Anubis/Inpu – The First of the Westerners

A Life Clothed in Shadow

Anubis gave up a life in the Sun, for a life in the shadows. For a life in the underworld. To be the advocate for the gods in a place where the all souls are transmitted to their final destination or the wheel of rebirth. For The Celestial Plan (ⲉⲡⲉⲓⲛⲟⲓⲁ) required someone to safeguard the memories of the dead and provide the means for those memories to have eternal life and for knowledge not to be lost.

Master of Passage

The halls of the dead process the souls of the dead that seek to progress through the next stage. Some merely go to the dark, silent black emptiness of the Empty Sky. Others move on to the next steps based on their beliefs. Neither time or place is real in the normal sense. The entity known as Anubis is one of the few that move freely through its myriad of halls and rooms. Anubis sees the dreams of the dead, and hears their whispers as they make their way through this abode out of time.