Protecting the Ship

A Poorly Welcome

You look like just the sort i need to hire. I have it on good authority that an old enemy is preparing to attack my ship on the dock. Last night they attacked my crew; his crew (4 wounded) repulse them, killing 2 of 8. Everyone’s afraid to unload, so we need to look tough, and have an answer ready if they strike again.

Stores: 2 short sword/2 shortbow/15 arrow, leather armor x4, studded leather x2, small wooden shield x6

+7 days Stores: Cargo = pots, ceramic jars and plates, linens, spices, cheap spirits, and coffee

  • League of the White Lily is employing his services as a smuggler.
  • Smuggling Communications for Umbak
  • LRS sleeps during the day mostly (at nightfall he comes alive!); many say he never sleep!