Rise of the Ancient Blood

Steel Realms
Dunstrand Rising Living World A n c i e n t   Blood – A Living World storyline
Set in the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms.

All players must adhere to the standard gaming contract…

Original Player Participation Rewards

Aside from the [[rewards|session rewards]], 1 action point will be earned for each of these:

  • Creating an account and allowing me to assign your character to it
  • Creating a wiki journal of the campaign from the character’s perspective (need a bard or literacy)
  • Creating a portrait of your character and attaching it to the profile
  • Choosing the campaign as a favorite on obsidian portal
  • Friending all other players in the campaign
  • Rating all the characters in the campaign
  • Actively commenting on the adventure log posts, in character, between sessions (make it relevant – not just jokes)
  • Rating the campaign itself
  • Standard gaming contract character background and group creation awards…


CLUE: Cunaigh Token (Arebor cellar key/crypt key) = Returned
CLUE: Lineage of Belmain Riverdan (“official” bloodline trace)
CLUE: Lineage of Horpan Riverdan (“official” bloodline trace)
CLUE: Lineage of Bondeu Riverdan (“official” Burren bloodline trace)
CLUE: Lineage of Bondeu Riverdan (Cunaigh bloodline trace)
CLUE: Gromesby Founding Date (from Old Man tree – Cunaigh family founder)
CLUE: Gromesby Founding Family Bone (Cunaigh)

Quest for Ancient Blood

Tracing the blood lines of the ancient Riverdans. A sub-campaign to the main Dunstrand Rising Living World Campaign. The events and play scenarios beyond the larger campaign come directly from the Ancient Blood excursion series.

Backdrop of Dunstrand: War has been brewing in the north for years. The forces of Gwinn have taken islands and coastal communities and is at war with the Norther Merchant Cities and Umbak. Dunstrand remained neutral until the Tarmysian Peninsula was invaded. Tarmysia and the rest of Dunstrand are separated by a thin neck of jagged hills, with seasonal access only through a place called Gillman Pass. The Scar Flow and Dwindor Swamp provide an impenetrable barrier after that. The forces of Gwinn have held onto Tarmysia for a year or more now. In CY 5-8-9141 the Band of Crows stirs up future of Dunstrand and the heartlands in general.

  • 9141 CY, Month 5, +8 days; Belim arrive in Bar-Innis on order of his superiors to find out more about what’s going on there and a group called The Band of Crows
  • 9141 CY, Month 5, +10 days; Belim travels with the crows and finds Troubles in Mosshaven
  • 9141 CY, Month 5, +25 days; Belim leaves The Band of Crows to return to Dunstrand City for the Faire.
  • CY 9141, Month 6, Day 1-7; The Dunstrand Faire
  • CY 9141, Month 6, Day 20 – Hareen Bladeheart, of the Crows of Bar-Innis, has a vision and is chsoen by Rastur, lord of Lions, to go north and do try and defeat The Confessor – high preist of Elancil. Many flock to his standard.
  • 9141, Month 8, Day 6; The Crows enter the north lands on their quest; some have stayed behind to divide the agents of Gwinn.
  • 9141, Month 9, Day 19; The Band of Crows kill The Confessor (The Gwinnish forces religious leader) in an epic bloody battle
  • 9142, Month 1, Day 4; Holy War is declared by Gwinn
  • 9142, Month 2, Day 25; Bounty for the Band of Crows posted by the forces of Gwinn
  • 9142, Month 3, Day 7; Word comes out from the north that Northgate Garrison is under full scale attack, somehow a cult of Malek is involved
  • CY 9142, Month 4, Day 24; The Rosewood Vase, symbol of the north’s salvation, is miraculously returned to the Temple of Aerna at Karolak
  • CY 9142, Month 4, Day 25; Signs of famine in the north; military campaigns slow in the north
  • 9142, Month 4, Day 27; News of Hareen Bladeheart’s death at the hands of one of the Lich Kings himself; heroes of the previous generation died trying to save him from the fallen lord of undeath.
  • 9142, Month 5 – The forces of Gwinn retreat from Bar-Innis (though still occupy Tarmysia) and the bounty is rescinded; things begin to calm down.
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic