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iBase Party Reputation

Posted on February 4, 2025

iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip

iBase Reputation is something that is mostly related to the Adventure Locale. PCs can track the reputation they receive in each as a Campaign Element if so desired. Reputation is mostly intangible, but can influence several things using a modifier for how easy it is to access rumors and information, hiring retainers, and access to goods and services.

Disastrous -2 | Dire -1 Negative| Neutral |Positive Considerable +1 | Extraordinary +2


iBase Item/Equipment

Posted on February 4, 2025

iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip

iBase Item/Equipment




Stealth Suit (cost = ) > +10% (@night/in shadows)
Camo Suit (cost = ) > +10% (@day + @night/in nature)

Using Inventory: Any item used is consumed/cannot be used again – a torch used to light a flask of oil or attack is consumed, arrows, etc. shot (miss or hit) cannot be recovered unless noted.

Magic Items Charges Notation: Per day means the charges return at sun up; per night they return at sun down.

Items as Loot/Treasure

If an item was directly used in direct combat (armor worn, weapon wielded), it cannot be looted. Items dropped in fleeing are treated the same unless they never engaged in combat. Items from foes defeated without them making an attack can be looted and converted to treasure for half their value.

Items – High Quality vs. Magic

Based on the Steel Realms Emphasis, when interpreting materials using iBase, the lower prevalence/higher mystery factor of mystical (magical) items should convert most of the plus items from Magical to High Quality.

An item such as “Leather Armor +1” should be read a a high quality item, not magical, unless it has A) Additional properties beyond the ‘plus’, or B) The GM simply determines it to be magical as it is. High Quality items can be broken, magic items cannot. If a normal item is broken, it cannot be repaired and is useless.

iBase Character Perspective (changes, etc.)

Posted on February 4, 2025

iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip

Best Practice

– All hit dice roles must be a minimum of 3; re-roll any below this.
– Each character may be assigned a single Specialty (optional rules)
– Roll 3d6 for stats in order as normal, but your best one can be swapped to the attribute that affects your class the most. Hopeless characters can be thrown away until a viable one is achieved, but will not have a Specialty


Intelligence: will also grant a adjustment when searching an area (1 in d6 to notice something normally).

iBase Classes

Basic Lores
Thief “jack of all trades” +1 to any lore of choice @character inception
Dwarf chose a -1! = label is ‘ignorant’? Roll d6 to see


Clerics are icons of their faith and serve to support and defend their associates. On Holy Ground (structure or the altar area of a deity aligned with the character) all attempts at Turning Undead are +1, while Unholy Ground (basically any sacred place not Holy Ground) imposes a -1 penalty.

  • A cleric may have a iBase Congregation
  • Elf

    Elves of the Steel Realms are mysterious, slight, and have an alien countenance and aesthetic.

      identify Elven cloak, boots, and

    • Armor: Elves may not wear plate armor.
    • Charisma: Elves may only recruit half the normal number of non-elven retainers.



      campsite security (alarm; outdoors only)

    • Affable @1st: When attempting to discover rumors, they can uncover 1 more.
    • Basic Combat Perceptions @1st: When firing into melee at short range, they will not hit allies.


    • Affable @1st: When attempting to discover rumors, they can uncover 1 more.
    • Basic Combat Perceptions @2nd: When firing into melee at any range, they will not hit allies.



iBase Surrender Outcome

Posted on February 4, 2025

iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip

The outcome of a combat may be victory, retreat or death. It also includes the Surrender Outcome in iBase mechanism whereby they lose treasure and therefore, experience points, in order to bargain for their freedom and not have to die in a fight. While it seems like most foes would never accept such a situation, it is a mechanism that leveraged the known languages of intelligence and that really was only factor intelligence played in the entire game other than as a minimum stat for magic users.

Surrendering can take multiple forms. A standard ransom of the [Cost Portion]/10 *Character Level can be used (or whatever they can negotiate).

  • Go Your Way: Just the ransom is paid immediately; “Go your way, we may meet again and things might turn out different!”
  • Never Return: The ransom is paid immediately, any non magical weapons and armor are taken. “Go your way and do not return. You will be killed if you return.” Surrender to the same group is not possible in the future.



iBase Retainers (henchmen & hirelings)

Posted on February 4, 2025

iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip

Retainer mechanics are very misunderstood. Essentially they are cannon fodder. However it may be dressed up, they are there to help PCs not die. Given the extremely low HP of Basic/Expert characters, they are almost essential for survival.

Intelligence: The modifier also designates the # Loyal Retainers that do not run as a result of Morale Failure as long as the Party Reputation is positive.

  1. Allow the character with the best Charisma in the party to be the “Recruiter” for retainers. That means they are the one negotiating and making the offers and Reactions are based on their Charisma. The limits on # retainers and their morale once they are hired and assigned to an individual PC stand on that PC’s Charisma.
  2. Retainer Negotiations are affected by Reputation. When a 2d6 Reaction check is made to see if the Retainer accepts, adjust the check by the Party Reputation modifier.
  3. Large numbers of retainers get in each other’s way. The problem with huge parties in dungeons is getting each other’s ways. That tactical problem is not well represented. Assume retainers can move through spaces where their allies are, but cannot share the space to occupy. A character who has more retainers than their Intelligence bonus suffers a -1 Initiative penalty.
  4. Fleeing retainers who failed morale will seek an unimpeded exit and/or their previous home settlement. A fleeing retainer drops all held items and they are considered broken.
    Retainers that Surrender with their PC will share their fate. PCs with a positive Party Reputation can prevent a # Retainers from fleeing equal to their Intelligence modifier.

