“The Interloper” is the name for the broken moon of Helca in the planetary system of Helca that portended the arrival of the Unholy Trio of darkness. It is about 50% the size of the modern earth’s moon but almost the same mass (85%), but it orbits at half the distance. It makes for some chaotic tidal instances during the year. It is barely spheroid, and obviously has a ‘chunk’ taken from it the way it faces Helca. It is said it is the physical dwelling place of lords of darkness, and under their direct control. It has been known to move from time to time under the dark gods control, casting shadows over the lands of light and causing tidal surges… but such has not happened for thousands of years.
It had the effect to reducing the normal tides of the planet, though a few times it has slipped its orbit or its eccentric behavior will line up (a conjunction) with other bodies to greatly affect the tides of the planet.