Rainstone Caverns of Gnedfort
Under the city ran several tunnels and systems, each leading to a set of caverns called the Rainstone. There was said to be a way into The Deeping from somewhere in this complex, and directly into the ancient Hall of Holzoran.
It is a strange world, partially flooded and oddly developed ecosystem.
The family of Perataquiss is ghouls and rule the caverns.
Goal: The ____, the slaves and servants of the wizard were trapped in a lightless environ. They were isolated but their horrible society of oppression grew up out of necessity. They are divided between the Ducateon servants and human + half-breeds. The Ducateon are driven mad, their sense of ultraviolet twisted into a blurry, hallucinogenic experience over time. Stop the oppression of the ghouls, and end the Ducateon faction in order to get to a tunnel system that is rumored to go to the surface.
Hall of Holzoran = “through the veins of Elancil” – the way is matched, return to the rising sun or or meet it; the ‘family’ (of ghouls) is said to guard the secret (mirrors of the party they will have to fight) passage which leads to it. The passage is barred to them, only the living may pass.
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black mana
Thrust (repelled by power of the void)
>>>>>>>>>>>> DIVINE VOID = faith power?