These “templates” are intended to be used by a content creator to format and display associated content into approved and optimized output.
Content should be created following the Content Standards of the Game Design materials.TEMPLATE READY FOR USE? = YES; = NO (under revision or review)
1: State what it is used for > “_X_ is a measure of / allows you to _Y_ so you can bring to bear / in order to accomplish _Z_.”
a > Must relate back to an activity or activities
b > Not if it does not work discreetly; “It works in conjunction or combined with (such things as) _X_.”
2: How does it work – the mechanics.
c > Does it ensure an outcome? Is there a checked outcome?
3: Character Concerns – more? Link to the section in the Players Guide or Gm Guide with more data.
4: Why does it work – underpinnings and conceptual connections. Link to the developers guide.
d > Design references