The Barons’ Tragic End

Mary and Feather discuss the upheaval their plans are going to cause, and how best to maximize their impact. Feather puts it forward that the death of the baron would just be wrapping up an existing failed plan.

The current plans specify a role for Jesse, Huff, Ulrich and Asil. This leaves Atreus, Sorin, and Athena. Feather is honest and expresses her serious reservations of Sorin. And wants to have a representative of the druids involved because they despise the baron and his family. Atreus as a priest would lend a certain amount of legitimacy for the endeavor, and as a check to Sorin, and vice-versa. Feather says so far, these characters are expendable, but we should find a use for them. Some of them will likely, without a strong oversight, be at offs with each other. A half vampire is not something the druids would suffer to live if they had a choice. And Sorin has attacked Atreus before. They may go after each other. Mary says that the loss of any one individual is irrelevant. If their personal vengeance or hatred motivates them to do the job to get an opportunity to even a score, so be it.

The interviews for the strike team must wait until they both return from their journey.

Though technically Gallants, they are a new breed. Their loyalty cannot be counted on. Both Mary and Feather agree that anyone who declines to participate will have to be killed on the spot. This is horrific but necessary.

Potential rewards need to be formulated: The family of the baron’s personal wealth, bank of the silver stacks, title, trade interests,

The Interview


What is the current score, so I can note it down on my character sheet? The struggle is meant to be a slow descent into madness, it might take the entire campaign to come to a resolution.

If you were asked to work with Atreus to kill the baron, what would your reaction be?

And Athena (rocky’s new character who works with the druids of the moorswood).

That I would probably need to make a save between BE and Sorin, except how would I get asked, being so far away from everyone? An animal messenger, or Sending?

The current score is BE 3/Sorin 4. Well, upon your return, Feather would be asking you in private. “There is a plan in the works to draw away all the baron’s soldiers. He would be holed up in his keep. It would be coordinated with others of the group and some allies in a bold move. It would require you, as it will all of us, to lodge an updated will and testament. Its a gamble, but leadership feels as if this needs to be attempted.”

SANity check

If I passed, BE answers. If I failed, Sorin answers.

BE barely

BE would think back to the last time such an attempt was made (Can’t remember if that’s player knowledge, or character knowledge…)

(well, it was the final straw for krespar)

(Right, right.) BE would ask, ‘How many of our group have signed on? Two went last time, and one outright failed, ending in his death. Now 2 more are attempting it, as you’ve said. Athena, of whom I know very little, and Atreus, who is very likely to self-sabotage the attempt -Deliciously…-‘ Sorin squeezes in a word. ‘So I am hesitant to join an endeavor doomed to fail with just those two at the helm.

AS i said, there is a plan. Everyone is involved, though not everyone in the group knows each other’s job and its designed that way on purpose. Im sure each person involved has serious questions on every other person’s commitment. This is not the Gallantine Order, otherwise it would have been an order. And there would be no question about loyalty if this were that group in other but association.
IF it helps to know, its not my plan, though i had a hand in its design.

BE nods, unhappily ‘Better to not be able to tell what we wouldn’t know if we were captured.’ He cocks his head ‘Might I ask what my job would be?

Part of a strike team to assassinate the baron. Any of the rest of the family is a bonus but unnecessary. There would be a signal, the soldiers drawn away, and you and the other two enter and kill the herald (at least it seems like that would be left to protect him) and the baron. in his keep. if the soldiers dont leave, the mission is aborted. Secondary target is the rep of the bank of the silver stacks
if all aspects fail, there is no rally point – get the hell out of dodge, none of us would be safe

BE cocks his head ‘I am to go in with Atreus and Athena?’ Sorin surfaces on BE’s face with a hungry, predatory grin and says, ‘It would be too bad if not all of the assassins escaped…’ BE frowns. ‘It will be risky, not all of us may escape… Will the 3 of us also be going after the rep of the bank of the silver stacks, or is that handled by someone else?’ Sorin surfaces, ‘Is there a bonus to leave none of the targets -primary or secondary- alive?’ BE nods after this. (It must be disconcerting to Feather to see both persona’s of BE/Sorin surface in tandem and together, as it would be a wholly new development from whence BE had left to visit his order. Although, if memory serves, Feather was the crazy one of our two ‘bosses’…)

She seems unconcerned, or rather to be incredibly focused. She is a sworn gallant, and you know she will willingly sacrifice herself if she thought it would get the ball over the goal line. “Bonus? The more players in this game dead, the more loot we all share. Bragging rights. And honestly, i dont expect everyone to make it back. There is a good chance I wont, for my own role in all this.

Sorin perks up at this, but it’s BE who speaks Does players mean us too? the more of us dead, the more loot we all share?’ BE adds, concerned for your own role in this? Are you going to be what draws away the soldiers?’

“Mercenary rules. The fewer to share in the spoils, the more for each.” Feather squints at you.. “You’re a blood thirsty bastard. literally. Don’t think you were picked randomly for this. When the time comes i will play my part. There is but one other than me that is a higher value target.That is all you need know.”

BE looks offended, but Sorin’s predatory smile wins the face-war ‘Vampire, remember?’ BE cuts in ‘Half! Half-vampire.’ Sorin rolls his eyes ‘Either way human, this body is a killer’ Sorin says to BE. BE hears there’s a higher value target, and nods ‘I understand. BE looks down, then says I’m in. And I hope we both survive this…’ Sorin adds Don’t suppose I could get a… nibble… for luck? BE is aghast That is highly inappropriate! Ignore him! BE covers his mouth as Sorin laughs behind his hands

Actually, its best you taste my blood so you know its me in case anyone comes to you in disguise. She cuts her hand and you can smell her fresh blood. In taking a drink, she slaps you hard. “You know the smell and taste, and you know i have no fear of you. Unlike the others, i wont hesitate to turn you into a burst bag of blood. ” You are not sure what her powers are, but it does not take an insight check to know she certainly beleives what she is saying.

Sorin licks every drop of blood from his face ‘You taste yummy’ BE looks like he might faint Stop it stop it stop it! BE bows low I am so sorry for him! Do you want that cut healed?

You see a flash of energy course through her. Her skins becomes a bit translucent, and you can see veins. There is something odd about her blood. Something you have never tasted before. You can make a Nature/Zoology check, or divine lore check
The cut heals before your eyes.

NATURE check

Her blood is NOT fully human. Its delicious in a strange way.

With that roll, can i tell if it’s anything BE/Sorin may have tasted before?


No stranger to human-but-not creatures being one himself, BE says slowly …You’re not fully human. Sorin says respectfully, which is odd considering how he’s acted thus far I appreciate the gift of your blood.

Indeed. Perhaps it is just the times of strife, but i can say we’ve all lost some of our humanity. The real question we must all ask is what we are replacing it with. The terrible truth may be that neither of us has a place in the future we are trying to make… but with the ranks of our brethren, our glory and deeds will live forever.

BE nods Such as it will be. Sorin scoffs My place in history is already assured, for the Gallantine Order only has some of the information that they do have because I exist.


If you were asked to help kill the baron with the help of Atreus and Sorin, how would you react?

As for Athena there would have to be huge rewards not only for her but for the druids as well. And there would have to be something for the druids if she were to die as a repayment for the loss of her life

Feather looks at Mary who nods. She says that whatever you would ask for would go to the druids if you did not live through the attempt. She indicates that there will be a distractions made, and the baron’s soldiers would be absent. He would probably be barricaded in his keep, but without guards. And what specific reward?

And don’t think you were chosen by mistake or randomly. We want The druids to be represented in this particular endeavor. Feather knows how they feel about the bloodline of the baron. And if anything goes wrong and it’s every man for himself, the Moorswood is accessible for you to retreat to, whereas the other two, well, it may not be so easy for them.

How is this going to go down? What’s the plan as of yet?
I am in and will get you the price before we head out for this endeavor

What would the druids consider an acceptable wareguild be for Athenas life?
I feel like time is of the essence in that matter and im not sure I’d have enough time to go and find all the answers.

There is a plan. Each moving part only knows what it needs to know to keep all of us safe. There will be a signal. Other people have other roles. It’s up to you to answer and represent your interests. Suffice to say that the barren soldiers will be drawn away. If they are not. The mission is aborted and we go back to normal. The plan is to simply have a small strike team ready to take out the baron. The only person he’s likely to have with him would be his Herald. Everybody else that can wield a weapon would be drawn away. You know that if asks directly, they would probably want something unreasonable. But you’re being asked to commit. Feather tells you that everyone will be required to fill out a last will and testament. Any proceeds that you would have gotten. You get to decide what to do with in the event that you die, but the mission is successful. Beyond that tell no one.

I’ll have to think about what proceeds Athena would want, and what the druids would want if I were not to make it back.

So athena will commit

ok, then i can tell you a little more. My plan is to take out the baron, either kill or run out his family (they all seem barren, there will be no heirs unless he adopts, and he will be dead), either kill or run out the bank of the silver stacks. We loot the keep, we take just money, jewelry, and treasure of the baron and his family and the bank members. After, the person becoming the baron will repudiate the debt… we will make them sign an agreement to pardon us and serve to protect them. We then get a share of taxes, some titles and land. Whatever your share is, if you die, would go to the druids.

Whats the projected take home pay for this job?

a few thousand each, plus maybe some annual stipends through a title. We really dont know, if we can grab the coffers that the bank of the silver stack brought, thats part of it. We estimate at least 2000 each in that alone. But… we really dont know.

What do you mean by title? Do you mean a land holder?

yea, probably or some type of resource owner (trade interest, land, tax)

Is there any land thats near the druids area?

yea, the entire north pranin woods is used for logging – there is an agreement with the druids. Theres also some wetlands east of the moorswood. if you really want to do something for the druids, have the new baron ceed the delta to the druids. Its barely inhabited, mostly lizard folk, troglodyes, fishermen, and ruins.

You know that you would have to give up any reward for yourself, and have a written oath by the Gallantine leaders to do everything in their power to make this happen.


Assassin team

Feather says this “There is a stables in the upper district, not far from the keep. Next to it is a couple small warehouses. One of those is an ally’s. Stay in there and wait for the sign. Dont wnat to know your plan, dont want to know roles, you will know the sign, soo after – maybe up to a few hours – the baron’s troops will leave. He is a coward and wont go with them. Enter the keep (dont tell me how!), find him and kill him – heres the floor plan. Any secondary targets are ok. In your estimation, any targets of opportunity that you know who’s absence will benefitthe gal;;lants, …do what you need to.
Personal vendettas?