Posted on February 4, 2025
iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip
iBase Item/EquipmentArmor
Stealth Suit (cost = ) > +10% (@night/in shadows)
Camo Suit (cost = ) > +10% (@day + @night/in nature)
Using Inventory: Any item used is consumed/cannot be used again – a torch used to light a flask of oil or attack is consumed, arrows, etc. shot (miss or hit) cannot be recovered unless noted.
Magic Items Charges Notation: Per day means the charges return at sun up; per night they return at sun down.
If an item was directly used in direct combat (armor worn, weapon wielded), it cannot be looted. Items dropped in fleeing are treated the same unless they never engaged in combat. Items from foes defeated without them making an attack can be looted and converted to treasure for half their value.
Based on the Steel Realms Emphasis, when interpreting materials using iBase, the lower prevalence/higher mystery factor of mystical (magical) items should convert most of the plus items from Magical to High Quality.
An item such as “Leather Armor +1” should be read a a high quality item, not magical, unless it has A) Additional properties beyond the ‘plus’, or B) The GM simply determines it to be magical as it is. High Quality items can be broken, magic items cannot. If a normal item is broken, it cannot be repaired and is useless.