All in for War (new Gallants 6)

Dunstrand Rising Living World Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline with the New Gallants.

THESE EVENTS RUN BETWEEN start 9165 M1 to 9166 M9. (Next) >A New Breed

CY 9165, m1, d18 Little Richfield is now active with the building or war barges and scout-in-strength missions into the Gillman Hills. Some of the wounded from the battle at Braddon Bog have healed and are hired and whipped into shape by
Plague and Seconds. The remainder of the Dwindor pirates hired by The Maulsmen – once enemies on the field of battle, are now allies. The Earl comes and tells Plague that from the Inn in the north of Richfield, an
amphibious operation will be launched across Scar flow, in combination with a naval display of force from Umbak to gain a beachhead in Tarmysia again. Red-Hands and Fazeel figure out how to tap Red-Hands torchlight knowledge easier, using
the magical lamp, Teerlinks’ ring, and their own spell knowledge.

CY 9165, m1, d20 Christianna is asked for specifically by Grace Peregrine – she comes bearing Baron Wheglins house colors… she is Lady Wheglin now! The baron’s wife passed away about 4 months ago after being sickly for over a year. It was no secret that Grace and the Baron enjoyed each other’s
companionship… and given the status of her family it was a natural fit for the social requirements. Baron Wheglin needs the Gallants to enlist the aid of the smugglers of Dogwood Flats to help guide the assault boats to
the targets. She believes that Christianna and her crew are perfect for the job. In fact, she insists on it. After only a few days, she bids a fond farewell.

House Malor’s Final Defeat at Braddon Bog

CY 9165, m1, d17 When The Gallants leave Braddon Bog, it is only a few days later that the representatives of House Malor return. However, this time they are not waving their credentials around. The old church/library stands silent – boarded up by The Gallants when they left town.
After a couple days, Dougline believes that his enemies are gone and tears down the debris at the fornt door. House Malor takes control of the old library. The stacked books are high and dust floats in the air thick. The walls are shadowed and dark. Dougline and his remaining allies move their gear in and set up a rookery – starting to write messages to their allies near and far.
In fornt of the meager hearth of the old church, out of the darkness comes a figure. The entire area fills with a dense fog and she invokes occult power. In a moment, all three figures and even the crows are limp upon the floor. Thus begins a slow matter of attrition.
Worms Teeth fly everywhere, light and darkness burst forth, a ray of fire engulfs Geraldine, but she shrugs it off and continues to cast into their midst. After Dougline falls though, there is little hope. The crows are released in a final effort to send word for aid, but they are all attacked outside by swamp bats – brought low and ripped to shreds my many their number.
Soon, the strange flurry of wings dies down – all the doors nearby slam shut and the lights are dimmed. The town is quiet and the next day, the doors to the church appear boarded once again.

Fazeel is Bonded to Plague

Plague carries with him a deep understanding of Fazeel’s spirit since returning from the House of the Dead. He sequesters him once again to make sure he understands his role of successor. He slaps a hand upon his shoulder and shakes him – telling him it is a burden he must bear. As the two lock eyes, the memories of the House of the Dead overwhelm them both.
Seeing each other’s base spirit essence, as Gallants they join and as Thom and his brother Silas were, so become Fazeel and Plague – brothers in arms now bonded for life through the power of death. Thom feels the spirit of his brother Silas slipping away, finally at rest.