirit of farold and tortures it in private, questioning it and doing things unknown to Geri and Thom. Aruna turns to her Orc and goblin commanders. “Summon your kin – tonight you will ride the worm, as we have long planned, and you will soon taste man-flesh!” “Hail Mog-Creoch!” shout the pair.
Aruna tells them that she will betray these fool light-dwellers, that they and the blood of many innocents, will soon seep into the ground. “They will know the sting of the locust, and bite of the worm. Their diseased flesh will feed the destroyer’s children, and we will take your brethren in the swamp to our bosum as we took you!
from the swamp of Dwindor, i will drown the sun in darkness and lay waste to the lands these precious fools hold dear.”

[Thom] {to Geri while Aruna is preparing} I have already started to believe my own speech that Aruna would be a great ally to have against the threat of Gwinn and The Confessor…especially as the master of creatures and the old power in the Scar Flow to throw at Gwinn and to piss off Elancil….but if Aruna wins, I guess we could not really allow for a Lich to live in and have the powers of the Dwindor Swamp…or could we…probably not, but maybe we could…no, probably not a great idea, but maybe it could workout, what could go wrong?
And I just had to say madam, that I was looking forward to the scenario of Sir Thom Vynt marrying Geri and taking over the regency of Bar-Innis together…the politics of that would have been interesting to play out. I fear we shall not survive.
At this moment, while allying ourselves to Aruna was not our first option (I understands the negatives of allying ourselves and giving the witch power to Aruna the Lich), I am pretty much for having her for an ally for the long term, after her having swear the Gallant Oath, hoping that she would be happy with staying in Dwindow Swamp and not venturing out much from there.

Geri says nothing, and tells him not to march until she wears the oath. She leaves, uses the nearly the last of her bound fiend’s powers to return to the swamp, to the craddle/womb of Dwindor, and enact the ritual of bound blood. Aruna will know this is done, and make her way to Anwin’s abode.
Geri gives Thom a parchment with the oath for her to sign.

Aruna returns and swears the oath as a Gallant to Thom. She reluctantly signs the paper – asking if her oath is not enough. She says for Thom to leave, and hurry on. She will be at the appointed time and place.

Aruna’s Preparation for Anwin

Geri and Aruna put forward these scenarios as something we should consider and have a set of actions/a “plan” to follow in such a case. Geri tries to clarify –
For example: In eventuality of number two all the gallant horses in a piket not far away and the group will try and stop him from leaving by pursuing him and attacking his baggage train directly. If anwin wins, what claims do we make and how to secure his “stuff”. Things like that.

  1. Anwin does not agree to the duel and sets out for the south
  2. Anwin tries to slink away without answer
  3. Aruna looks like she is losing
  4. Aruna suddenly loses
  5. Anwin dies
[Thom] Though it would seem to me that 1-4 may require “cheating” since we are going to fight him anyway…

[Geri] Jaq thought it might be prudent to enter our band under the guise of “assistants” – or pretend we are summoned.

[Thom] could the things bound to him and his minions also attack us, or is this purely a one on one thing, where Anwins’s baddies on one side and the Gallants and their allies on the other are just waiting to see who will be victorious between the 2 mages? I would fully expect Anwin to cheat no matter what….

Anwin’s Preparation

Bull Swansen delivers his letter “anonymously” 2 days before Anwin plans to leave.
Anwin is tired of sniveling barons, dukes, and definitely the asshole Gallants. He has no love for the people or rulers of Dunstrand, and now plans to cross the abyssal in the south and retire into the borderlands or Nakria where the High Kings law is a long way away – if needs be.
He sends out 4 wagons ahead of time in addition to the 3 main wagon trains he plans to travel with and guard – let the idiots try and find his real cache. The ultimate destination of his goods and apprentices is The Wavewatcher Guild of Gwinn
(in Beryl – where he intends to meet up with and gather them back) – if he is dead or gone for some reason, the apprentices or guild gains his knowledge. He has never summoned water elementals and so their thralldom does not count against him and they are neutral at least.

The Battle

After The Battle with Anwin

DEATH OF KANIS: Mary tries to save Kanis, his lung punctured by Taelin’s arrow. Infection finally takes him after days.

DEATH OF ERIN/AARON: Fate bound from the wild magics in the north tower of the mage, Erin goes insane after experiencing Kanis’s death from inside his mind. She dies screaming and bits his own tongue off, bleeding to death strapped to a bed in Mary’s field hospital.

Retirement of Nils: After excuting Geri’s order to kill Silvas, Geri spends her entire personal firtune to muster out Nils and buy him a commision into the High Kings rangers through Tanner Holmraf and the Duke of Dunstrand. Leaving a note to the effect of “when you get this, i will be dead – do not return, instead travel to Northgate Garrison where a ranger’s commision awaits you.
Never speak of what happened, remember well your time with us, and live the dream you always wanted to.”