Bargain with Tizre’al

Bargain with Tizre’al / Sickness of Braddon Bog

In the course of the adventure, the party may contain the demon lords avatar, trapping him. In return for his freedom, He can be persuaded to ‘teach’ some of his knowledge, or to pass on powers. Tizre’al does have a code of conduct: Lawful; he will be forced to abide by his word to any bargain struck.

Tizre’al can become insulted for any small reason, perceived or not, when bargaining. Unwise bargainers will also leave themselves and friends or family open to attack; Tizre’al will take every chance for revenge on those who directly or indirectly bound his avatar.

Bargaining with the Demon Lord

He will use his empathy (8) skill to try and ferret out the truth or words spoken and desires expressed. Any checks to read his reaction and the quality of the bargain struck receive a -4.

If he has been freed previously and was deceived, only to be taken and re-bound he will be seething and angry. All further attempts to persuade him to trade his powers for freedom suffer a -2 quality.

Receiving “Gifts”

All the gifts that the demon lord can dispense will all come at a price and mark the user with his sign – usually on the bottom of the foot! Any marks from burns or tattoos will all be written in the Abyssal tongue of Tor-quoimot.

Fumbled Check

The character has made some real or simply imagined faux-pas. He is insulted. He will take his revenge by teaching up to three things which will be harmful to the party.

  • Grants 1 target a bonus against animated corpses; in truth its a -1 quality curse
  • Grants a measure of toughness; in truth it is a -1 HLT curse
  • 1 Tattoo rune in Tor-quoimot of protection; claims it is ‘minimal yet significant over time’ natural armor but its a curse which increases bleeding damage by 1

Failed Check

He is amused and will teach some small thing in exchange for his freedom.

  • 1 spell: summon minor fly host (apprentice); annoys all around – WPR-2 check or lose 1 AM in a 10m radius for 1 round while it disperses, centered on caster who takes 4 fatigue damage in fly bites
  • 1 prayer for the dying and 3 blessings; claims it prevents them from rising but it does the reverse – target attacks adjurer
  • 1 Tattoo rune in Tor-quoimot; claims its a small measure of magic resistance, but really it is a curse with MR 1 AND a phobia of the dark.

Simple Check

He will agree with mild amusement, though will not grant much for his freedom.

  • 1 spell
  • 1 prayer + 10 blessings AND he teaches rudiments of Tor-quoimot language (1) to adjure the prayer.
  • Knowledge of creatures great and small; +1 zoology, +1 medical aid

Average Check

  • 1 spell [Apprentice] Diseased Touch or chosen by bargainer / DT = ELU x malaise – requires touch attack but through armor. Carries putrid scent until cured as well; -1 skills controling animals
  • 2 prayer + 10 blessings AND he teaches rudiments of Tor-quoimot language (1) to adjure the prayer.
  • 1 Tattoo rune in Tor-quoimot of protection; claims it is ‘minimal yet significant over time’ natural armor 1 pt. or +1 pt.

Major Check

  • 2 spells:
    1. 1 spell [Apprentice] Diseased Touch or chosen by bargainer / DT = ELU x malaise – requires touch attack but through armor. Carries putrid scent until cured as well; -1 skills controling animals
    2. Novice: Frightful Eyes (-1 resist) or chosen by bargainer
  • 2 prayer + 20 blessings AND he teaches rudiments of Tor-quoimot language (1) to adjure the prayer.
  • knowledge of the stars and heavens: +1 Navigation, +1 Astrology
  • The rapid movement of the fly shall be known to you: +1 RCT and +1 Evade

Full Check

The demon lord is well inclined.

  • 3 spells:
    1. 1 spell [Apprentice] Diseased Touch or chosen by bargainer / DT = ELU x malaise – requires touch attack but through armor. Carries putrid scent until cured as well; -1 skills controling animals
    2. Novice: Frightful Eyes (-1 resist) or chosen by bargainer
    3. Adherent: Summon Fly Host; varies by ELU (1-5=500/6-10=1000/11-15=2000/16-20=5000/21+=10000)

      CHARM: Fly Horde (takes 2 rounds and lasts CHA in rounds) Each round the flies are around, until the duration has expired or they has distracted successfully,
      those with 2m – including the caster – must make a WPR check or lose 2 AM in determining when any action goes (though not it AM for us in a round).
      Successful resistance, covering in smoke or repellent, or moving out of the area (centered on caster) ends the possible effects.

  • 3 prayer + 30 blessings AND he teaches rudiments of Tor-quoimot language (1) to adjure the prayer.
  • 1 Tattoo rune in Tor-quoimot of opening on palm; +1 open lock skill or skill of 2 – whchever is greater
  • Breath of Beckoning the Dead – breathe into corpse mouth acts as 10 or casters level – whichever is greater. Causes 1 week decomposition each use + draws flies.

Perfect Check