Brother Eulogy’s Letter

Steel Realms

Dunstrand Rising Living World CAMPAIGN> Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).
CHRONICLE: Feather’s Rise > (Second Era of Feather)…

This letter arrives around the end of June, 9169. Twitch, the official annalist of the Gallants and feather’s 2nd in the castle of Aqua Pluma, makes sure every Gallant that can be made aware, is. A copy of Brother Eulogy’s Letter will be left for each PC in their personal quarters as well.

Fellow Pin Feathers,

In this time apart, I have been busy, and will continue to be so. I do plan on returning (To Castle Aqua Pluma), I just do not know when. I am alive at the time of this letter. If the worst had happened, a different letter would have been sent.

May this time have been pleasant, or at least not spectacularly bad,

-Brother Eulogy