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Adventures in the Steel Realms
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Adventures in the Steel Realms
Encunter Resources for the Steel Realms
GM Guide
Beastiary of the Steel Realms
Steel Realms Official Adventures
Ancient Blood (Steel Realms Campaign)
Fony Statues
NPCs for Ancient Blood campaign
Pekki Netherwood (npc)
sira Goll (npc)
Saivelaugh Charms (Steel Realms Adventure)
Ancient Blood in Belmain /DONE
Applebottom Farm /DONE
Banditry in Belmain /DONE
Gnedfort Crypts /DONE
Caverns of the Bolg Morda /DONE
Merchant Factions at War /DONE
Riebar’s Trauma
The Drowned Walk Again
Blood Wall (Tal’Tinio Wall)
Ancient Blood in Horpan
Gangs of Faer (Bethelhorne Troubles)
Hammerang Keep
Ruins of Tunwelsh
Ruins of Dartmith
Grimdul’s Vault and the Price of Research
Ancient Blood in Bondeu
Religious Trouble in East Torbin /DONE
Crystal Noose /DONE
Accident in Serdof (The Blue Gris) /DONE
Assassin of The Feywild
Up the Grim Downs /DONE
Afon Ddu (The Black River)
PLAYER PAGE – Athla Hill Country/Grim Downs
Players Guide to the Grimdowns
Beedel Transforms
Afon Ddu (aa-von thee)
Removing the Grim
The Honeypot
Hag and her Hut
Housekeeping Hags/Catherine’s Plight
Misty Tower
Updraft at Elenkaa
The Ruins of Arebor Tower/Condar Valley
After the Grimm
Dream Bag Wrap Up
(re)Claiming Elmtown
WinterPrinz (Prince Sturyk)
Revenge of the Hags Daughter
Family Secrets – Crypts of Zerburre/The Ruins of Barclayne /DONE
Nurth Shackles
War it is /DONE
Scenes for the War for Bondeau
Ancient Blood in Tuflim
Irrigi Corrupt (adv in Tuflim Riverdan)
Ruins of Spakaya – The Dog Fort of the Riverdans
Ancient Blood in Pelmon
Exploring the Ruins of Arvban Keep /DONE
2b Or Not 2b
Corrupt Lodge of Ard Leighton
Histrak Frostmonger
Ancient Blood in Monaides
Ancient Blood in Benfreyim
Ancient Blood in Glowarin
Ancient Blood in Glois
Ancient Blood in Gatesmount
Ancient Blood in Cerran’s Grant
Astaval – The Final Piece
Fault of Black Slumber
Dunstrand Rising (Steel Realms Campaign)
Betrayal at Brayfort
The Goblins of Brayfort Ridge
The Goblins of Brayfort Ridge – Solo /ARCHIVE
Man in Grey (Adventure)
Sickness of Braddon Bog
Doom of Tarly Castle
Tizre’al the Haunted
Bargain with Tizre’al
Return to Tarly Castle
Elancil’s Wrath
Epic of The Golden Child
Adventures for the Golden Child Epic
Fallen Temple of Aerna Golden Hem
NPCs for Dunstrand Rising
Original NPCs for Dunstrand Rising
Hinterlands of Yore (Series) – Dunstrand Rising Campaign
Bear Island [Hinterlands of Yore] (Adventure)
Dead Pirates Revenge [Hinterlands of Yore]
High Snake Pass
Luminous Frostshine [Hinterlands of Yore] (Adventure Series)
The Mad Hermit of Callval [Hinterlands of Yore] (Adventure)
Aebere (NPC; The Mad Hermit)
The Feygrimm of Frostshine [Hinterlands of Yore] (Adventure)
Restless Elven Spirits [Hinterlands of Yore] (Adventure)
A Nightmare in Ilyndra [Hinterlands of Yore] (Adventure)
The Aura of Harelaith [Hinterlands of Yore] (Steel Realms Adventure)
Transformation of Crestwold
Crestwold (Campaign Arc) pt. 1
Characters/Players for the Crestwold Campaign Arc
Cerstwhile Family
The Cerstwhile’s Baronial Double Library (Moorlight Library)
Golden Bastion/Moorlight Library of Crestwold
Darren the Ogrish Librarian
The Sickness of Cerstwhile
Dwindor Witch’s Presence in Crestwold Campaign
Scenes with the Witch
Recruiting Agents (pt. 2)
Druids of Pranin Moorswood’s Presence in Crestwold
Weakening the Druids of Pranin Moorswood (Adventure) /DONE
Elancil’s Presence in the Crestwold Campaign
The Prison of Elancil’s Dream Sending
Mercenaries in Crestwold
Lucky Red Scarf and Crew
The Green Lady (Bella)
Scenes with Bella
Assistance has its Price (Bella is Attacked)
Brine Soldiers March/Night of the Snow Wight /done
Guarding the Day Foray w/Bella /DONE
Bella’s Enclosure in Torrelsons Ford /DONE
Lizard Folk Allies
Troglodyte Lair Raid /done
Sacred Water-Lily Test of Bella /done
Hunting Ingredients with Bella /DONE
Asides/Side Treks for [original] Crestwold Campaign
Religious Conflicts of Crestwold
Trade War in Crestwold
Smuggler Disputes
Lucky Sends a Beat-Down
Trade War – Factions Clash
Fires in Town
Crestwold Part #1
Coming to Crestwold /DONE
Blockading Ashfall /DONE
The Terror of Rakefield /DONE
Gwinn Attacks in Ernest /DONE
Kidnapping of the White Sister
Brightshard Bronzemen Enclave
Brightshard Forge
History of the Plateau
The Bronze Ring (magical containment)
The Ruined Brightshard Golbie
Animus Plateau
Dreamcloud of Brightshard (Iron Pall)
The Gruxand Problem
Animus Quench Pond
Outholt of Stone Mote Haven
Dream Tides of the Sea Queen /DONE
A Time of Strife in Crestwold /done
One-Claw’s Play for Power (WORKING ADV)
A Prison of the Body (Naga Attack) /DONE
The Siege of Hotherwale /DONE
Recover the Swooning Mathilda /DONE
Black Shore Clearing
Ruins at Gelch Pond (Incursion to Torrelsons Ford) /DONE
Revenge of the Troglodytes
Scenes for Crestwold
The Coming of the White Sisters
Simple Lightbringer Quests in Crestwold
Desecration of Dawnmarch Cemetery
Lightbringer Inroads
A New Light Shines Again
Working for Lucky Red Scarf (LRS)
Protecting the Ship
Unloading for Lucky /DONE
A Series of Errands for LRS /DONE
Orphanage Gift /DONE
Motivating the Dockmaster /DONE
Motivating the Stable Owner /DONE
Sabotage /DONE
Red Message /DONE
Package Delivery /DONE
Debt Collection /DONE
Escort a Lady /DONE
Wagon Escort /DONE
Protect the Lady /DONE
First Body
Bronzemen in the Mist
The Duelist
Braced by the Barley Boys
Second Body
Riots on the Docks
Third Body
Elancils Deluge
The White Lily Strikes
Treks for Crestwold
Crestwold (Campaign Arc) pt. 2
Aside/Side Treks for Transformation of Crestwold (pt. 2)
Hunting Mendollin (stopping the Once-King)
Umbakian Deception
The Alliance and Death of One-Claw (WORKING)
Darren the Ogre Fight
The Villians Ride Again
The Green Dragon Awakens /DONE
Curse of Three Witches Green/Strikes at Bella /DONE
Green Sister 1
Kidnapping Lucky Red Scarf /DONE
Green Sister 2
Green Sister 3
Hidden Treasure at Blaylons Reply /MISSED
Final Encounter w/Na’grindl /DONE
Scenes – Wrap up from part 1
Scene(s): Finding Mary /DONE
Cult of the Crow
Fly Delta – Gwinn lands in the river delta of Torrelson’s Ford /DONE
Dragon Sighting – Cursed? /DONE
Druids Remove the Onus /DONE
Dragon Attacks the Justicar /DONE
Gruxand Seeks Eternal Reward + Soul Scourge /DONE
Cloud Hunting on the Graymist Plateau
Scenes for the Transformation of Crestwold (peace)
Consulting Anwin /DONE
Red Troupe /DONE
The Replacement Killer /DONE
Changing of the Guard (Gallants Return)
End the Cult of the Crow
Sack the Library
Jobs for the Elon of Cats Cross
Troubles at the Silver Mine of Gnaefor Ridge
Peace Seers of House Malor
Lilymarch Gangs?
Blood Bloom in Dwindor
Troglodyte Lair Assault
Ant Lair Raid (troglodyte antidote)
Apshai Trogs (lizardfolk vs. troglodytes) /DONE
Creatures, Entities, and NPCs (Apshai Trogs)
Eereecloth (Aboleth/added encounter)
Items of Note for Apshai Trogs
Binding Lady Trouble (the 12 Tones rapier)
Outcomes of Apshai Trogs
Second+ Approach (of Apshai Trogs – War Lair)
Lucky’s Parting Gift (slaver info)
Adventures in Crestwold (pt. 2)
Characters/Players for Crestwold Phase 2
Dez Kolci, Conjurer of Rhyl
Trade Disputes in Crestwold (cont.)
Events in the Trade Disputes of Crestwold
Kill The Messenger (trade disputes in Crestwold)
Dock Fires and Disappearances (trade disputes in Crestwold)
Mapping The Black Shore along Crestwold
Black Shore Fortress (smuggler lair)
The Sand Hermit of The Black Shore
Mapping The Black Shore along Lilymarch
Kill the Twin River Wizard
Sidrus Mell of County Faer (SM)
Ted Waithers (scholar of county Faer)
The Sideways Master
Orrish Hunting
NPC’s for Orrish Hunting
Tekua (thrall of Orgren)
Precursor – Off Spawn Attacks /DONE
Kidnap of Allard Family’s Eldest
The Terror of Point Saril
Tekua, the Unchained Thrall
Raiders of Fur and Teeth
Slavers from Off-World/Knight of the Long Teeth
Buying Ship Fuel /DONE
Everdark’s Return/Goblins on the March (WORKING)
Dunstrand Rising Living World Campaign
Omsara (Steel Soul)
Timeline and Events (Dunstrand Rising Living World)
Character Creation for Dunstrand Rising
Lowland Archeology (adventure)
The Peacemakers of West River Run
Hostage of Gwinn (Gillman Pass Raid)
Agitators in West River Run
Baleroy’s Betrayal Campaign
Cabellan Freedom Campaign
Cabellan Campaign Adventures
Conspiracy at Amberswell
Cabellan Campaign Scenes
Treasure Hoard in the Peaks
Trophy Garden of the Storm Lords
Guardian and Ancient Hoard
Path to Treasure Hoard of Dormu’s Peak
Hoarwind Summoning – Bittermaw’s Fate /DONE
Hoarwind Return /DONE
A Trek to Pranin with Artifacts for the Druids /DONE
Killing The Lich Lord /DONE
Meeting a Crystal Rider /DONE
The Frostfang Satellite /DONE
Bittermaw – Agent of the Lich Lords
Bittermaw’s Spell Tome
Tomes of Bittermaw
Bright Skies of Tela
The Bride as Promised (WORKING)
Clay Legions of Balients Breach (WORKING)
Delluride Temple (WORKING)
Derelict Boat – The Far Horizon (Event Horizon on water)
The Event – Far Horizon’s Demise
Sojourn on the Dhju’durain Aelfpath of Helca
Intro to Sojourn on the Dhju’durain Aelfpath of Helca
Toecutter’s Emporium
Fallen Sparrow of Estraga
Narcosa Cycle
A Problem with the Living
The Undying Master of the Vale
Tarmysian Intercept
Apshai Uncovered
Ashfall Uncovered
The Bear Cave
Hidden Oruu
Minotaur Madness of Matchalk! (DnD Basic adventure)
Kulseus the Minotaur of Matchalk
Thasior’s the Wizard
Pre-Made Characters
Rewards for Reputation
Staghelm Town and Services
The Session
Shared Faith in the Minotaurs’ Minions
Maps of Matchalk and Caves
Delvers Maw
Sunken Baruule
Tower of D’shoor
Flashing Towers
Pursuit by Everdark (Adventure/Mini-Scenario)
Rivins Hedge Maze (Steel Realms Adventure)
Pact of the Temple
Ruary Revelry (WORKING)
ORIG ruary revelry
Steel Realms Adventure Ideas
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Ancient Blood (Campaign Record)
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