The Ibis Eye

Steel Realms

Dunstrand Rising Living World CHRONICLE > Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).

The Ibis Eye – From The Viridescent One/Sea Interests… note that the orb is circling its head, invisible to the others.

The crane slowly walks over to where Na’grindl sits. The massive form of Na’grindl is imposing, and the bird can still feel the aura of fear it radiates, the memory of his flesh betraying his achievement of a higher order which normally protects him from it. The druids wont feel it, here in their deep sanctuary. Fortunate for them they have the protection.

Ibis: “My brother said a time like this would come. To him, time has so little value, and so little context except in tiny bubbles, singular worlds and singular events.” Na’grindl stares unblinking. The druids merely nod.

The sun sets, and the winds blow the clouds away from Cold Eye Lake. All assembled look up. The stars twinkle, and the heart of the galaxy is visible. “The ‘nest of heaven’ some of the mortals call it.” The center of the spiral galaxy, far, far away. A door forms on the still waters. Through it walks the black headed figure of Anubis. Silently he strides across the reflection of the night sky. He looks into the eyes of each assembled without fear. He looks up and stares for a long time.

Thoth/Ibis: What do you see?

Anubis: “I can tell you nothing brother. All that we have worked for, everything culminates in a lack of destiny. A lack of divine manipulation. We can do only what mortals can do. This is the way of things and that all things must be responsible for their own destiny.” He continues to stare at the stars.

Na’grindl: “Always enigmatic, desert dog. Your kind has always been interesting, if nothing else. There is nothing but ‘divine manipulation’… my kind, demons, lords of this, that and the other from inner and out planes of all kinds. Pawns rarely know they are pawns in The Great Game.”

Anubis: (Still staring up.) “And so you must say to feel as though it is. You are close to seeing the truth. And recently feeling the pull of the material world after so long a… rest.”

Na’grindl: “And what if your favorites knew you held such disdain for their… ‘material’ concerns? Your manipulations are no different. Mistakes have been made.”

Anubis: “Yes, you must be feeling awkward still. It is a necessary stepping stone, as you well know yourself. No mistakes, merely miscalculations on all parts. With such limited perspective, they are inevitable. The difference Viridescent One, is that I still remember those times, when I was even more limited as are the mortals. I wish them to see what I see, to know what I know. You have no such inclinations. Even as I stand here, I can feel your recently unburdened animosity.”

Na’grindl: “Mis…calculations? That is kind.”

Thoth: “But surely calculations can be corrected?”

Anubis: “Even now it is so, our brothers and sisters look to us as they did long ago.” Anubis finally looks to his brother. “The zero-sum calculation is nigh brother.”

Na’grindl: “There is no victory here. Nor is there defeat. These are pawns we speak of. I only wish to limit the impact of it all on my current favorite pawns. The game will go on.”

Thoth: “You speak in terms of victory and defeat. There is more than one creature seeking the breaking of its bonds. I will use reason as my guide. I will use reason as my voice. I will use reason to open the eye of our sister. I will use reason so that just this moment, is a balanced moment for us and our children, and their progeny until the stars burn out. Your assumptions assume the knight will take the pawn. But a pawn wrapped in stars may blind the knight.”

The bird shivers and staggers and then bolts in flight – no longer possessed of the spirit of Thoth. The eyes of Na’grindle narrow. “Desert Dog, what is this? No more riddles or we shall clash.” The druids retreat to the edge of the firelight, behind them can be seen the nostrils and eyes of a massive serpent just above the waterline.

Anubis: “Rarely is my brothers humor seen, but it is still there. However, there is no game here, great one. It is only a balancing of scales that the Ibis seeks.”

Ssissllenn: “Scales? What of scales?” As a massive 40m snake slithers silently out of the unmoving black waters of Cold Eye Lake.

Na’grindle: “The purity of your form and thought is always glorious, lord of serpents. I assume you have something to say since you have taken form. Enlighten us with the voice of wisdom old one. Let us see as you see.”

Sissllenn: I am not of your ilk Na’grindl. Flattery means nothing, not even from you. The Convergence is coming, you all sense it. Passion will rule over reason, despite your brother’s best efforts Anu-bis. Of all on Helca, your kind has never sought to compel me and mine. Competition, but such is the way of nature.” The snake looks into the eyes of Na’grindl, “You will see as I see if that is your wish. But you must also swear that you will never let go of what you see this way.” The dragon’s eyes and the father of serpents eyes lock. “I swear, as long as you swear I will not lose the sight I gain.” The forked tongue snakes out, “Let it be so.”

Ssissllenn: All of this is seen by the watcher as well. Long has it sought answers, and long may it yet seek. What will happen in my sight, will not be so seen – only the darkness of questions, absent the light of answers will be found. Come, those of us with skin of man have work to be done, and those of us with scales must open the way.