Opposed to the uplifting of the Celestine was Osiris. He fell victim to ego, though is depicted as the opposite by a marketing campaign that sought to rehab his image and make his new pathway to the underworld the preferred one.
Osirus is new kingdom usurper, tried to take control of passage of death.
… New plan, not symmetry of Anubis. Shabti removed the toil, the challenge, the task that led to reward
Osirus new kingdom was why the celestial left
Underworld was not enough?
Canopic jar protect and used for teaching/symbolism? Plus, certain rituals needed to target the organs for the uplifting of the order of being process in post ‘death’.
Horus came to see him as a father
Set god of red sand, desert. This is where the dead were buried naturally mummified, their remains could be targeted for uplifting their order of being. Eventually, set was driven to madness and anger. A balancing force, he then was taken to be a force of destruction. He could not target specific things, but instead targeted the plan itself.