To the House of the Dead (new Gallants 5)

Dunstrand Rising Living World Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline with the New Gallants.

(Previous) <Geraldine Returns< (Current) THESE EVENTS RUN BETWEEN start 9165 [short]. (Next) >All in for War>

CY 9165, m1, d8

Lets start again… Plague must deal with the unenviable task of once again taking the church back in Braddon Bog, of publicly defying the will of the current Mother Savanagh – recently appointed from Bergen (so our spies tell us). The record of sale and validity of the transaction selling the church is to be re-registered with authorities in Bergen (Geri creates the writs for Plague to sign and sends them by courier to Bergen and a copy to Tanner Holmraf) and the flock of Aerna is to be forced back into their new, comfortable church. I say take one other senior member and go ahead of us.
Ahead… what do you say? How will we be able to sneak out of Richfield? We hold our oaths here too!
We begin roaming patrols as part of a defense plan. We ride for the swamp, Naked has found a place to keep the horses, and we take the swamp route. There is a tributary that will get us near Braddon Bog on skiffs. I will have some of my “servants” take us up this by night. We will enter the tunnels behind the Smith’s workshop, sneak into the Celestials lair and have her take us to the House of the Dead – we die. We seek her spirit there so i can rid myself of these feathers and weaken her power, seek and return the soul of Books if we can, discover what we can in the strange place, take what power and understanding we can, and return without her spirit. She will be weakened from transporting us and we will make sure she restores all of us before she returns me – I will supposedly have her spirit – and she (i hope) will not be able to kill me since i am… undead.
This feels like abandoning our duties. What happens if we are needed?
Not all of us are going.
Yes – i will go; anything extra I can think of I can be looking for… how about a fallen gallant to question – to talk to and gain insight – maybe Sandavahl, Hap, and Farold? I’ll be looking for signs, not sure if a nature boy will be of any good in that realm.
Companions are always welcome in ill times.
huh….. oughta be interesting. We’ll Captain made the call, and if it’s for books then so be it. But really… To what end honestly? Why in the name of Aerna’s stretched out cunt would we be so willing to die for a washed out celestial?
I would go to the house of the dead for Books.
I’m out. Someone has to carry on the name of the Gallants and as Battle-Sergeant that will be me. The Captain and First Officer cannot both go on away missions like this. Good luck y’all! Sounds like you’ll need it. Don’t come back fucked up so we have to kill you.
[Red Hand]
I’ll go with Plague on this mission still, he is Captain of the Gallants and maybe my Occult Aspect Powers will be of use where conventional weapons are not? I should be able to harness my mana even in the House of the Dead. My Occult Powers will be manifesting to the next level soon so I should be more useful against the spirits of the dead, at least a little I hope? Be that as it may be, I will not see Plague and, Geri go alone…I am one of you now and I am sworn to protect and aid my Captain and the Commander of the Gallants. Fazeel can act as my anchor here through the bonds of our rings to help guide us back to the lands of the living once Geri confronts the Celestial and she has been dealt with as you’re planning. There is no reason to risk both Magus either but, Fazeel still out ranks me so I only suggest this option. I do not wish to lose essence but that is always a risk of being a Gallant, is it not?
Red Hand, you and Plague are a perfect match. You both use “should” and “probably” in the most optimistic ways. May the odds be forever in your favor, you’ll need it. Give me facts. It’ll cover your ass so much better then “odds”. But I’ve heard crazier stories. I’ll keep the home fires burning for ya.
We are killing two birds with one stone! It seems quite risky but in doing so we can possibly bring Books back from wherever his soul is. I’ll do it for him, if not for the false hope the Celestial gave me. My biggest question is whether she will know our intentions beforehand. Can she read our minds?
Possibly… theres a lot of unknown here.
You raise an excellent point seconds. With that in mind I’ll be staying for sure as well. Mendollin is more suited to combat than myself anyways, you’ll be safest with him around rather than me. I will insure that there is still knowledge of the occult within the gallants. And theres nothing there for you Mary, There may be something for myself and Mendollin, but even that is small. The only thing i see is a chance to save books.
[Red Hands]
Those were my thoughts as well Fazeel, if for some reason we don’t make it back? Then at least the Gallants will still have a magus among them and, Books entrusted you with the library. Seconds, what can I say…it’s all a crap shoot? Going into the house of the dead, taking power away from the celestial, dealing with spirits of the dead and my occult powers are beyond the normal scope of my masters as I transition into higher ranks. He can instruct me but he doesn’t practice the same occult powers that I do. For me it’s more theory and practice so shoulds and maybes are the best I can offer at this time. I guess I’ll find out soon enough for where we’re going if my talents will be affective or not but, I believe it’ll work if what my master says to be true and he’s not been wrong yet Seconds. Fazeel I think you should stay close to me while we’re on the other side so that the connection of the ring will be strong, I may need to call on its powers while we’re there if things go badly. It’s only a guess if it will still work but, I have a feeling it will act as a conduit through our bonding.
After a lengthy discussion with Fazeel, I has come to the conclusion that it would be best if I remained in the land of the living.
I was willing to go to the Lands of the Dead to help the Celestial…NOW I like Geri’s plan, to go there and leave the Celestial Feathers there, ending Geri’s tie to Her and taking some of Her power away from Her, and maybe even learn how to control the Celestial once we are all safely back home and alive. Then I want The Gallants to USE her power to smite our enemies….to pay them back, and to give pay back to that bitch of a Celestial….and to find out more about what House Malor did to Books, and any other sort of knowledge and experience that can be gained in an adventure to the place where the dead go to dwell. I am sure it will be a fascinating ride, regardless if we make it out or not….and even if I am stranded there, some more mysteries of the universe would be revealed, so I could die, or stay dead, with a little peace of mind. It would be an experience of a lifetime, so to speak… I’ve seen a lot of shit, e.g. going through a mirror to another dimension/reality, witnessing talking Dragon Skulls, experiencing the raw divine power of the Avatar of Kerrang, seeing Wendel Tarly fight the real T’zreal, then fighting the almost T’zreal recently, channeling the divine Awe Power of a goddess in protecting the Gallants from Certain Death at the paws and claws of the hybrid horde, and then his misguided bonding with the unknown long lost fallen goddess who tantalized me by answering a desperate plea for help…among other things. Traveling to the House of the Dead fits in my vision to increase our knowledge and power to be better able to come out on the winning side of things. Though I should note that on the way back from the House of the Dead, with The Gallants being at the MERCY of The Fallen Celestial, I probably have the highest risk of NOT coming back, due to my betrayal of Her…SHE will not forget….and my fate would be in Her hands…right now I am not sure how to sweet talk her into keeping me alive on the trip back, but I am sure she will be MORE than happy in SENDING me to the House of the Dead….it would seem that my fate would be most certainly riding on a roll of the dice….but I started this, so I am committed to see this path to its end…
Its decided then – Naked, Red-Hands, Plague and I will be going. That should be enough. Some of the rest of you will cover for us in Richfield. Once we are there, i am hoping time will have no meaning – and we will be able to conclude our business and travel without time passing here. Plague and another will set out tomorrow to deal with the clergy of Aerna while we prepare here.

Plague travels as “Dreed of Richfield” with Rictor (traveling as “Widdens”)

CY 9165, m1, d11 They ride hard without armor or much except his father’s sword hidden underneath the saddle – Rictor posing as his bodyguard with Truevein hidden mostly. The way is familiar by now, and they cross into Bar-Innis without incident.
They arrive in Braddon Bog to find it in an uproar. The priestess of Aerna is digging up all the bodies of the buried Gallants and plans to sink them in the bog!

Half the town supports digging up the bodies, the other half is either terrified or neutral. The first Gallant – Cage Northfort (whose body was animated along with others when House Malor began to deeply snoop around the old church) is the first in a big ceremony.
In an ironic twist, Rictor – wielding Truevein – stood before the path. Plague tries to calm the mob – “This is against even your own codes!” No matter his implorement to do different, the mob seems bent on defiling the dead of The Gallants.
Rictor shouts out one warning – “Turn back! Go back to your homes and let us treat with your town or religious authority!” AS the mob edges closer, Plague with his hands in the air falls back. Rictor unsheathes Truevein –
“I give you one more chance – TURN BACK!” Even as he tries to reason, Plague slowly draws his father’s blade. Refuse starts to be thrown as the Gallants back down the road. Rictor stops at the edge of the bog – he will not let them get farther.
Plague turns to Rictor to scream over the chanting of the mob – “How can we solve this!? I need ideas – now!” Just then a clay jug is hurled, striking Plague squarely on the jaw and dropping him.
The crowd rushes forward to overwhelm them. Rictor, silently, begins to sweep Truevein in wide arcs through the crowd. He covers Plague as he rises unsteadily – both pelted with pots, refuse, and sticks. Bodies fall left
and right as Rictor marches forward – most just superficial long cuts – but a few deep cuts here and there. The screaming starts in earnest when Plague wades in – trying to use the flat of his blade.
Both of them flail madly, and soon the cries of anger turn to pain, then fear and the crowd turns tail, dropping the body of Cage. When its over, three bodies lay in the street (besides Cage’s remains) – though not dying.
Rictor will get his new Gallant name – “Wreck” from the “bloody wreck” (as Plague calls it) he left in the streets. Bloodied garments, bandages, dropped goods and the groans of the wounded fill the air.
Rictor is exhausted, and stands with the aid of the greatsword. Plague asks “Will you watch the bog path while i go deliver a message to the Mother Savanagh?” Rictors says
“No bodies of fallen Gallants will pass me… and i think she might have already got the message.” Great – even Rictor’s a comedian now thinks Plague.

Dressed in purest white, the Aerna Church Mother is not far away. Ministering to her flock’s wounds, she screams at Plague as he approaches. “I bear only writs woman!” She hurls insults and threats.
“No one is dead – you are lucky. We defended ourselves only from your flocks attacks. But i am not here to make peace, just deliver a message. The Companions Library is ours – The Gallants. The old church, and
cemetery grounds where ancient souls lie as well as those of fallen Gallants is ours. This says it always was so, and that you trespass. Unless you want real bloodshed, take your religious materials
out of our property and begone.” Her flock has sense where she does not, they calm her and help remove the trappings of their faith back to the church built for them. In the ensuing move, Plague swears
he catches a glimpse of a face he should know in the crowd, but loses it. He cannot place it.

[Rictor] (later) I guess if not our faces, then our blades are recognizable.. i hope if it gets back to the Earl of Richfield he will be forgiving.

Truevein Returns to the Northfort family: Wreck comes to Plague. He says that he has reburied Truevein with Cage’s body. A new tombstone is erected for the brave warrior. He knows it was dispicable the end which Truevein was used – to harm the folk of Braddon Bog. Being a townfolk himself, and a constable, he knows how people are and though no one was killed, the broken bones of the old and young made him realize that he’s not worthy to carry such a blade and he shamed himself by using is thusly. He seems contrite and reflective – not the normal hard hearted Rictor… perhaps he is recovering from losing his family.

Geri and the Others Arrive

CY 9165, m1, d13

Mendollin, Thom, Gerladine, and Nils gather around – Geri says to use their real name, to call out to each other in their real names – the connection will be stronger and it will be easy to rescue one another if the bonds are stronger and something goes wrong. Rictor and Fry-Bread are guarding them while they treat with the Celestial.

Now that we stand here, i am terribly afraid we’ve made the wrong choice.

– Yes, but forget your fears. I will bargain with Celestial. She has not yet sensed my presence in all this – my death has long removed me from her notice (though this could change, if she aware of my undead curse). Which is good, with this edge we will start from a position of strength. I spent many moons seeking the knowledge from creatures that would make you gouge out your eyes… these lands hold many a shadow of fallen evil to match the wretched creature pent up here. You look upon me and see evil and yet you have no clue of the true evil that seeps into the land from the shores of Dwindor Swamp.

Yea, that make me feel better… fucking shit.

The group spend hours preparing – eating, drinking a full meal, Geri explaining to Dale (no one really knew his name other than Fry Bread until now!) and Rictor what signs to look for when the group returns, and how to avoid the Celestials power and the real limits in case she threatens them while they make their journey. Rictor goes and collects (paying double to the angry townsfolk) the items and materials they need from Barddon Bog – linen, candles, rages, water, vinegar, and digging tools. The seal is broken once again, and the heavy door pulled open. Inside it is very dim, though the group can hear the faint flutter of ghostly wings.

The servants of the Kraken-Mother called you “old-blood” – you are Anemro Alu who claims to be the mother of one called Seti. I call you by name, and summon you to watch over your servants in the matter of seeking the House of the Dead. We have brought fresh linen, oils, and lineaments so that we may be properly presented once there.
You bitch! You Dare –

… All turn to Geri, whose fangs have been bared, her dark eyes glimmer with triumph – a vision of pure evil that will be forever etched in the mind of those seeing it.

Yes, i have learned much. And i have come to you armed this time. My death gave me access to powers to rival yours even – powers that babble in the night long bereft of sanity, abyssal winds that whisper in the moors, all speaking of knowledge and power to those who know how to listen. Now I command you to aid us. Long ago you hinted that there were great treasures buried in the cemetery. Any sane person would be wary of where they dig in that place… but i know that there are several ancient graves which have faded. So old they must be, that they conceal what i believe to be some of your fromer servants… and items of power buried with them. And those of Malek’s as well as the Lightbringers. I command you to share a name so that we might serve you better!
What in the hells –
Quiet! This is all i can do in regards to this.
(whispering) The name is Nicolagaos.
Quickly – return to the cemetery above and find the grave marked with that name. If it is the name i think it is, it will be marked “Nicol” – Nicolagaos the Seer. His helm would be worth much if its rumored powers were true. Dig only from the east, and dig the depths and direction exactly as i tell you (she confers with him alone).

Rictor leaves Fry Bread and Geri enters the crypt with the white linen and begins to lay out the shrouds that will cover The Gallants in their passage to the House of the Dead. The Gallants enter the room, with the angry celestial. She is whispering the words of some incantation the entire time they prepare. Stripping down to their flesh only, each Gallant is aware of the heavy scars the Gerladine bears. Rictor returns an hour later saying that he found a sealed sarcophagi under the grave marker. Geraldine commands him to open it and look for a helmet inside – take only that. However, they are forced to begin their journey before Rictor returns, Wrapped in linen, bathed in oils and perfumes, purified… The celestial speaks the words.
“There, there mortal.. cease your struggles.”

Entry to the Lands of the Dead

You writhe and twist, trying to gain a breath, struggle to get any air as your mind and muscles scream in agony. There is blackness all around you and your word gradually shrinks until there is only a mild buzzing sound. You feel yourself go limp and a coolness comes over you. You feel yourself falling and falling, growing colder and colder. You pass several lighted apertures, but continue in an endless sinking blackness. A loud whooshing sound fills your ears and it grows louder until you think you cannot stand it and your ears will burst. You scream and realize there is no air in your lungs. You gasp and gasp, trying to awaken, but finding yourself trapped in the endless, breathless state. Barely able to contain your panic, you rise and realize that you are in a white room. A woman wrapped in a linen skirt and naked above the waist greets you. A golden necklace hangs between her breasts, with a symbol of a ibis. You walk to her outstretched arms and feel weightless. Looking back, you see your body, wrapped in linen and cleaned, laid out for burial.

“I am Kabechet, daughter of he who watches in the houses of the Ma’ati. You come here searching for a spirit who is lost, who wanders the corridors of dream. I know your spirits, you are in danger. Your death is not written, and yet you are here.”

She is beautiful in a strange way, despite her black eyes and black hair. A light covering of soft blond hair covers her body, her hips sway as she walks to you, smiling and revealing sharpened teeth.

Gerladine holds out both hands and they clasp, at first a grip of fierce rigidness as they converse in multiple languages. Like a dance, the suppressed struggle goes until the grip of the guardian Kabachet begins to loosen, and she smiles – a smile matched by Geraldine. They fluidly move, dancing now to unheard music, and end in an erotic embrace, kissing and caressing. Finally they part.

[Kabachet] “Ceflu Daughter has fooled you and brought you here to bring her spirit back. Part of you must be left behind – there must be balance. But your words turn my cold heart warm and strangers are so rare here. I will tell you what you must do if you win through the halls of the dead.”

Kabachet explains that there is a garden beyond – a garden which leads to the upper and lower paths of the dead. There is a Soul Cage there which can capture a spirit to return to the Seekers place. Geri says that they must get that, in order to get the Celestial’s soul – but leave the feathers behind. What she gains, is what she will lose… and the denizens of the land of the dead will not be so kind as Geraldine in their use of the feathers connection to her. They will seek to drain her of warmth – a fitting fate.

Seeking The Celestial Spirit

Geri leads the group, using the feathers are a lodestone, through a great hall of mirrors and into a vast, unending Garden. Food to sustain a soul, a light, and the Soul Cage are found there, says Geri. She leads them to a great oaken cellar where they find what they seek, then back into the Garden, where they find a whirlpool of darkness they descend into. An endless search of the rooms, caves, and tunnels of the lower paths seem to take years, and only a few strange shadows have menaced the group – Mendollin fends most of them off, and what few make it passed are handled by Nils and Thom is epic battles of grappling and tearing. Geri loses the way a few times, but there are riddles, puzzles, and hidden knowledge for which she continues to provide a means of passing. Just as they approach the limits of their sanity, Geraldine cries out. A black winged shadow is captured in the Soul Cage.

Other Delving of the Dead

Plague asks about Books and Geri says there is nothing to be done but manual restoration for him; the Soul Cage will only hold one.
“What about the plan to fool her?”, says Plague. “I cannot fool her without her sensing her essence is close by – it must be this way.” Plague is distraught, “You have fooled me!” Geri responds,
“I have done no such thing – i never promised anything… you only hoped. I believe it is possible, but with only a single cage, this is the best we can do. We must return swiftly, for we are drained of life the longer we stay here.”
Plague is not happy… Mendollin is unsure. Naked says “I have not seen anything like the fallen Gallants – i was hoping to ask their shades a question… i too feel i have been cheated.”
Geri scowls and says, “I cannot help that, though there is a place for such a thing. You risk yourself and all of us, should we go there.” One of Naked’s goals was to try and access the spirits of fallen Gallants. While traveling in the lands of the dead, Geri says it is to the Hall of Mirrors to which they must go, and that such a thing is dangerous – you could lose some of yourself (she does not elaborate – she does not know for sure). If we go, we must all go for we cannot pass beyond the light of the
Lamp of Souls or those who do may lose their way back. She does not object – she knew that he would seek it, but now understands the lamp that lights their way cannot be “loaned” or the whole group may be lost.

Since our goal is to get as much out of this extraordinary and dangerous trip to the House of the Dead that we can, and hopefully survive, coming back to the land of the living after doing so, I support Nils’ mission to try to access the spirits of fallen Gallants, in addition to any other knowledge and information we can gain in going to the Hall of Mirrors – we are Gallants united in our mission. I am hoping that what we gain will outweigh what we lose by doing this. In the land of the living things seem to be spirally out of control with enemies all over plotting against us and we are being constantly slaughtered, without a way to stand up against the tides against us. We need to find a way to change what fate has been dealing us recently. We need to be able to start to dictate our fate and that of our enemies. I am filled with foreboding with the knowledge that we will lose something by taking this extra trip to the Hall of Mirrors. But I trust Nils’ instincts in contacting the spirits of fallen Gallants who might enlighten us, maybe in ways to help us face and defeat our enemies, and maybe with knowledge and insight to help The Gallants to venture down a more successful, prosperous, and glorious path.

The garden is left behind, and you march against the dismal spectres of the dead who march towards it. As each passes through you, a chill fills you. They swarm and press you all about, seperating you. Nils feels a solid hand grab his arm, and is pulled to the side with a strength he cannot match. Geri’s face is pressed to his, her voice is barely a whisper, but the numbing cold of the dead causes steam from her mouth.
“Before we enter the Hall of Mirrors, i must tell you something. I need your promise you will do something for me – i need you to swear it as a Gallant. Say you will do a deed for me, i swear as a Gallant it will not stain your honor.” Nils senses that it is important to Gerladine, and deeply intrigued.
“I must confess – this is something no one else knows. You were once to be a High King’s Ranger – i trust your sense of justice. My secret, hidden even from my fellows of the time, is that i died with child. The Hound of Berithor raped me, and got me quick with child. He has received his justice, for this i am happy – but my child lived! She carries with her the taint of the undead, like Taer Oshman once did. Like Jingle – Taer’s daughter – does even now. You must promise me that you will save my daughter. I do not wish for her the fate of myself – to take the place of some haggard old witch.
The child is with the Orrish, in Dwindor Swamp – promise me that if anything happens to me, you will find her and take her back to the lands of Dunstrand. Promise me that she will be cared for!” Nils is stunned at the news, and speechless for a moment. He nods his head, silently, and whisper
“I so swear” under his breath. The dead spirits fill the corridor for many minutes, and thin out finally – “Some great death has been done”, says Geri.

Thom (Plague) and Spirits of the Dead

Thom enters the Hall of Mirrors with his eyes shut, as instructed by Geraldine. The place is as silent as a tomb, and Thom begins to center himself and meditate. The light of the Soul Lamp is infinitely reflected here – there are few places of darkness (Geri warns everyone to stay away from those places), and so Thom begins to wander. He finds his first spirit and it is an innocent, childlike one. He converses in a whisper for hours it seems and wanders away, feeling refreshed. Once again he closes his eyes and meditates, seeking out another encounter. This time it is the spirit of warrior, who teaches him warrior tricks of attack. The last encounter is also preceded by meditation – but Thom finds himself distracted as ever and cannot center. Fortunately, it is a spirit of a trader or merchant perhaps… the conversation draws Thom in and he learns a few tricks of confidence from the spirit.

Mendollin (Red-Hands) and Spirits of the Dead

Mendollin seeks out some of the past Gallants. Within the reflections, he finds Gide “The Pure” (as Mendollin thinks of him); He asks that he bless them and offer us protection in our trials ahead. The spirit just stares back at him.
He seeks and finds Sandoval The Educator (as Mendollin thinks of him); “I ask for wisdom and knowledge to aid us against our enemies.” The dead spirit of Sandovhal just stares back at him. “Surely you can tell me how to stop Aruna who is now a lich?” Again, the spirit stares.
Mendollin regroups and concentrates. “Will my Occult Aspect powers be able to strike Aruna and do damage normally?”, slowly mouth’s the word Y-E-S. Mendollin says,
“Do you know of an item or weapon that can help us defeat her and can he tell me where can we find it?” Once again the spirit stares.
“Can she be affected and destroyed with just mundane weapons?”, to which the spirit croaks out a indistinshable moan. Mendollin looks away, not getting the engagement he hoped for.
“Will you help your daughter Geri now in the house of the dead with her plan to make sure she gets back to the otherside as well, once the rest of us are safely in the land of the living?”, to which ths spirt groans “Nooooooo” and slowly fades from view.
Lastly, it is the spirit of Cage- The Beast of the North (as Mendollin thinks of him); “I ask for militant wisdom in battle in Mizras’s name so that I may better assist the Gallants and, that if the Lord of Swords and Battle would have me as a follower? I would serve him as I battle since I seek the path of a militant mage. War is brewing with the Gwinnish and the Umbakians, the light bringers and the followers of the Sea Witch seek a foothold in Dunstrand once again.
Followers of the Sea-Kings are gathering as well so I seek the strength of Cage Northfort with gift of Mizras’s blessing to aid my brothers the Gallants so that we can be victorious in our battles.”
The reflection of Cage merely stares back with empty eyes – just a spirit and not his soul. Mendollin tries again:
“I ask if Mizras, the Lord of Swords and Battle would have me as a follower as they once did you? That I would serve him in battle against the enemies of the Gallants so that I may bring him more victories, as I seek the path of a militant mage.
The spirit flickers and creaks out Y-E-S… “It would be an honor to have the mighty Cage Northfort perform the Rite of Indoctrination to the Faith as a Gallant and, as a follower of Mizras. If he is able too here in the house of the dead?”
The spirit of Cage turns and croaks out N-O. “Does the Code of the Gallants still hold in death as a spirit in the house of the dead?” – to which the spirit shimmers brightly and states clearly YESSSSSSS.
“Will the spirits of the Gallants ride again to aid us while in the house of the dead to complete our mission and, get back to the land of the living?”, wherein the spirit riplles and fades, whispering NOOOoooo… as it does so.
Mendollin is dejected, but also says that the taint was removed from Truevein. He then speaks skyward: “Hear me spirits: I have no real connection to the official Gallants other than the oath and the
stories through the annuals but, but I am fully committed to them 100%. Flowers, by Gaia’s grace i ask blessings from you. I do not wish to cause anguish upon myself, only to seek guidance, wisdom and knowledge. Spirit of Vorr – where goest thou?
Mother – are you still alive or have you passed through these halls? Guide me in choose the the militant path of my occult powers with the Gallants – will I go crazy from Bin Qui?
There are many people aligning against us, Anwin, Aruna, the Twin Rivers, the Gwinnish, the Umbakians and the followers of the ancient Sea-Kings – What must we do to be ready to defeat them all for a more stable Dunstrand? What holds to key to our continued survival?”
His questions and words echo endlessly, eventually fading away. He feels spent and drained.. he has learned a valuable lesson in dealing with the dead and its limits.

Geraldine (Lady Blackwell) and Spirits of the Dead

Geraldine seeks out the spirit of Nicolagaos the Seer, from the far distant past. She tries to engage him to find out more about his helm that the group may now be in possession of – but only succeeds in knowing that there is no word of command associated with it. Next she wanders the Hall of Mirrors, and engages an old man who seemed to approach her. In a dream like state, they speak of the art of Sorcery –
its deepest secrets and insights. Geri emerges without knowledge of who the spirit was, but safe in the knowledge that progressing to the next level of sorcerous understanding will be easier for her. Feeling safe, she drifts, light on her feet, and accidentally ends up in a dark corner. She is assaulted by dark spirits, who hunger for her pain and anguish. She claws her way back from insanity slowly,
her scream muffled by the darkness. The next time she tries to meditate, center herself and begins with focusing in thoughts of the sea. She tries to focus on one of the reflections and it slowly comes into view. They discuss, at length, the benefits of meditation but at the end of it, Geri finds herself a bit unclear about her own practices… slowly she realizes some memories of this have been taken from her!
The next spirit she encounters is a charming woman, who at length divulges to her some confidence tricks that she can draw on if she returns to the land of the living. She swore she would limit herself to only one more… and this initial last spirit is a benign one who fought the winter hosts in the north, and he imparts a few martial tricks she may use. Gerladine feels the strength of her undead power and is confident
(perhaps overconfident) to seek more chance encounters. The next spirit is one of a long forgotten past in Ducateon history – a spirit from the Troll Wars by his discussion or martial and militant things. He speaks of his people and their time of need, and Geraldine gains knowledge of their kind she did not possess before. Her last spiritual encounter is one of terror and fright –
at first she believes it is an ancient wizard, come to impart sorcerous secrets, but instead steals knowledge from her!

Nils (Naked) and Spirits of the Dead

Nils seeks out Sandovhal and finds him. “Is there any information or items the brave companions know about that can be retrieved that isn’t written clearly in the annals and could give us leverage and power to use against our enemies?”
The response is “Y-E-S”. Is there someone living i should seek to discover this information and how to use it?” The response is “Y-E-S”, His last questions is, “Can and will you guide me to this information or items through some sort of sign?”
The response is “N-Ooooo”.

Next, Nils finds Farold; “Is there any unfinished business the gallants can perform for you or the brave companions?” The response is “Y-E-S”. He then asks,
“Is there an intermediary that we can ask to gain this information so we can fulfill it?” The response is “Y-E-S”. Lastly, he asks, “Can and will you provide a sign as to who this person is?”
The response is, “Ughnnnnn”.

Lastly, he seeks out Hap and finds him among the reflections. “Do you think the grollen settlement your started would listen to me and join the gallants.” The answer is “Y-E-S”.
“Is there any items or information that you possessed that can be recovered that can help with my scouting duties, protecting the gallants, and possibly help convince the grollen to join us.”
The response is “Ughnnnn”. Lastly, he asks “Can and will you give me a sign of the location of these items or information.” He responds “Noooo”.

The Eye is Upon You

The Eye of Dimov… Aman sees into the House of the Dead during his surgery (w/Jingle and Hag trying to fix his eye). Aman sees Geraldine with a maelstrom around her. There are many invisible spirits, ripping at her silently and unfeeling.
He cannot warn her that the spirits of the dead seek to hold her, he can but watch. There is some sort of other spirit beside her, protecting her – it is the spirit of a woman. None of the spirits seem to
harm or help her as she walks through the Halls of the Dead. He studies her and learns a lot, with the Eye of Dimov.

Return to the Tomb

Geri guides them back to the Garden again, and to the entrance hall of Kabachet. “Before we return to the living, and deal with the Guardian, i must ask that you give part of yourself to me. If you do not, i will not possess the energy to fight her should it come to it. I need your blood.” Thom argues that this was not part of the plan, that they can fight her together. Mendollin smiles. Nils is thoughtful. After a long round of argument, where Menodllin agrees, Nils hesitantly agrees, and Thom is adamant, but finally has to agree under direct threat from Geri.
For Mendollin, it is everything he had dreamed of. Her “kiss” is like the sun in spring in a the heathers; for Nils it fills the emptiness he has felt since donning the magical pelt. For Thom it is a moment where all else is forgotten – a moment in time that he lets his guard down and relaxes as he has not been able to since becoming captain of The Gallants. Thereafter, they return to the entry hall of the Guardian. Kabachet stares deeply into the eyes of each character, experiencing their entire time in her halls in a moment. She asks Geri to lay with her, so that she can give her heat and warmth. The entire scene is hazy after that, but all the characters become awake and aware at the same moment. The voice of the Celestial and Geri are arguing. Their voices are like those caught in a maelstrom – but one by one the Seekers drop into the light below until Geri is the last one.

The celestial grave calls like a light. You stumble in darkness and finally hurl yourself back towards the light, falling into the chamber. You are disoriented and the world spins around you. You stagger as air fills your lungs and you breathe once again. You stand, disoriented, and she stands between you and the door out – 2 versions of her. Two versions of the celestial come together and become one before your eyes. “I sense again my body – my senses are yet dull, yet with care and love they will grow. My children”, she says, “Come to your mother, come kneel at my feet and tell me of the halls of the dead”. Geri slowly walks toward her, she is entranced with the sight of her regained spirit. Above, there is no ceiling, the maelstrom of energy silently twisting as the gate to the land of the dead does not close.

Thom is unmoving though – as if stunned. The shock of the return has overwhelmed him. Geri presents the faintly glowing soul cage with one hand and waves the others to the entrace behind her back with the other. Mendollin and Nils grab Thom and the commotion draws her attention. Geraldine distracts her once again, slowly holding the prize she approaches the Celestial. The Gallants make use of her focus on the Soul Cage to exist the room.

The Celestial is made flesh when she touches the cage, but screams in agony as she realizes that the feathers are gone. Realizing Geri tricked her into releasing everyone, she spreads her ghostly wings and jumps to the attack, while Geri attacks her with all her vampiric power – freshly fed by her companions. The battle rages and is something out of legend. Those over the threshold of her tomb watch in abject horror as they gouge, claw, bite and rip each other limb from limb. Its obvious after several minutes that the Celestial has been a long time untested – Geri’s power soon tells. Bleeding and ripped, she stands over the defeated angelic figure. She slowly backs out of the tomb… Gasping for air the Celestial raises her hands and screams – a shriek as if ten thousand souls screamed in agony. The whirlpool above follows Geraldine as she scrambles backward – just touching her toe as she throws herself out of the room. The Gateway to the House of the Dead closes with a thunderclap. “Quickly” Geri cries, getting everyone to push the tomb door closed. It slams home with a great thud, echoing for what seems like minutes.

The Grave of “Nicol”

The grave reveals a shiny helm, of Nicolagaos the Seer.

Word of War

CY 9165, m1, d15

Word comes in that the entire Duchy is on alert, for war has broken out between Imperial Gwinn and Dunstrand. Plague and Rictor are forced to return ASAP to Richfield. Geri offers to stay in Braddon Bog.