If the group cannot convince the Orrish to assist them, someone in the group with Lore: Orrish can make a check. On success, they recall an obscure reference to the Trial of the Black Pines. On an Island in the dark parts of Dwindor grows black pine trees. At the center of the stand of pines is said to be a lodge, covered in fog and engulfed in shadows. Within the lodge is a malevolent spirit who guards a dismal fire… a fire which burns black and is icy cold. It turns tears into black crystals for those that can pass the guardians. It is a test to the Orrish… if one can return with black crystals, it is a sign of strength and power – and favor.
Conviction in one of the dark gods helps to protect.
Dark Whispers; SAN check or flee
Swamp cat
skeletons of those that failed and were drowned or killed – all connected by smokey tendrils to the lodge’s chimney; SAN check of defend for 2 rounds only (blood lust or berserk can counter this)
Make it to the lodge and get +1 STA
succeed = put hand in and burn, cry in pain, fling tears into the fire and they turn black.
crystals = +4 SAN check for 4 hours,
feed the flame with blood = -1 res perm. or a level of toughness perm. (void)
+ 1 to a physical stat CRD/RCT/MUS/STA/PER
+1 to mental stat RSN/SAN/CHA/WPR/INT
-1 to a stat (1-10)
gain blood lust
check twice more
+1 to skill level (max 4)
+20 pool points
-1 skill level
-1 Appearance
-2 Appearance; scars criss-cross body and bleed; natural armor 1 pt.