Peace with Imperial Gwinn

Steel Realms

What the Peace Process with Imperial Gwinn looks like. This is what is known about the peace process with Gwinn. The information herein has been vetted and approved by agents of the High King, through offices of the World Watchers. Peace was first officially referenced in Herald’s Quarterly 9169, 1st Quarter.

After decades of fighting, the Duke of the grand Duchy of Dunstrand and the High King of Steel Realms was agreed to hold peace talks with agents of Imprerial Gwinn. The details of the peace process is not being divulged, but what is on the table for discussion is known to be the following:

@Start 12-16-9168

Though there had been informal talks to get the formal ones started, the “official” date for the start of the talks is 12-6-9168. Really, the in-depth talks did not begin until CY: 1-8-9169.

  1. First and foremost, a cessation of hostilities. There is an armistice, and access to the sea for Dunstrandian ships will be unchallenged.

    The parties have agreed to send agents to Lilymarch in the Earldom of Bar-Innis in Dunstrand, where they will meet and begin a process to hammer out the points outlined (and probably more); the process is only partially open to the public – a daily crier with alerts and scribes with messengers is to be provided. Dunstrand is responsible to the security except aboard the Gwinnish boats. Any break will allow the Gwinnish 1 full day to disembark safely.

    • Gwinnish Agents: Damian Redwake, a senior priest of Elancil, Feria Cordweaver, 2nd in command of the Wavewatchers Guild, and Haldin Blaxen chief herald of the Emperor of Gwinn.
    • Dunstrandian Agents: Sir Gerald Holmraf, chief herald of His Lord and Majesty, Hairam Laertan-Wellcis Caimphol, King of Gladnor, and High King of the Realms. Sister Agatha of the Sisterhood of Dohar Jaideen, general Sir Wistram Omely (Protector of the Noble East), and the aged Sir Aemond Forthright II, Duke of the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand.
  2. Territorial Rights
  3. Fishing Rights
  4. Trade Rights
  5. Total civilian ships and compliments
  6. Total military ships and compliment
  7. Military presence within the access routes to Tarmysia
  8. The piecemeal exploration and rights to Scar Flow
  9. The repatriation of refugees to their families in Tarmysia
  10. The desire to move to Dunstrandian mainland for any occupants of Tarmysia who wish it
  11. Possible restoration of sea and weather off Dunstrandian coastal territory
  12. Spy and prisoner exchange
  13. Ransom and rewards
  14. Monetary penalties and compensation for breaking the High King’s peace
  15. Miscellaneous concessions and an exchange of information

Dunstrand-Gwinn Peace Talks Update

Military presence within the access routes to Tarmysia

Settled 1-9269; There have been several “incidents” to delay the talks, but overall they keep going. Some of the confiscated ships Gwinn took in the early days are returned to Dunstrand – in poor maintenance.

Possible restoration of sea and weather off Dunstrandian coastal territory

Settled 2-9169; Tarmysia, Cabella, Richfield, and Bar-Innis/Crestwold’s sea routes return to normal off the close coast.