The Quest for Steel Glass adventure :
Gull (Dave; 20 pts inpenatrable armor!),
Chance (L.J. – D4+D6+1 leather),
Jillian (Jean Guzzi; 14 pts/d4 leather),
Lormi (Leigh Ladd – Lormyrian Knight),
Alyrogain (Mario; Helm has earth elemental – Professional, he has heard of Elgan)
Elgan – has the formulae for Steel Glass. He shows her a dagger and lets her keep it for tests. Then she asks 25,000 for the location of the Tree Fortress.
Elgan is killed –
Dagger: 14hp, 20 CON; bound with a air elemental (always will return the dagger)
– otherwise set to aggravate a wound for 5 round, 1/round