Geraldine Returns (new Gallants 4)

Dunstrand Rising Living World Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline with the New Gallants.


Setting Out

CY 9164, m12, d7 Seconds decides that a familiar face may help calm her and to see reason and decides to accompany Fazeel. Together they enter the swamp on the shores of Dwindor Swamp where Sandovhal and his friends once braved their first adventures recounted in the annals. Naked has advised them as best as he could, but both feel trepidation at venturing into the dank, murky waters that have held the secrets of The Gallants an their forbearers for so long.

At this point in time, the pirates of Dwindor have been cut down through their hiring by The Maulsmen and the battle at Palldreem’s Field – there is no fear from them. The Gallants have the clay symbol to show they are friends of the Orrish, and feel no compunctions about vocally advertising their presence, and even calling for
“the Witch of Dwindor“. They manage to get a bit lost after 5 days, and their throats are dry and sore from so much shouting; and thus far only fishermen and a distant merchant barges are the only thing they have encountered. With food for nearly three weeks, they feel comfortable that the basic direction of east and the shore of Bar-Innis wont be too difficult to find.

CY 9164, m12, d17 On the tenth day, they begin to worry. They are sure they have drifted too far west and have seen the lights of Orrish fishing and hunters at night, and the mists are making navigation tricky. Seconds believes they have way overshot their mark and they begin to make their way back. After one particularly bad weather, they manage to lose most of their clean water and food when the skiff capsized. After 2 weeks they are cold, hungry and growing weaker. Seconds manages to rig water catches and they have barely enough for the two of them – and only enough for one of them to continue shouting. Seconds is chosen and changes tactics; instead of her name,
he cries out “For Gide’s Gallants” repeatedly.

CY 9164, m12, d25 Confident they are only a couple days from shore, on the 18th day they are surrounded by several large bats – the dreaded Moor Bats of Dwindor – hideous beasts said to suck the blood from victims and give rabies and fever. However, just before they are attacked, a figure plies a skiff out of the mist towards them. In the dim half light of the moon, they make out a pale, ragged figure of a woman… Geraldine of Gide’s Gallants. Slowly her skiff glides next to theirs…
“For the sake of my fallen brethren, i give you the moment you crave. I know who you are, i recognize you Seconds… Terril… it has been a long time brother. Yours is the only call i would answer, now i would know what has brought you forth so desperately, and so obviously ill-equipped.”
Fazeel is unable to speak, but to croak a greeting. Seconds takes a long pull of the last of the clean water. She may have been striking before, but in undeath, she is eerily beautiful. She wears ragged clothes – contempt of them for she is without need. She is filthy, has the figure of a torture victim, and pale, pale white – a striking contrast. About her is an air of animosity and anger.

Geraldine Returns from the Dead

[Seconds] I beg you to hear my plea. If there is anything which you might feel towards those who have followed in your steps, consider what i have to say. I am not a man for speeches, and i will tell it to you plain. There are powerful, ill-tempered forces at work that would grasp success from The Gallants as we sit on the brink of real progress; a true home and place for us. You know many of these forces, and i beg you to once again lend your counsel to your brothers.

[Geri] I am not without resources, but many details escape me. Tell me all you can – quickly for we have little time.

And so Seconds croaks out a 2 hour tale as Geraldine poles through the maze of Dwindor. It rains and Fazeel sets up the rain traps… Seconds continues until near darkness as Geri has built a fire.

[Seconds] The darkness closes in – the ranks swell with discontent, the fallen goddess has set her hooks in us, a faction of House Malor has arrayed itself against us and the political enemies are maneuvering against us. Many of us have died, and each time we rise… but i fear without your… counsel, we may be a thing of the past. You are needed… can you find it somewhere in your depths to feel for your brothers and sisters? Can you lend your wisdom and power to us once again? Or will you do nothing and see us diminished and slowly eaten away by our foes?

[Geri] (smiling wickedly) Guilt is hardly anything i feel now. I am beyond death – regret, guilt, and flattery are beyond me now. I feel nothing for you Seconds, though once i might have. Revenge however, is an endless opportunity in my state… time means nothing and i have not forgotten the reckoning which many escaped when we… went to our doom.

[Seconds] I cannot say exactly what is needed, but i will not hide from you that Plague, our current captain, has sent me because of the Celestial. The feathers in your hair represent some connection that Plague feels he needs to resolve the assistance we promised The Celestial. Beyond that it is I alone that ask you for other aid – sister, we are in a bad place and your power and strength is much needed. I think that –

[Geri] Do not presume on me… my loyalties are mine to know. The Celestial seeks only one thing – her own restoration. To the Land of the Dead is where you must travel. And i have always felt a connection after taking the feathers – a pull that never let up. There is no way around it. It is time to do that which i could never bring myself to attempt bedore. But understand this, I will direct this. I will assume command. We will aggressively work to seal the fate of our enemies by taking the power from this creature – there will be no mercy, no hesitation. We will seek them out under every stone, behind every door, and on every throne no matter who they are. When we are done, no one will forget.

[Fazeel] *gah*

[Seconds] Uh, i’m not sure about…

[Geri] Silence. It is no longer your concern. You have been a solid commander, this i have heard from many source – and were it not for you, Gide’s Gallants would not have reorganized and our name would only be known in infamy. I will continue to rely on you for these things. But do not presume to see what i see; my vision goes to realms you cannot hope to. Plague will continue to be our face – we would all be hunted into the earth if ever anyone were to find out that one such as i had returned. Despite all the power to obscure it, the temple of Malek under the Ceflu Cemetery is where i must dwell while we organize; my presence will not be felt behind its concealing glamours and I will have access to Companion Library. Go… collect my things and let us make a hasty trip to the current home of our brothers in the north.

[Seconds] The what!? But surely Malek’s evil influence will…

[Geri] This is not your concern, do not question my actions or my orders. My blood has been set alight brothers… i have not felt i would ever care for anything, but you have kindled that spark now… my purpose burns inside me.

[Seconds] Uh… yes ma’am. I hate to bring this up, but logistics was my specialty for so long and we cannot overlook this… how will you gain the… “sustenance” you need?

[Geri] Thats obvious, The Gallants will have to provide it to me.

[Fazeel] *ack*Nnnnnooooo

[Seconds] What!? But surely that will kill…

[Geri] Quiet dogs! I will take only what i need daily – for as long as it takes, and i will not thin the herd to death from which i draw my strength.

[Seconds] I…

[Geri] Is there anything of value you have to add to this? Very well, then…

[Seconds] Yes. Now you listen to me. You’re one of us… The Gallants, your oaths still hold, and if not i’ll take your oath here and now. Fazeel will figure out a way to do it, but you’re going to be relying on us the get you to Braddon Bog. Without us, your revenge may never come to fruition. I understand, you will be senior, but dont you dare forget the oaths you made that bind us all together – without this I would not be here now, and you would not have this opportunity. Do you understand ME?

[Geri] (hisses) Yes. Very well, i so swear, once again, to abide by the Gallants code. You test my patience… Take us home.

Geri and Others Returns Home

CY 9164, m12, d27 Naked returns having scouting the hills and the area to the swamp thoroughly.

CY 9164, m12, d28 Mendollin returns from visiting his master.

Fazeel, Seconds and Geri return to the shores of Bar-Innis. Fazeel uses the last of their money to buy a cart and mule. It takes several days to slog it back through the lowlands and smuggle everyone into Richfield. By night Geri simply glares into the firelight, not saying a word. Kit had built a coffin-like bed for her using skiffs as materials and Seconds and Fazeel recreate it from his instructions. They travel in Richfield under the guise of returning a body to its homeland to bury.
Fazeel is VERY nervous around her, and Seconds does not say much the rest of the trip. Her appearance begins to look… weathered. Its obvious she will be needing blood sometime soon. Reaching the Hawk’s Blood Inn without incident, they bring their parcel into farmhouse granted to them by the Earl on the ridge above the town proper. That night the senior and ranked members of The Galllants are assembled.

CY 9164, m12, d30 Geri has a talk with Fazeel and asks him to secure “the book” (Midnight in Cavaris). Geraldine says she will secure the book – that it goes without saying that any one of them found with it will warrant death. She swears that it will be taken to a place where it will not threaten The Gallants. Fazeel is slightly taken aback. He had once harbored ideas of reading the book, but Geri seems to have taken that option away. He is struck by how genuinely worried she seemed regarding its effect – a chink in the armor?

CY 9165, m1, d1 The guerilla force of Gallants sent into Tarmysia returns – only about 20 live and most are wounded. No one asks where the money is coming from to continue paying for the recruits – but its rumored the Duke himself is fornting it for the Earl of Richfield. After the wounded are mustered to healing tents, there is over 40 men left to march if The Gallants go to war. Theres a lot of grumblings in the ranks who stay put and a lot of fear around their leader Plague and his attention to some unnatural creature.

Plague has returned while the 2 were seeking Geri, after failing to take the training for Sword dancing. He balks when Seconds tells him what they have brought back. Seconds answer is only that The Gallants have their back to the wall – never have so many been actively arrayed against them. If Anwin was going to make a move he’d collaborate with House Malor and its now we should all be expecting terrible things to happen.

Geri and Christianna Meet

CY 9165, m1, d2 Geri arranges to see Christianna alone…

[Christianna] *gasp* I –

[Geri] Quiet child… no one will hurt you.

[Christianna] I…I… I thought you were d-d-d-dead,,, I…

[Geri] Christianna… yessss, i remember you. My how your fortunes have changed, you bitch. If you step out of line once, i’ll rip your heart out. You live ay my sufferance. If you tell anyone, i will know – my eyes and ears go far beyond my body. I felt it best that you knew… so you… could plan for the future better. Do you understand?

[Christianna] Yes sir.

[Geri] Mocking me serves nothing, i care nothing for your opinion of me. As long as you stay true to your oaths, you have nothing to fear. Plague at least believes you will remain true.

[Christianna] Your intent is clear to me; there will be no misunderstandings between us.

[Geri] Excellent… I will make sure you are informed and part of the senior council – we will need that scheming mind of yours all too soon. I hereby dub you “Flit” – for all your “little birds” flitting this way and that, listening to the wind and bringing you news.

Gallant Leadership

CY 9165, m1, d2 Plague seeks an audience with the creature Geraldine…

[Plague] I would have words. Some few here have had issue with my command. I dont want you to feel threatened, but i want you to understand that i am captain.

[Geri] If i thought you were a threat to me there are several here that would strike you down happily at my command. Whatever title you throw upon yourself is irrelevant to me.

[Plague] Whoa! Theres no need to be hostile. I just want to make sure –

[Geri] Look, i’m sure that you have some important set of codes or behavior you want me to abide by, but frankly i dont care. I took the oath, we are bound by blood and word. But thats all i owe. While I am here, you will obey me, its that simple. I dont have the time to explain my decisions to all of you or afford delays by anyone questioning me.

[Plague] Where do you –

[Geri] Its really quite simple… yes or no, will you obey my commands without question? Think carefully…

[Plague] (Is fuming mad, hand on his blade to draw) Oath wont protect you creature if I so much as hear whisper of any death or a shadow of evil in anything –

[Geri] Say what you must to appease your ego – but will you obey me?

[Plague] [Plague grits his teeth, steels his nerve and says his peace] As long as what we do seems to get us toward the many settling of accounts… yes, it seems i have no choice. But you should know i will actively voice my opposition in regards to ‘her’. I see no real good paths in staying with the evil, manipulative bitch of a Celestial, and I assumed too much after I heard her mentions from Books and Fazeel from Gide’s Gallants annals – well fuck the Celestial, I want to follow the legacy of the Band of Crows with a bond to Merkaine or some like power, as we are that living legacy…maybe She knows that, and will remember I was part of the band that fought the Kerrang Avatar. Regardless, she has turned and you would be a fool to follow that.

[Geri] I am sorry you learned the hard way, dont take it personally. Now you throw yourself and the Gallants behind some other deity? And behind the backs of others still? You trade one drug for another. As i told Seconds, there will be an accounting, including her for what she did to you and thought she could do to us. I have no intention of releasing her from her bonds – really, what do you take me for!? But she has power aplenty – though she plays the weakness well – and that we will take from her. She’s not evil… how little you understand these things. You cannot be faulted for what happened really, she’s just too powerful to be denied. I don’t care one wit for what releasing her would do – her kind is not powerful enough to challenge any of the lords of light or darkness, but she could upset a few minor powers, and cause a lot of chaos – the last thing this world needs really, but its would be but a ripple.

(Fazeel and Seconds arrive to see whats keeping Geri…)

[Plague] – You make me seem weak and helpless as a babe! Its not like others who have come before us have not been tempted. I actually see NO reason why she should be freed and I don’t see any redeeming qualities to the Realms in having her power returned to her – there doesn’t seem to be anything benevolent to her, so I don’t see why we would be still entertaining this.

[Geri] No one had the boldness you had – to engage her – not even me. To reiterate, I dont advocate her freedom, i only advocate using her power to gain more of our own. Now House Malor is in the game – or some branch within it… and we must move fast to secure this threat. Its time we put this to an end. Its obvious you bear no love for me, but this is not a popularity contest. Your leadership is in question, the fate of what i helped to build is in question… in no small way you must claim responsibility for the situation, even though it be not by your choice, such is the price of leadership. You do what you must, but i will as well.

CY 9165, m1, d3 Plague, Seconds, Fazeel, and Geri speak of the future of the leadership of The Gallants at Plague’s request.

[Plague] What will happen in the case of death? Seconds, you have been ever loyal to the Gallants, and i believe the Gallants are best served by you in your current position – the voice of hesitation, concern, and caution. I dare say there is no other but Fazeel who has the spirit of adventure to push this group to its heights. I know the general consencus is that he is untrustworthy, sometimes a coward, and strange. And yet, i cannot but think that for us to succeed, a new vision may be needed. Let it be known that in the advent of my death, i appoint Fazeel as my successor. He was also chosen by Books as his successor, who i trusted completely as a man of vision and intelligence.

[Fazel] Are you fucking nuts?!

[Plague] Perhaps…

[Seconds] I dont know about this, it seems like a path to destruction.

[Plague] Yes – that is what I expect you to say. Geri?

[Geri] I dont agree with it, for my own reasons, but any mortal position is not mine to have or comment on in my current state.

[Plague] Then i would appreciate it if i got no more lip from anyone. Its my decision, and it is done.

[Fazeel] I dont think –

[Plague] I’ve heard that about you… but i also know that half of what you show the world is just bullshit. Grow up. You will rise to this or they may kill you – as Naked once considered my fate. The only advice is have is communicate – dont let anyone go unheard.

[Fazeel] I still –

[Geri] Enough! The captain has chosen his successor. Obey or die.

[Seconds] Wow. Lets be civil here, we are all –

[Geri] You wish to share his fate?

[Seconds] I’m tired of your threats, if you feel like it, you do it, fuck the code, fuck reason, and fuck the legendary intellect of Geraldine… go on, i’m not armored – see, my neck is bare. What are you waiting for – throw down.

[Fazeel] Fuck! I’m in, i’m in! Jeezzzz…

[Plague] Lady, he’s right – threats are not how we approach this.

[Geri] (fuming, inches away from Seconds) Very well, Fazeel acknowledges it. Someday Seconds, the code may not protect you.

[Seconds] It may not always protect you either.

[Plague] Enough of this bickering – it hardly fits any of us.

[Fazeel] I’ll do my best when and IF the time comes.

[Plague] Let us talk no more of this. It is done and we all agree.

The Sisters of Merkaine

CY 9165, m1, d3 The sisters of Merkain arrive and are told that the location of the helmet has nearly been lost – Fazeel knows the general area, but the swamp is vast and filled with strange currents. The sisters are all in red and made-up with exquisite care, and some of the most beautiful women the men in the party have ever seen. The confer for a day, and inform The Gallants that they may be able to find it by starting with the last person who handled it. The leadership of the Gallants is hesitant to roll out Books in his state, but Geri overrides all others, including Plague. She insists on meeting with the delegation from Merkaine with only her and Plague.. and the body of Books. Plague expresses his displeasure – he thinks it might violate the oaths by needlessly endangering fellow Gallants. Geri overrides him and says its imperative that she talk to them. They gather in the the command text late one night. Plague has the body of Books brought in and the sisters examine him – noting that his flame is not extinguished, just barely burning. They do claim that there may be hope. Geri enters the tent, introduces herself amidst mutterings from the sisters of Merkaine. She tells them that he has fallen prey to foul magics of those seeking the Gallants downfall. She claims that she wishes to talk to them of their knowledge of the Winter Host; As the sister approach, they scream, and begin adjuring. All hell breaks loose as they discover the
“absence of flame” in Geri and proceed to attack her. Plague tries to make a stand of it, though his heart is hardly in it the way Geri has treated him. Geri uses her superior strength and magics unknown to Plague – the room fills with fog, mists, and Geri is gesturing and a hazy dragon like visage is moving throughout the fog tearing at the sisters. Plague ultimately backs Geri and subdues one of the sister while Geri’s magic negate the other two.There are multiple fires burning and Plague reassures those Gallants working on ending the flames. They are told to bind the sisters and take them to the barn. The barn is cleared and the
“discussion” resumes with Geri slapping each one awake. They are bound and gagged. Geri confronts them…

[Geri] You must forgive me, i had forgotten how those of your order especially will react to my presence. You must put such provincial notions to rest, i assure you i am not here to harm you or slake my thirst upon you – i really only wanted to know if you knew of anyone like me… who ever… returned from this state?. My greatest concern is The Gallants – such is the strength of those ties that for now, all others are forgotten to me – (Geri takes the gag off their leader) But do not tempt me or i will feast upon your blood and discard your corpse deep in the swamp.

[Sister Myra] (looking at Plague) How can you willingly ally yourself with this unspeakable evil!? Have you gone mad? She will destroy you.She will…

[Plague] Silence! Geri is a Gallant first, last, and always. There is no questioning her loyalty – no matter what… state she finds herself in.

[Sister Myra] But…

[Geri] Can you help me? Know ye of any mention of a Winter Walker walking in the light once more?

[Sister Myra] None. You are damned and doomed creature. You may call yourself Geri, but Geraldine died long ago. She deserves be –

[Geri] Shhhh. Quiet. Hush. There is nothing here for us to discuss. Take your readings from Books – i believe you will simply work backwards, following his heat signature through time. Not a easy path. I will not try and persuade you, but i am not here to harm you either. Do what you must and begin your journey backward in time. I seek you no harm, and am bound by my oaths as much as any walker in the light.

[Sister Myra] … hm. Know this creature, should we meet again, no matter the good turn you do here for us, i will fight you to the death. I..

[Plague] You will have to fight me first. So let us not talk of violence when we both know –

[Geri] Well, sisters, you have work to do and since my presence offends you, i will take my leave.

[Sister Myra] If we…

[Geri] If you speak to me again, i will take it as an act of aggression. Your kind and mine should not interact. Its best for us both to say nothing more; i so swear not to befoul you with my presence. Break this pact at your peril.

[Plague] Please. let us focus on the restoration of this great item of power to your order. Let us not forget our purpose here. As I am marked by the goddess, i share the desire to cleanse such a creature as Geri as much as yourselves… but her oaths hold her fast in an iron grip like i have never seen. Please, i beg of you, proceed…

[Sister Myra] Sisters, begin the adjuration (avoiding Geri’s gaze and ignoring her)…

– the sisters leave very agitated. The Gallants have done a good turn, but have revealed to their order their involvement with a powerful undead figure. It is good they are so small and without many allies. They do leave, retracing Books steps backward in time. they will find the helmet – it may be a long journey, but they will. Plague has one final discussion with Sister Myra, invoking a requirement of silence. She agrees, but tells him any good will they may have bought in their actions is offset by this silence. A clean slate exists – The Gallants will not be sung of by the sisters, nor will they be reviled. She tells Plague that she hopes he can control the evil witch, and prays for his soul. Plague expresses interest in learning such prayers for himself.

[Sister Myra] You walk a dark path, captain…

[Plague] And i would have the light of Merkaine on that path. Is there any way to restore the fallen shrine in Braddon Bog? The people there once responded well to the warmth the goddess brought. According to our annals, it complimented the Wyld Faith of the majority of those here.

[Sister Myra] I detect the flicker in your flame

[Plague] …uh, yes, and perhaps it will strike a blow against the lightbringers too.

[Sister Myra] Yes, I don’t mean to strain you at all, (laughing) I believe you are sincere in this. Yes, yes, we will send a priestess to see if we can rekindle the spark we found so willing here before. It has been long enough where the terrible memories of what was done to the last one will interfere with our mission.

[Plague] While i cannot be seen to sponsor or favor any faith, i think the fire of Merkaine burns in the hearts of the Gallants to light the way to a better Dunstrand.

[Sister Myra] Well put captain… indeed. For that i will leave you will a warning. You harbor some item of power – i dont want to know,but i can sense its presence – which is sacred to the death god. You would do well to rid yourself of it before any more of your group succumb to its evil allure.

[Plague] Sister, i will heed your advice. But there is one of us strangely tied to it, and he is afflicted with a fever we cannot control.

[Sister Myra] Take me to them…

CY 9165, m1, d4 The sisters of Merkaine go to work on Kit. They discover the source of the curse upon him, and are able to cause the fever to break and he remembers with crystal clarity his fromer life. The sisters restrain him and claim he is still linked to the Winter Host in some way.
The sisters take their leave.

The Condition of Books

CY 9165, m1, d5 Fazeel has a sit down with Plague, Mary, Mendollin and Geri to try and recover Books. Everyone shares knowledge of what they say and what they believe.

[Geri] I’ve heard of this effect. Its possible House Malor has “secured” his information – blanking his mind – was there a crystal nearby?

[Fazeel] Yea, we figured out it was some sort of scrying device… fed a little false information then covered it. [Geri] House Malor used to spy on us… well, all of their victims using a Tisran Prism. It “holds knowledge” – in other words it records what’s said as if you were dictating to a scribe. The Celestial lied to you – his spirit still dwells within Book’s body… he’s just had all his memories taken from him.

[Fazeel] We have secured the small pyramid.

[Geri] Good, then there is a chance that his mind and memories are trapped in that. If worse comes to worse, we may need it, but you could start on bringing him back manually – treat him as if he were just born and start from there. His mind is quick, it won’t take but maybe a year or two to return him – he will learn at an accelerated rate – if thats whats been done.

[Plague] Gods… the prognosis is not good but better than i hoped. What about his own specific memories?

[Geri] I’m afraid not Captain – his mind is like that of an infant, fresh, empty and waiting to be filled. Re-learning the same skills will come swiftly…but his specific memories are gone unless we can find a way to get them out of the prism. from what i remember of my small knowledge of these, they are fragile, and only the creator of the prism can extract the memories contained therein.

[Plague] Lets assemble some of the senior members and see if we can find volunteers to start this process.

– brings back Heya, Yop, Trunks, and Fry-Bread…

[Fry-Bread] I swear, Those red caped bastards will pay.

[Yop] Yop, I don’t pretend to understand it, but if theres a chance we can save him, i’ll take it. Mr.. Books was always decent to me. I’ll take care of my brother – i can teach him some basics, yop..

[Geri] Mary can give you the basics. Your loyalty is admirable… make sure you’re always well armed. To Yop!

[All] To Yop!

The Condition of Kit (and Djerduth)

Kit, exhausted, tells Plague is real name only once. He says he is on the run, and that any connection to his fromer life, which included veneration of the Icy One, is just that, fromer. It is in his blood… he cannot say more for fear of invoking a curse upon his fellow – to which Sister Myrna says his “flame does not flicker”. The truth of Kit’s confession and the reveal of his connection are but one of many shocks to be gotten over. Plague dismisses the sisters and calls Seconds in and updates him. After the sisters leave the next day on their quest, Kit asks to talk to Plague alone. Plague brings Seconds as well, To them he says that his dreams have given him some knowledge of the death gods icy statue, and the tears it weeps. He thinks he can control it, or have some influence for the better. He is equally certain that such may draw the attention of the Lords of Winter eventually.

[Kit] Captain… what i am telling you is that i can make this thing for in our favor, for a short period of time.

[Plague] Shits changed Kit… we have a new leader now, Brace yourself… she died, or ought to have died, She’s dead… or rather undead…

[Kit] Wha –

[Plague] Its long and complicated. But i know the death god and the Winter Lords may have unnatural influence over this creature. Is it safe to mention this to it – i mean her?

[Kit] The walking dead!? What do we consort with them for!?

[Plague] As i said, long story. Lets just say that a common cause has made for strange bedfellows. And she’s one of us – i mean she has sworn the oath and spoken the words; A Gallant.

[Kit] Shit… thats no –

[Plague] I’ve found its just better not to think of it like that. Is she safe or not?

[Kit] How the fuck should i know!?

[Plague] The sisters explained you had some tie with this thing. I wont ask you – we leave our history behind when we join, but i have to know if you can tell me – will she succumb to some dark path if she learns of this thing?

[Kit] Doubtful – and thats all i can give you. If its not influencing her now, then it probably wont when she gets a closer look at it.

[Plague] Can you give me anything else?

[Kit] With each use, the words i speak will improve the god of death’s (and giver of life to some where i come from) disposition towards the person using the object. But with each speaking of the words, the Lords of Winter may take notice their creation being made to bear fruits never intended. They would destroy those using it and the object in such a case.

[Plague] This is good news. Given the odd powers it evinced with Horse, we know its capable of a lot… I will have to ponder.

[Seconds] I recommend against it boss.

[Plague] I understand your being averse to risk, Lt. However, we have an opportunity here,.I would never foist it unwanted on someone, and i would require that the senior council is present to fight any power or creature that tried to harm one of us. You have seen the Gallants decimated… but i have seen them made lords – in my own dreams. We will have to take risks to get there. Again, much to ponder, but it at least warrants not destroying the ice statue out of hand.

… Plague summons Geri…

[Plague] I may regret this, but since you are “their kind” you may have knowledge of this we dont. I present you with this new quandry – we have an item dedicated to the death god, and somehow one of our members is linked to it. We saw what sort of evil it projected onto our fallen comrade Horse, but Kit says he can control it – to an extent.

[Geri] Let me speak to Kit.

… Geri, Kit, Seconds and Plague all gather; Geri performs some sorcerous invocations on Kit. The idol of Death’s Mistress is brought to the gathering.

[Geri] Most fascinating… I have only read of finds in the far north of such idols… I’m impressed gentlemen – the redoubt of castle Tarly held ware more than I or my fallen brothers ever suspected. Even more interesting is this man Kit – I have heard rumors only of your kind. All i can say is that i crave to speak to you more later. Gentlemen – it is, literally, in his blood. He probably can do exactly as he says, and we should take advantage of this while we can.

[Kit] I did not lie.

[Seconds] Whoa, no one said you did – but that was a tall order to believe.

[Geri] There’s only one way to be sure.

… Geri reaches to the statue, and the tear streaking down its surface is pulled free. She hold it aloft and it turns to a blood-like substance… then melts. Geri licks her hands and the rest can see her experience an ecstasy of sorts. She looks around.

[Geri] It nourishes me! It will not do this for you, as you well know. But i can pull the tear off and change it to blood. I believe Kit, you must place your bare flesh upon, with open wounds so that your blood mingles with it while it weeps. I will remove the tear and some brave soul must consume it. Each time we do this, there is a chance the idol may affect us in some harmful fashion – but the chance is greatly reduced by Kit’s blood. Who will take this opportunity?

[Plague] Whoa! I’m not sure we’re ready for this yet. Too fast, too fast!

[Seconds] Not me man, no how, no way… I dont know… this sounds like it could go horribly wrong.

[Kit] Although my own blood may help benefit you, this falls squarely in the category of mystic and weird – no weirdness for me.

[Geri] Assemble the senior and trusted members of The Gallants.

The call goes out…

[Plague] I truly don’t want to jeopardize any sort of political (and possibly spiritual) connection and alliance I could make with Merkaine and her followers/the Sisters of the Blood; I think the Sisters of the Blood and Merkaine’s followers in general will be good allies against Gwinn and the darkness of Elancil and also possible allies to keep our place in Braddon Bog, though it would seem our days may be numbered in the small mucky town… If this wont affect any of that (he looks at Geri – she shakes her head), lets do this and get it over with. We need every small bit of power we can get to face the troubling times ahead.

[Hag] Anything other than certainty is not acceptable, when dealing with the alteration of oneself.

[Rictor] I have nothing to lose – i will do as my superiors do.

[Fazeel] Captain, you know me. You know my weaknesses, and were my strength is. I won’t ask to do this but I will point this out: If there is ANYONE in the gallants that can be trusted with powers like this, just like my eye, just like the moon shadow dust, it’s me. Whatever happens my ONLY code is “gallants first”. I’ll only do this if under the approval of your council.”

[Naked] Ahhh fuck it… What you think Geri? go for it? my luck has got to change… I can feel it…

[Geri] Its not about luck. Some of the group has refused it as too risky, and theres certainly no guarantees. But, if you seek a quick path to power, this is certainly one step along that route.

[Naked] We’re in need of some ass kicking ability to use against our enemies and the odds are in our favor so…. count me in.

[Christianna/Flit] I also will follow my superiors.

[Red-Hands] How many will we be consuming?

[Plague] It tooks half a day or more in some cases to see the effects. One only.

[Salty] I will follow my superiors.

[Yop] I will follow my superiors.

[Fry-Bread] I will follow my superiors.

[Trunks] I will follow my superiors.

The Gallants use the device… knowing it will be likely over half a day before the effects are seen. They stay secluded from the other Gallants.

Plague and Seconds talk of Morality

CY 9165, m1, d5

[Plague] Though I am feeling betrayed by the Celestial and I was under the false impression that I was going to have a close relationship to her, I am counting on the fact that I never in fact felt any sort of real DARKNESS and EVIL about Her…not like if he had bonded with Malek or Elancil or One of the Lords of Darkness – just false dreams in my head to drag me around like a dog on a leash….and hey, she DID get us back Truevein…

[Seconds] Are looking for reasons not to run back in there and kill her? Whats going on captain?

[Plague] Being confronted with Geri after my feeling betrayed by a Goddess I have built up a big sense of respect and closeness to, and some pity, and now with Geri in fornt of me, a being of True Evil, while contained and controlled via her own strong will and sworn oaths (it is well known that Vampires are Evil) is a horrible dilemma for me – it would seem that as much as I hates the Celestial now, I really don’t think deep down I think of her as EVIL – but She is a bitch…and I hates that I was being used by her, but Geri now places a whole new perspective on things…. this is normally a type of being that he would attempt to slay just for existing! I have to talk to someone about this.

[Seconds] Look, i have just as many reservations – frankly its all moving too fast for me, and i feel powerless to stop her. She has a point about her version of evil.

[Plague] I will consider Geri’s words about evil since I really have not seen a whole lot of that, truly. But yes, for now, Geri is a sworn Gallant unto and beyond death…but if she starts suckling the blood of little babies, then that might cause a real problem for me!

[Seconds] I was hopeful of the death god statue being her resource, other than the blood of innocents… or well, whatever. I dont think there’s anything we can do right now.

[Plague] I thought i made some rash decisions for power – but I wasn’t going to go as far as to have Fazeel read a Midnight in Cavaris, or at least for a while for the Eye to set in, and Fazeel correctly convinced me that maybe that work was a bit too dark and evil for us to pursue….

[Seconds] Thats kinda shocking… i dont really trust that man, but it does make me feel better that he seems to at least believe in whats best for the group above all else. I’d never depend on him with my life on the line.

[Plague] I would say that I am still dealing with moral dilemmas right now – it would seem inconsistent if I gave up using every bit of power we had at our disposal to achieve the position and greatness that I truly see for the Gallants, something which i think has been lacking over time. Things of power were just sitting there and we weren’t using them to our advantage! It was this that led to bonding to the Celestial, and also to the Eye of Dimov being placed into Fazeel, and even the introduction of the Evil tainted Truevein. While overall I feel like we need to make a stand against darkness and evil, I am afraid – some of my ideas haven’t worked out too well, so I am very unsure of this.

[Seconds] What’s done is done – at least it was mostly successful – though the gain has yet to be realized. We shall see…

Mendollin’s Infatuation

[Red Hands] (In private to Geri) Lady Blackwell, permission to speak freely?

[Geri] Of course…

[Red Hands] I will follow orders you give as our leader without issue but, that you already know. What I’m here to say is that I find myself strangely attracted to you. I mean no disrespect to you but, I was hoping you could explain why I feel this attraction to you? Is it the complex mixture of life and death mana that flows through your veins? You know you are beautiful but, this is more than your surface appearance. I just thought to be honest and tell you as a show of respect. I’m sure you’re busy planning your revenge on those that have wronged the Gallants and who align themselves against us. The Gallants are part of your legacy too mistress and, as Lady Blackwell the current leader of the Gallants, vengeance will be yours to administer. Good night to you Lady, I will take my leave and I hope my words have not offended thee.

[Geri] Its a mortal’s lot to forever seek to cheat death. I imagine a great many are attracted to me because of my sort of success in this – but dont mistake it for love or its like, foolish one.

[Red Hands] Lady Blackwell, if I may…I do not think this because you cheated death as you say. I am mortal, I will die though I hope it a long time from now, excluding our planned trip to the House of the Dead of course. I am young by your standards and have much to learn of the world yet but, this isn’t my reasoning. I do not seek to cheat death as you have, it’s merely more then that…I can not call it love, I do not know you but I am drawn to you. Perhaps it is that I see your essence and it is what calls to me. I’m afraid I have no clear answer other than to say that I find you, Geraldine, extremely beautiful and I doubt that I will ever meet your like again? I may be foolish for my inexperience in these matters but, an honest fool am I. I will drink from the Death God statue and, hope for positive results from yours and Kits alterations to it’s use. I am glad you have found a way to sustain yourself and, for Kit as well, though strange to me as it’s workings are or his bond to it. Thankful I am that you need not suffer from hunger. It must be tough, even burdensome to feed on the life essence of others. I can understand from my occult teachings the constant drive for more mana, life energy and when exhausted the craving for more to stave off the worst of the effects of drawing to deeply into oneself. I do not dare to imagine the constant pull to drink the life blood that you must endure so, grateful am I that you now can be nourished by the tears of the statue. I will live with my attraction for you but, if you need a distraction for a time? I ask only that you think of me as a welcomed guest in your chambers. I will not consider it love but, I too am thirsty…for your companionship my Lady. Do not consider my lack of experience in these matters as a crass attempt to be with you. I do not crave your power or to cheat death, only time to share your company.

[Geri] Poor Red Hands… so young and foolish. You flatter me, but speak no more of this. The living hold no allure to me.

[Red Hands] (to Geri) as you say commander, I will speak no more of it, my apologies for disturbing you my lady. I was not aware that my kind were so distasteful and not alluring for one such as yourself. It was my mistake madam…evening to you commander, thank you for your time and patience.

Results of the Death god’s Blessing

CY 9165, m1, d6 The effects beging to manifest. All the Gallants taking the icy tear watch over each other closely. Each one is barely noticeable – many affect the appearance without any other impact (eyes, teeth, etc.).
As Jingle receives her allotmenet (she was invited late), the statue explodes into a million shards – ripping through the gathered company. The spirit of DEATH washes over each like a wave. The statue’s essence is drained,
going into each of the Gallants present, tainting their aura with undeath. It solves Plague’s delimma of what to do with it later. Geri explains later that its a taint – it will not affect who you are, just that certain powers and effects may treat those effected
as if they were one of the undead. Those present all end up in the infirmary, with Hag doing her best; they have all suffered a great deal and the wounds fester. The stench of death holds to the Gallants for days before it dissipates and they can even leave the infirmary. The others are all told that a disease has broken out and the
infirmary is a quarantine area – this cover story keeps The Gallants from becoming too much of a focus to the locals.

There’s rumors going all around about Geri, vampires, dead gods, curses, etc. Plague calls a meeting of the Gallants to settle the issue once and for all. Geraldine usurps his meeting…

Geri walks into the assembly hall… the entire hall quiets at once. She wears a simple shift, her skin is near ivory and her eyes red from lack of feeding. She is a terrifying figure and many murmurs start up. But this is The Galllants, weird shit is the order of the day – no one bolts for the door (though Geri has charmed and commanded two to seal them in and prevent all other from coming in until she gives word)…

[Geri] I am sure some of you may have serious issues with my… state. It is true, my life ended when we betrayed the demon T’zreal. Gide redeemed us, and willingly we all followed him to what we knew was our death… only it was not truly so in my case. If you have any reservations, i would remind you of the code. I have sworn BEYOND death and so have you all. I have returned to deal with the evil of the Celestial – to guide you through this and fight her and our enemies as best as i can when the time comes. I will lead you to victory, then i will return to my fate… my curse. I am not meant to walk among the living for long, and the price to allow me to must be paid by you all. (a few shouts and whispers) But fear not, for ultimately we will all feast on the blood of our enemies. We shall rip their flesh asunder and until we slake our thirst.The days of The Gallants being played are turning a corner. It is time for us to play them, to pull their strings, and to take from them what we will. How do you feel about that?

The crowd makes little noise – a few cheers ring out. The senior council of Gallants is ready in case any try and flee. Some of them so amongst the crowd and bolster Geri’s words. A growing tide of cheers begins, but fades quickly.

[Geri] So little faith? Well, we venture into uncharted waters… the dogs are baying and we’re cornered here in tiny Richfield. When i am done, We’ll be able to return to Bar-Innis with no one in our way. You will be asked for by name. Some of you remember me… those that do feel free to say to the new members of our band your remembrances. I am not who I was, and yet i am all that and more – but Gallant to the core. You are absolutely forbidden to speak my name to outsides, but know that i am watching, waiting, and i will hear lies and fools speech. Plague is and will continue to be your captain. Seconds you lieutenant. Obey them where it does not contradict my orders. Dismissed.

Geri summons Naked and asks him to move into the night – for she knows there will be those who wish to take their leave, and will likely spread the word. There will be a period of “adjustment”, where it will be discovered who has the stamina and who lacks the fortitude. Naked, a bit afraid of saying no, agrees. She asks that he take any that seek to run and secure them to a place only he knows about. She gives him a glass phial with greenish liquid in it – “the sleep of the dead” she calls it, and he is to give it to those he captures. Only a drop and they will sleep for three days. Naked describes how to get to a small cave in the hills above the Inn thats well hidden where he will store them.
“I don’t particularly like this, but I want to see us out of this predicament.”

The next few days see six of The Gallants desert. They leave at night from the tight security of the new encampment in Richfield. Warrants are issued for their return – the penalty is death, with a bounty.. but none claim it.

[Plague] (To Seconds, Mary, Fazeel) Mendollin has returned and i feel better with him in the camp as a force against Geri. I cannot abide her evil, this is not something i foresaw and the price is too much.

[Fazeel] Since when did the price become “too much”? You were willing to submit to the fallen celestial at one point.

[Plague] Fuck you. You can criticize all you want, you try leading this band and see what depths you sink to to get us through certain death.

[Fazeel] Point taken, no offence… just seems like we’re maybe jumping the gun here..

[Seconds] Yea, the rumors of her drinking blood have already seen a few good men run for it. I can’t blame them. I don’t know whats going on, but I have not seen Naked since he came back to camp. I think he’s involved in the missing recruits. At least none of the old-timers have run… i think we’ve all just seen too much to think a blood-drinker leading us is “too strange”.

[Plague] We cannot go on like this though..

[Seconds] We can and we will… lets not forget who we are. And lets not have happen here what has happened before. Lets confront her and find out her plans. I think if you remind her of her oath it balances out any anger she might have… its a lever to be used against her. Geri is 100% true to her word, she abides by a lawful code that VERY strictly governed her behavior in the past – i think we can use this against her.

[Plague] Seconds, this is good insight – only you knew her briefly before she came into her current state. We will use her oath and extract her word of honor then.

The group waits for the next nightfall and confronts her in the command tent.

[Plague] Whats happened to Naked and the so-called deserters!? Those men were Gallants and we deserve to know if the code has been broken. You took an oath, you even wrote the code!

[Geri] When they decided to run, they jeopardized the entire company – they are forsworn. As to Naked’s whereabouts I honestly dont know. But suffice to say the loyal men here need not worry about slaking my thirst for a long while.

[Plague] I honestly do not know how long i can abide this evil. There is nothing good about this – these men would not run were it not for having seen you – a woman who should be and even looks dead.

[Fazeel] He’s got a point, you look like shit lady…

[Geri] (Glares at Fazeel) I cannot help you with your moral struggles, as i failed in my own life, i have no right to judge my brothers… and yea, perhaps it is time i at least tried to cover up. I will go by Lady Blackwell, and i will remain kempt in my appearance.

[Plague] Its not just that –

[Geri] You label me evil when you have not even met it’s like. I stared it in the face once, and i failed. It was only through our leader – Gide – that i was able to restore my strength and face it a second time… only to become it. I have wrestled with inner demons more powerful than any i have ever seen or faced – don’t presume to tell me of evil.
I am this ragged, unkempt figure before you because i choose not to prey on the likes of you. You call me evil – i defy you to show me where. I did nothing to those men as sword brothers, i swore the oath beyond the grave, and if you hold that as your measure of behavior then its those men who deserted who are to blame for how you feel, the disappointment you feel. They would have betrayed you at some point… duty unto death was not part of their credo. That weakness is culled. You should be thanking me for doing you the favor.

[Seconds] *snicker* Ok, ok, ok, This is foolish. Geri has a point Plague. Sorry, Lady Blackwell – been a long time since i heard that name – Lady, you must see it as difficult for us to rationalize this. It definitely seems like Plague’s moral compass is restored beyond any doubt… but captain, you may be being too hard on her.

[Fazeel] Can i just say something? (EVERYONE rolls their eyes) It just seems like we’re all on the same team. Can’t we all just get along?

[Plague] As you can see, i’ve brought my jester to this gathering of fools.

[Geri] I… apologize… captain. Its been a long time since i have been around people. The kind of power i wield now in undeath is something that breed contempt for mortals. But you are not that, you are my brothers.