Tarmysia (“The Fish Baronies”) of Dunstrand

Steel Realms
Tarmysia is and old, old place now within the borders of the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand. A rugged landscape, populated by rugged peoples. They share a tie to the culture of Gwinn and some of the Merchant Cities through the ancient Sea-Kings. However, they have long been a part of Dunstrand since the Sea King empire fell and Dunstrand was conquered. They are an overly fierce people with notions of personal liberty and autonomy often at odds with the Ducal authority – somewhat reinforced by the isolation they find themselves in. Their land is resource rich in terms of coastal birds, fish, and herds of deer. It has curated forests and is the ship yard for the duchy, along with the majority of their military ports. The coastal waters off this place are a source of the Baighent’s Ink commonly used by occult practitioners, scribes, and government officials.

It is separated from the Queens Coast of Umbak in the south by the Coldstream Channel from the rest of the duchy by a single rugged high road over Gillman Pass, and a low single file pass in the summer opens along the north shore of Scar Flow – the Hormaznian Trail. When dealing over long distances and with other fiefs and large institutions, the rulers look to Silver Lining Lenders for finance; This organization is also present for all manner of individual and small business services. The Mud Vipers gang of Richfield are rumored to have a presence here. One of their favorite past times is the ancient game of Rauket.

Cultural Analog(s): Russian (naming/speech) + American (Dunstrandian cultural influence)

Territorial Divisions: This territory is comprised of many small holdings of ‘least’ lords, often called “Fish Baronies” by outsiders. In the case of the inner lands, the lands are used simply to assign a title to, the population may be nearly non-existent, or never see their ‘lord’ which may represent them to the rest of the duchy but has little local power except as an intermediary. The coastal lands are ruled by hereditary titled families, and are referred to as the ‘fish lords’ by the majority of Dunstrand. Divided up by “grants” to clan/family territories. the territories were renamed purposefully a thousand years ago to form a clean break with their past.

Grent’s Inlet

Unlike the Eastern Grents Inlet, the Western Grent’s Inlet has little safe harbor for lager vessels. The eastern shoreline is mostly steep and flat and there are no large bays or lagoons for safety from weather and waves. The fishermen of the inlet use smaller day-boats that can be pulled inland and stored.

Culture and Social Perspectives

Death Observances: Does not follow the cmmon Death and Cultural Observances of the Heartlands. Adheres to ancient ways of the Sea Kings, bodies go to feed to local shallows and will return to the people as sustenance transformed by Elancil and the sea.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic