Runners (Agents of Athlapoole)

These runners and word-spreaders (Agents of Athlapoole) were hired from local folk in Athlapoole or just north and across the river – outside the direct effects of the Grimm but its effects were long observable and felt. Consisting of about 6 men and a younger bot of between 16 and 13 these pairs traveled the roads and visited the farms and settlements spreading the word and looking for anyone wanting their own land to move to the Athla Hill Country, now reopened due the the Right Red Hands’ efforts. Answering questions and telling tales (some true, some not!). These common folk related to those they talked to.

A separate “delegation” was sent to Zerburre, consisting of Doug, a troubadour, and the brothers Will and Steve who were good dancers with a flair for the dramatic. These acted out heroic encounters and spread the word of the fall of the Grimmdowns and re-opening of the Athla Hill Country.
