Buying Ship Fuel /DONE

Orrish Goblin Original Scope: Salvers from Off World > Buying Ship Fuel

Eerecloth/Aboleth Interferes!

Aboleth is monitoring their activities from afar. It caught one of their servants on The Black Shore and learned of their plans.
> see Eeerecloth Machinations!

PRISONER: The PCs take their prisoner of the War Lair Troglodytes to the goblins (possessed by Aboleth) waiting for them; They say that they will depart at night and that the mistress of the swamp gives a written message through her servants written in Gladnorean) where and when (Roger Noget @ the Bitterwheel Tavern in Torrelsons Ford, 3 nights hence) a person is trying to buy materials to perform a demonic summoning. He must be stopped!

This is actually materials to activate a fuel cell on their ship and get them off world.

Outcome: This prevents the off world slavers from fixing their ship. This ensures the slavers will be responsive when the Aboleth tries to use them to get of world!