Travels of Atreus

Steel Realms

Dunstrand Rising Living World CAMPAIGN> Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).
CHRONICLE: Feather’s Rise > (Second Era of Feather)…

{– This was run on Discord and will be archived here; Each character had their own thread. –}

It is noted to be recorded and re-recorded in an archive in the secured reliquary of the Companion Library in Braddon Bog by Twitch, annalist of the Gallants and 2nd to Feather of the Gallants in castle Aqua Pluma.

{ = copied in from Discord }

At some point you will begin to have some strange dreams. They are not consistent, they do not happen. Every night. You try and write down the night that they do. Come to see if there’s a pattern but nothing is revealed. Initially. You feel as if you were being watched in your sleep. There is a great eye upon you.

In the first month, you travel with Jesse to Mev, and send that letter to the library in The Saelish. in Mev you and Jesse meet with the head of the Solarian Scriveners. They are not wizards, but affiliated with the occult Guild of Solars. They do research and scribe work, and do have some occult scrolls on hand, which Jesse pays to scribe a few.

{check made} Although nothing you can use yourself, you make a decent first impression but come away with no contacts of note. You make your way back to the new castle of Aqua Pluma (as Feather has named it) and to get the reply from the library.

You begin to meditate in preparation for changing your mindset to work with your people back in the Saelish. For a couple of days you disconnect from events and try and frame everything to perhaps glimpse some inspiration for the trials to come. You live further. Know that you are leaving soon, she seems quite lost in thought. It is the new year. You test out the secret chamber that you had her build with her and everything works as you had anticipated. Knowing you cannot be scribed by your enemies, you set off safely by yourself towards your home once again and the library that is familiar to you.

You tell feather that you are leaving and she just nods, lost in thought. You take a week of supplies and notice that they are running low. You get a good night’s rest and walk out the keep gate in the morning. Pair of guards is always there now and they nod to you as you begin your journey. Eastward. It’s cold and wet, the worst time of the year to be journeying through crestwold. The mud is everywhere and you decide that going by mule is going to be safer. There’s only three mules left and you take one of them and go back out the gates with the guards nodding to you. Once again. These are men from your homeland, the spear guard of the keep. You make the sign of your faith and they nod back. It takes you about 4 days to get to the edge of the barony. You stand on the edge of your homeland, in front of you or two markers denoting its boundaries. It’s evening, but you decide you’d rather spend the night back on familiar ground. It feels good to cross that threshold. Once again. You know that there is an in not far, just a couple more hours. The time you reach it and it’s welcome warmth. You settle in front of the fire and listen to the songs of your people. There is no charge, a priest of the god of knowledge is always welcome. You are asked to give a blessing to the hearth.

{checks are made} There are a couple people who seem to take an interest in you after you do your blessing. Not enough to overcome their reservations, as you are a priest and afforded space and comfort. Do you wish to engage with them or simply rest and keep traveling?

I will talk with them

Their accents make them locals, and they seem to be more interested in any news and tales you have. Tell them who you are or attempt to deceive them with a cover story?

tell them the true and the tale of the slaying the lichlord

Your love of knowledges blooms as you disgorge the tale of adventure. Their eyes widen, and the long tale draws more and more of a crowd. Your meal and drink are paid for willingly. The crowd adds sound effects and yells and cheers. When it ends, it ends rather abruptly. With the giving of the nail to the druids and their banishment forever of the Lich Lord from the realms of the living. A somber air returns and people slowly shuffle away, shaking their heads and muttering. You set out again, Audbrey Dale to the Campbell Cut and then onward to Aevrul. You do get the sense that telling the truth may not have been the safest thing to do, but it earned you a full week of good food and drink for the road. Its not hard as a priest to find barns and homesteads willing to let you crash and feed you coffee and eggs in the morning. The people are decent and you just hit highlights of some of your battles rather than give away too much knowledge. Four days pass and Aevrul appears in the distance, at the mouth of the pass through the hills.

{checks made} You feel like you might be being followed. You could swear that you saw the same person in the distance behind you

cast augury, is some one following me?
don’t know if that will work
might need to rewould that, hmm
is some one with ill intent following me?

You do know that it takes a minute to cast and will be rather obvious. Do you still wish to do it?

i’ll find some bush cover and do it there
make it look like i’m taking a rest

It’s late afternoon. Anyway. You spend a little bit more time trying to find something that’s a little more defensible just in case. You look to be about an hour away from a farmstead as well where you could probably rent a bed. You roll out your bed roll and make it seem like you’re cleaning yourself. Preparing for prayers. You cast a spell and there is a soft wind that blows around you. But wait it’s not a wind. It’s just in your head. A soft voice on the wind says no.

Keep going? Ambush? Hide?

Make my way to farmstead

You make an obvious show of resting for about 15 minutes and then set out again. The farmstead looks like any other. gardens, fields, barn and paddock, pens, a main house, a bunk house and 2 small extended family homes. Dog bark as you approach and a pair of men comes out of the bunkhouse, and a lantern appears in the doorway of the main house. They ask your business and you just say you are traveling. Your credentials as a priest make you welcome. They will of course feed you. There is a spare room. They will ask you news you picked up in your travels.

I will share what news I know
Once a lone in my room I will meditate and try in reach out to the voice once more

You bless the meal and share news you have picked up on your way – floods, accidents, births and deaths from folk they may know. News of the temporary peace with Gwinn and peoples reactions (most are relived). That night, you silently sink into memory, trying to recall your visions and make contact. Make a meditation check

{checks made} Don’t know if I get any bounces
I have a weave, I would like to use one here

{1 is rolled} Hahhahahah
We should hold off on this in tell I get home and can look at my charter sheet. I’m pretty sure I have a nother weave to use
But I want to make sure
I’ll be home on Tuesday evening 9pm ish

In the darkness of your mind is a light. It illuminates a table of incense, rare flowers, and spices. A voice whispers from all around you. “Through my own eye you see what must be offered to attempt to make whole our connection when you seek me out. Such must be the way until you attune yourself to my book of visions.” It trails off into soft whispers. You estimate it is about 50 silver crowns worth of goods. You know that the library sells such materials. 50 silvers is quite an order though for one person. It’s rare materials and exotic ones. With that in your mind, you set off the next morning after a quick meal of eggs and coffee

Sounds like plan

You approach the city in silence. The library is up on the hillside overlooking a part of the city which is a stride the road that goes into a pass that leads over the mountains to the other side of the Saelish, The East Selish. The column front is visible from a distance for it is clean and bright, a light in the darkness. , just painted and adorned and lit up. The light of knowledge Burns even in the darkest of nights. A smile comes over your face and happy memories. Flood back on your return. Several inhabitants make the sign of Thoth as you travel through the city and towards the road that leads up to the library.

End of June, 9169 – The Sound