Torrelson Bribery

Torrelson Bribe

Fate of the Bladden Silver Mine

Sidrus Mell of County Faer will try to purchase the deed for the Bladden Silver Mine. It is known that Feather and the Gallants also wish to purchase it.

Battle for the Good Will of Torrelson’s Ford

Sidrus Mell has blood relations to Aaron of the Bank of the Silver Stacks? Huff to scout out his warehouse on south edge of the harbor.

Common Year 2-15-9169 There is a big “show of favor” – the new owner will sponsor a day of contests and promise to re-open the mine. It is a hastily put together affair and Feather is not informed until the day of when she is meeting with Dalcia Grath-Malor of House Malor in the new castle. It is surmised this was on purpose, to exclude the Gallants. Dalcia uses her powers to transport contact Feather and send her to the event to represent the Gallants – but she is absent and does not send her a message back. The whole town comes out to a pageant obviously bankrolled by the Bank of the Silver Stacks. There are contests, with the interest of Sidrus Mell situated to win them ahead of time. Huff has foiled a drug smuggling use and intended to foil the entire plan by winning all contests (or at least most!). He has been observing everything and has been awake for 48 hours. He gains a perfect second wind though, the Grollen constitution and endurance filling him with energy and power. Huff’s presence and strength throw a monkey wrench into the plan.


Cart Race
– Huff has land vehicles! Barons men did not know; Result = 1 for opponents. All but Huff wipes out. Huff carries 500 lbs of screaming kids across the finish line.

Barrel Lift
– Huff has Athletics! Result = 16 vs. 8 = WIN (cheat on +8) = tie in favor

Stone Throwing
– Huff has Athletics! Result = 17 vs. 11 = WIN (tries to cheat on +8) = WIN
– Jesse performance + illusion to distract and force drop the drugs > they think it an accident

– Huff has Athletics! Result = 20+7 vs. 7 = WIN (tries to cheat +8) = WIN
– Jesse performance + illusion to distract and force drop the drugs > they think its an accident

– Huff has Athletics! Result = 25 vs. 13 = WIN (tries to cheat +8) =
– Jesse performance + illusion to distract and force drop the drugs > ints intercepted but he is caught, goes invisibility

– Huff has Con proficiency! Result = 12 (double prof and +1 bonus for nat “20” result) = 15 vs. 9 = WIN (tries to cheat +8) =
– Jesse performance + illusion to distract and force drop the drugs > uses illusion /screams and big guy scares everyone

– Huff has Athletics! Grollens dance all the time; Result = 19 (Huff was drunk – no adjustment) vs. 7 = WIN (tries to cheat +8) =
– Jesse performance + illusion to distract and force drop the drugs > succeeds in distracting, i know what you are doing illusion!

Josie oration and rhetoric may win the day, with a little big of legal knowledge. The Gallants can recover some good will and the opportunity to purchase the silver mine. The deed, maps, and everything being given to Feather is the optimal outcome everyone is working for.