Mystic Practices & Reservoirs

The knowledge of the Traditions, Methods, and outcomes surround mystical powers. In additional to skills and lores, the Meditation feature allows explorations of a mystical nature. Inscribed materials are typically done in a way to affix their formulaes with the appropriate mystic reservoir.

Mystic Reservoirs

A mystic reservoir (occult reservoir, divine reservoir, psychic reservoir, and kinetic reservoir, etc. – reflecting the aptitudes) is a body of related mystic knowledge which grants the capability to perform certain actions. Reservoirs are, in practice, like an immediate memory for quick reference of arcane knowledge (spell formulae, prayers, etc.) which can be held in limited amounts. Each reservoir has specific characteristics, though almost all are affected by aptitude. Sanity and Meditation may also factor in their content and use. Aptitude Thematics rely on Mystic Reservoirs.

Reservoir Mechanics

Prepared formulae


When a formulae is triggered (cast), it resolves instantly, or it is enabled for a duration (passive ongoing) or requires the caster to maintain Concentration (active ongoing). The mind can only handle actively maintaining mystical weaves in The Pattern. All characters will have a Concentration Reservoir that applies to any mystical power that requires Concentration – it is not by individual reservoir.

i20™ Mystic Reservoir Details

This encompasses the “Spells Known” aspect of classes. The specific manifestation of a reservoir comes from a Class Based Understanding – this typically means mystic materials recorded by one class take some deciphering and re-writing for a related class (ex: Wizard, and Eldritch Knight). Skills of Arcana, Religion, and Meditation. An appropriate check based on practiced, proficient skill nay be required.

iCore iCore™ Mystic Reservoir Details