Technology is tied to Learning and Knowledge.
There may be elements that can assist in Simple Medical Practices & Advanced Medical Practices.
Standard Cultural Limits: Settings will have different cultural levels representing what they are capable of and what Material Composition is accessible. This usually reflects technology progression (along with quality, availability, and options for such things as Kits), but not always. Individual skills, traits, or abilities may be limited by the cultural level (medical and military technology are good examples). This will be noted in the setting. Generally if a ability is LIMITED BY CULTURAL LEVEL, its limited to a [proficiency] level of double the cultural level; Breakthrough is only limited by standard levels if noted – otherwise assume no limits. Unless a setting notes specifically, assume abilities are rated as ‘Breakthrough’. This is a rough guideline only.
Level | Label |
5 | Breakthrough |
4 | Advanced |
3 | Modern (Terra-Norm) |
2 | Basic |
1 | Primitive |
Truly Breakthrough Culture has plumed the depths of such things as Femtotechnology and have some Dyson Sphere/Swarm approach to energy collection. All manner of Computers, Cybernetics, Explosives, Locks, Metallurgy & Material Science, Nanotechnology & Pico technology, and Robotics are available and exist – depending on distance from major civilized population centers. For combat, all manner of armor & shields, treatments, screens and weapons are available.
Ascendant Culture: The pace of innovation is remarkably rapid and hyper rapid in development centers, along with the means of distributing and applying these innovations.
Advanced nantechnology such as assemblies and self assembly, integation with synthetic chemistry, and mechanosynthesis and working with molecular arrangement with Picotechnology precision.
Microtechnology, Early quantum technology such as nantechnology creating nanoparticles and nanomaterials