
Orrish Goblin

The characters are enslaved by Imperium mercenary outfits.
The Vrukut (Vrusk) of the ___ sector (Neogi) are known as a ruthless business conglomerate through their front Zum-kat’ien. Behind it is gang known as the “Cracked Carapace”, or ‘broken bugs’ as a pejorative.

The PCs will be recruited because the organization is looking for people who come from a specific technology level to fight against others of a like level to ensure they do not violate the letter of the Imperium Treaty of the imperium.

The Sell
We need people who can handle sword, axe, and other primitive like tools of death and war. There is great money, great glory, and great opportunity. Our company is exploring a distant island, rich in resources, but there are strange savage creatures inhabiting it. We will prepare you. We will transport you. You will be paid well.
500 silvers each (turns out its just precise generic coins – not recognized; half value of silver)

PCs are transported on a ship. Not allowed out of the hold.
– Door opens: metal hallway?
– No smell of salt air.
– Food is always fresh.
– Strange noises when “docking”.

PCs marched to barracks on island.
– Paranoid; forcibly kept on a path of stones and planks through mud and jungle (always flat path though)
– No smell of jungle
– Barracks VERY clean
– Food not from jungle island

Training compound.
– No birds
– No insects
– Weapons are strange grade of steel – all high end

Each day they train.
> Their memories are all fake, they are being used each day to fight.
= Presented books, drawings, and ‘presentations’ of others of each creature
— ape-brute that tears limbs off
— cat/tiger with hands thats snaps necks with bite
— elongated head tribesmen with sharpened teeth (cannibals)
— blue snake-people with arms/hands that electricute
– See if “accident” in training each day
1: Head (-1 sight Perception)
2: Right Arm (-1 Attack/Damage + 1 less AC on shield)
3: Left Arm (-1 Attack/Damage + 1 less AC on shield)
4: Right Leg (-5′ movement)
5: Left Leg (-5′ movement)
6: Torso (-5′ movement and -2 hp)
— scars vs. actual wounds:
– each month of fighting is a ‘night’

Proficient: Padded Armor, Spear, Mace
Imperium Chattel Health Treatment

callouses in odd places, breathing feels different, there are scars where you do not remember ever being wounded.