Huff/Jesse/Athena Convo – Contests in TF

Steel Realms

Dunstrand Rising Living World CHRONICLE > Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).

This is for your meeting in Torrelsons Ford after the contests. After the presentation of the silver mine deed Huff is carried away. Athena sees if anything else is going to happen. While waiting for this, Jesse reveals himself to Athena. Im assuming at that point, you want to follow where the crowd is taking Huff… that or just let him have his moment?

Jesse: I’ll be following, but not interceding unless something dangerous is about to occur.

Athena: Agreed. And same with me as well

The crowd takes Huff to the Dogsbody tavern, where there is ale already bought. There’s some confusion. you can both make Perception checks
jesse and athena that is.

Jesse correctly interprets the confusion to the libations at the expense of Sidrus Mell, but NOT the celebrants they had intended on. They cannot really do anything as the crowd pours in. A couple of bonfires are started on pyres already made outside and the there’s noise and celebration for the next 2 hours. Because one of the “common folk” known to the town actually won, they drink every drop. Its enthusiastic. The sun goes down and the celebrations die down, but a few people are outside dancing around the bonfires, using up the last of the wood and drink.

Well, it’s about 10:00 p.m. and you’re all kind of huddled around the dying embers of a bonfire

Anyone have any plans for characters or just return to the keep?

Jesse: I will ask Huff is he is willing to look into the goblin contact in the swamp and the assault on the Umbakian Archeologist crew. Obviously you need to rest and recover, so let me know if you are willing to do it after or if I need to look into other avenues. I’ll be in town for the remainder of the night, I’ll be back at the keep tomorrow.

Getting out of the city is ideal for Huff right now… enjoying a bit of the countryside is good. Besides, he’s never seen much of the Wonald Delta.

Huff: Yea… the contest was fun, and the outcome was amazing… been up for 4-5 days straight (in character) [ooc almost 5 days w/a a couple hrs per night & nap ir two]. Do a knowledge dump to team, describe the overheard conversions & describe cheaters. Getting out of city sounds good after long rest w/someone watching over me. Think it’s prudent to have documentation that the silver mine should be given to appreciate people along with share going to worker, town, our people, & grollen community. W/ our people (or ally) administering it? Could also use backup on the backroads traveling until get caught up on rest.

Maybe smuggled out of town as to not be followed w/ one false lead to throw them off. Or two…

The penalty you pay for the nat 20 Con check and entering those contests after 48 hours no sleep is 2 levels of exhaustion. It will go away 1/week. Huff is there when the troops are rallied by Dalcia before returning to the keep, but after that heads south into the countryside. Dalcia will have enough food even for him, for 2 days. Then he can forage in the logging camps as he makes way back west into the delta. Jesse explains where the message location for the Witch of Dwindor was, near some ancient orrish ruins that have collapsed. After that, he will have to track the archeology group and see where they were. They are not trying to hide, so it should be easy. When he’s done there, probably head to the Bladden Silver Mine and see his new “acquisition”, then home to the keep. Probably a 3 week trip, all things considered. Jesse and Athena congratulate him heartily and make sure he has about 50 silvers to supplement living off the land. They say their goodbyes, and Huff watches them from the cover of brush on the roadside as everyone gives the group a wide berth on the road. Its good to be doing field work again. Pond… natural spring water… pond is good for you. With the fond memory of the pile of kids heaped in his cart in the cart race, laughing and screaming as he pushed it across the finish line, he throws his head back and laughs for the first time in a long time. Who cares if anyone hears. If they want to find him, let them come. He’s ready.